You may have heard that this guy Barack Obama delivered a speech last night! In case you missed it, we’ve embedded the full video for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure, depending on your political leanings), and you can read the whole thing over here.
In regards to LGBT rights, the president touched upon the recent repeal of DADT: “Our troops come from every corner of this country – they are Black, White, Latino, Asian and Native American. They are Christian and Hindu, Jewish and Muslim. And, yes, we know that some of them are gay.”
He continued, “Starting this year, no American will be forbidden from serving the country they love because of who they love… It is time to leave behind the divisive battles of the past. It is time to move forward as one nation.”
Inspiring words, indeed! Yet others were quick to point out that Obama failed to acknowledge DOMA, ENDA or marriage equality as a whole. What do you think? Did the State of The Union Address suitably cover our needs as a community?
– Dewitt
To watch the address and read more, follow the JUMP:
And here’s a nice snippet on gays in the military:
Did it address them totally, no, of course not, BUT, it was amazing to hear the President of the United States acknowledge that some people are in fact gay ……at the podium of the U.S. House of Representatives in front of the entire government and Supreme Court.
It was a damn nice moment for sure….and one that just a little bit more makes it OK to talk about these things “in public.”
It wasn’t his best speech but I did enjoy it and as usual felt proud of him as our President. After listening to 8 years of fumbled nonsensical speeches from Bush it is a refreshing change.
Did you see the facial expressions on the Joint Chief ‘s of staff, after the President said the right stuff, but in reality the Chief’s of staff showed the what’s gonna be.
Did you see the facial expressions on the Joint Chief ‘s of staff, after the President said the right stuff, but in reality the Chief’s of staff showed the what’s gonna be.
they didn’t look happy, but they are not the next generation of leaders in this country…that’s what gives me hope about all this.
Not to be super intellectual or anything, but Gay Marriage rights are going to be passed state by state in that state’s court system. Obama has no control over the issue if you really look at it. Yes, it is not important to him, but he stands more on the side of people who think the government shouldn’t grant marriage (instead providing civil unions for all couples straight or gay alike) and leave the “marriages” up to each church. He’d the president and he did an amazing job providing the American people with what we as whole need to be focused on, the future. 😉
I guess his secure about protect its nation, as those kind of frontier, borderline, limits of preservate state and their citizens by the administration in all potence.
Just more lip service to what he “thinks” we want to hear. Actually as a whole…just more bullshit from a Bull Shit Artist. I don’t think he will be here after the next election. I hate politicians, wish they would force term limits on both houses and get rid of “career” politicians.