The highly anticipated music video for Lady Gaga and Beyonce‘s “Telephone” premiered last night to a combination of creamed panties and disappointment. Which side of the fence did you fall on? My thoughts can only be expressed by this GIF image of Beyonce. Actually, it may be a bit more complicated than that.
“Telephone” isn’t the type of music video I could watch over and over. Much like “Paparazzi”, it’s essentially a short film, except in this case the story is a bit scattered and the choreography isn’t quite as impressive. Oh, and there’s also lots of product placement. The telephones were to be expected for a song of this nature, but what was up with the completely unnecessary screen shots of PlentyOfFish? Was this some lame attempt at a lesbian joke or nothing more than a shameful plug?
I could criticize this video to death, but let’s focus on the positive elements. The entire production is very cinematic, with obvious nods to Quentin Tarantino and classic exploitation flicks. Some of the fashion choices are fantastic–note the cigarette sunglasses. And Beyonce and Lady Gaga certainly have much more chemistry together than they did in the “Video Phone” clip.
Are our minds blown to the degree they were after “Bad Romance”? No. But are we still excited to see what Gaga’s next move will be? You bet we are!
– Dewitt
To watch the video for “Telephone”, follow the JUMP:
kinda stupid video. i blame beyonce, i hate her so much.
I was amazed…when was the last time we saw a video of this caliber. Thriller maybe? The video has already had over half a million hits in less than ten hours, which is pretty empressive. As for the product placement…i’m sure this wasn’t a cheap video to produce. So i’m sure that Virgin, Polaroid, Wonderbread and Plenty of Fish all threw some cash her way for the video. I’m satisfied with the video and cant wait to see whats next.
I loved it. I thought it was very well done. I makes sense if u listen to why she did things like she did. I could have done without seeing her vag but oh well it was it is lol. its no bad romance but i loved how it was like a continuation of paparazzi
Friggin’ Amazing! Testimony to the fact that GaGa has become the biggest star on the music scene in less than a year. This video obviously cost millions to produce and is a total extravaganza, sure to generate huge buzz and interest, and I agree with James, this is of the calibre of “Thriller”. Unfortunately, the song is not as good, but it almost doesn’t matter. It’s also amazing how much the music video has become soft-core porn, at least this one!
I usually think Beyonce is the Anti Christ, but all if forgiven for this —-> “You’ve been a very bad girl GaGa! A very very bad bad girl Gaga!” XD
I agree with the “Thriller” comparisons. It may not be to everyone’s tastes, but it is SO much better than the “let’s dance in front of a green screen” video messes that keep coming out by other artists. In one interview, Lady GaGa claimed that artists now-a-days are lazy to their fans. She is definitely showing that she’s in it for the long haul and not one of these cookie cutter “artists” who last a year or so only to have a reality show on VH1 or E! Kudos to Lady GaGa.
Scotty Dynamo’s remix is better.
i actually loved this video — that GaGa!!
and it’s nice to see miss beyoncé step outside of her.. ..Cube, to do something like this!
Overall I really liked it, Especially the dance video mixing they did at the end with Gaga and Beyonce
It was cool, I would not compare it to “Thriller” in any way.
I LOVE Telephone, I think it’s one of the most energetic and relatable tracks on ‘Fame Monster’. The video…well it’s a bit odd, but still a ton better than most I’ve seen in a long time. Nice job Gaga and Beyonce!
i liked the video, probably cos i didnt expect much from it.
surprised by beyonce, she was pretty cool to do the whole lesbo thingy in the video.
Not just the best video of all time from the best pop star of all time, this is the best piece of art and fashion of all time.
Gaga IS god
The empress has no clothes! It is SO much better than the “let’s dance in front of a green screen” video messes except for the “let’s do bad acting/dialogue in front of a green screen” part.
normally I hate it when people are over-hyped, and it still annoys me that every other song on UK radio is a Lady Gaga single, but you cannot escape how amazing she is and how fresh and original her ideas are. This video is pretty incredible, even with the shameless product-placement, and even though it was hyped, for me it lived up to the expectation.
maybe it’s not on the *level* of “Thriller” (perhaps nothing ever will be?)..
..but, possibly, you would at least agree it’s within the same class, Leo?
“Telephone” certainly is not some run-of-the-mill production, to be certain!
that some Thought & Labour went into making “Telephone” is heir-apparent; and i, very much, appreciate it.
actually, i believe that if The Lady is given enough time, she will indeed make something which will rival the epicness of “Thriller.”
(to be honest, i wasn’t *estatic* about the song itself..
..i feel that it is Serviceable — an average, Good Song, if you will; but the spirit of the video makes me overlook That.
now, i do like L-Ga’s “paparazzi” song.
i really like it.)
Idk. I loved it because it was visually stunning. But the video concept didnt go with the song, the product placement was a big WTF, and Idk just kinda lacking over all. I think we were all expecting so much, so anything less than “FUCKING AMAZING” was just a let down. But I still love Gaga & Honey B.
I think they should have used the queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race as the extras
this fucking sucked!! and i dont blame GaGa!!
did anyone realize that it was a continuation of the paparazzi video. she was in jail cuz she killed her bf and then she helped beyonce do the same thing. she even used the same poison trick
WOW! “Once you kill a cow you have to make a burger” What the fuck was that shit about! LOL! Great vid, great song, and was really good to see Sasha Fierce go sappho!
Why all the Beyonce hate? i love her in this i’m calling her HoneyB from now on she looks so fierce as a black Bettie Paige. Now is this video about Honeyb bailing Gaga out so she could help her kill her husband Tyrese and then drive off into the sunset to be lesbian’s together? because if it is i love it and can’t wait for part 2
Regarding the product placement, isn’t it pretty clear that a video of this caliber requires a LOT of $$$$$ to produce? Where do you think that $$$$$ is coming from? Record companies are struggling to stay profitable given that plenty of folks don’t pay for the music that they consume, let alone the videos that they watch. Aren’t we all watching this video for free?
If you want GaGa or any other artist to leave product placement out of videos, maybe you and a million or so of your friends ought to chip in a few bucks and send checks with “For Your New Video- Love, Your Fans” written in the Memo. Oh, and buy their album rather than ripping it from a friend or a stranger over the internet.
At least GaGa makes it pretty clear that these products are placed, and she seems to be poking fun at the whole idea of product placement altogether.
What do you think Miracle Whip thinks about being placed in a purportedly poisonous sandwich? They paid for a mention, but I’m willing to bet that they had zero input on the details, which I find hilarious.
i really don’t like lady gaga and i kinda wish beyonce never had anything to do with her between this video and the last one. but this was entertaining i suppose.
It was so amazing! I love her so much and it was actually incredible. “Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if its broken, but you can still see the crack in the mother effing reflection.”
I thought this video was total crap. The two amatuer versions posted previously were better for being done on the cheap. The song is fun, but since most of this didn’t involve the song its kind of pointless. Comparing it to thriller is ridiculous. It was a giant commercial to prove that she’s a girl.
I thought this video was total crap. The two amatuer versions posted previously were better for being done on the cheap. The song is fun, but since most of this didn’t involve the song its kind of pointless. Comparing it to thriller is ridiculous. It was a giant commercial to prove that she’s a girl.
I thought this video was total crap. The two amatuer versions posted previously were better for being done on the cheap. The song is fun, but since most of this didn’t involve the song its kind of pointless. Comparing it to thriller is ridiculous. It was a giant commercial to prove that she’s a girl.
I thought this video was total crap. The two amatuer versions posted previously were better for being done on the cheap. The song is fun, but since most of this didn’t involve the song its kind of pointless. Comparing it to thriller is ridiculous. It was a giant commercial to prove that she’s a girl.
This video is solid gold! Anyone who says differently is just a hater!
this was good, i wasn’t expecting it after video phone, but then apparently beyonce had artistice direction on that.
loved the gaga parts, didn’t like beyonce’s parts. would have preferred gaga alone
Two things stood out in my mind: the subtle reference to Mommie Dearest when Beyonce was picking up Gaga from prison and the use of Chanel sunglasses and Diet Coke can hair rollers. Artistically, the mix of so many different movies references was brilliant. I’m not sure how I feel about Beyonce in the video, however.
lol i was going crazy at the fact that they used the Pussy Wagon from Kill Bill!!!!
Absolute Adult Entertainment.
I am just struck by how completely unrelated this video is to any of the actual lyrics of this song.
i’m going to be a bit sacreligious, here:
for, although the “telephone” song is, in my opinion, ranks as a grade B/B-, the video which went with it ranks as a grade A+.
the “thriller” song, in my opinion, ranks as a B+/A- effort (and it will always be considered a Classic, no matter what) but, i feel, the video for “thriller” ranks as a C+/B-.
this, as an objective analysis: because in my 28 years on this planet, i’ve not ever watched “thriller” until a day ago.
i’ve said It.
Hated all of it.
The worst Video!
This IS garbage.
And, i BLAME gaga.