Batman Porn!!

After a fan corrected Conan O’Brien for mislabeling the new Batman flick as “The Dark Knight Rising“, the talk show host went out of his way to prove that he didn’t make a mistake… By, um, making a fake gay porn trailer. Is it wrong that I was sort of into this until The Riddler showed up?

– Dewitt

Click through to watch Conan O’Brien’s Dark Knight Rising trailer:

213 thoughts on “Batman Porn!!

  1. Proof positive that NBC did the right thing by kicking him to the curb and returning Leno to where he belonged.

  2. You’ve lost your mind. That was hilarious. Leno is a hack and everyone knows it.

  3. Poor JeremyS… he’s cranky because he ran out of Geritol, and the grocery store wouldn’t let him return the single peach he bought the other day. 

    Cheer up though, Jeremy: they’re serving tapioca for dessert tonight.  You won’t even have to put in your teeth!

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