Connecticut has become the third state in America to legalize gay marriage after a Friday Supreme Court ruling! This move follows California and Massachusetts with similar court rulings.
Of Course, The Family Institute of Connecticut immediately put out a statement condemning the decision, "Even the legislature, as liberal as ours, decided that marriage is
between a man and a woman. This is about our right to govern ourselves. It is bigger than gay
marriage." Way to rain on our parade!
Several couples had sued the state after being denied marriage licenses in 2004. One of the women was ecstatic that she would finally be seen as an equal and allowed to marry her partner of 30+ years, ""We’ve always dreamed of being married. Even though we
were lesbians and didn’t know if that would ever come true, we always
dreamed of it."
I think it’s great news, and shows that slowly but truly the nation is waking up to full equality for Gay and Lesbian couples. Go Connecticut!
– Andy
This is fantastic! Now help us make sure the opposition doesn’t take equality away in California by voting No on Proposition 8.