Did you guys know that they’ve had to film PSAs to rep redheads as legitimately hot, awesome people? As I once saw noted in the comments of a YouTube video – “dafuq?”. Ginges are sexy as fuck, and the news that they will be extinct soon wounded me in my heart area.
Conan O’Brien knew what was needed in the fight to recognize ginges as sexy fuckers who deserve to LIVE. He stripped off and got very sexy. I’d do him.
– J. Harvey
Watch Conan strip down in the video below:
Yeah, I saw a study that said natural red heads & natural blonds are going to be extinct within several years. I can’t remember the time frame. I just remembered that blondes have longer than redheads. But it’s because they’re not reproducing & also it said a high percentage of them are Homosexual, which would explain the reproducing thing. Lol! It made me sad to think I could see Red heads go extinct.
I have always loved red heads. When the term went to Ginger, I realized I was a ginger lover! Most especially those with a hairy chest and torso… Oh hell yes!
However… I gotta say that I just never understood the popularity of Conan. It’s not that I think he’s a bad person, but he’s not good looking (to me) and he’s not funny. He always reminded me of one of those hosts who’s always tried too hard and it shows in his work. Well, that’s my take on it. And yet, I keep watching little clips like this hoping one will change my mind… not yet. :-/ I’ll just take my Seth Fornea and Tim Kruger (From Timtales.com) thank you. 🙂
personally I like the show where he and Ricky Gervais end up in the tub together better
I like gingers but I wouldn’t touch conan with a 10 foot pole. In my opinion he is not goodlooking and he is far from sexy.
The imminent extinction of the redheads is largely due to hybridization with other races. Redhead genes are recessive, and their mating with other races causes the traits to be masked by the dominant traits of the other race… In my opinion we need to start a captive breeding program, allowing them to mate only with other redheads in order to repopulate the species…. It’s our only hope! Trust me, I’m a Biologist…