Does Gay Porn Gossip Influence Your Masturbatory Habits?

Manhunt Daily is not, and probably never will be, a gay porn gossip blog. We’ve dabbled from time to time, but if you’re looking to find out who got arrested or said something controversial, you’d be better off checking blogs like STR8UPGAYPORN, Queer Me Now or Gay Porn Blog. We’re not perusing Twitter for the latest scoop or getting hot tips from industry insiders. We (try our best to) keep secrets when people tell us things that could ruin a performer’s career or hurtle them into the mainstream spotlight whether they like it or not. We are perfectly content being a generally neutral, somewhat wishy-washy place where you come to relieve some tension. Bottom line? If you’re cumming, then we’re doing our job right.

But what happens when we write off your favorite performer without stating why we refuse to write about him? There are two cases where I can recall this happening in 2013—the domestic abuse arrest of Ryan Rose and the alleged racism of Marc Dylan. Here are two attractive, talented models who got some really bad press. Some blogs gave them a “pass” the way some music publications give, say, Chris Brown a pass. Other blogs continued to remind readers of the incidents which led to their exile. Then, of course, there were blogs like us, who engaged in a silent protest of sorts (with the occcasional jab here or there). We simply didn’t promote any new scenes from either model, even when one of them was named Falcon Studios‘ “Man of The Year“.

Ryan Rose was the 2013 Falcon Studios Man of The Year despite domestic abuse incidentMarc Dylan

Sure, arguments could be made that we “didn’t know the full story” or that things were “blown out of proportion” by certain writers. (Hi, Zach! I love you, no matter what other people say.) When someone brought up these points in a recent discussion, my response was that, even if the allegations weren’t true, promoting either performer would be a slap in the face to anyone who’s had firsthand experience as a victim of domestic violence or the “it’s just a preference” brand of racism.

The response I got was that most people jerking off at home don’t follow gay porn gossip.

Is that true though? And if it is, are we here at Manhunt Daily doing them a disservice by not calling attention to the sins of various models? My stomach did a back flip when I realized (all too late) that Robert Van Damme was accused of beating his wife, but maybe I’m just overly sensitive about matters of that nature. Maybe, just maybe, most horny bastards don’t give a flying fuck if the person they’re jerking off to is a terrible human being with serious issues.

So, let’s go back to Ryan Rose for a second! He was arrested (again) on New Year’s Eve for driving on a suspended license and possession of marijuana, and three days later, Falcon released a brand new scene where he flip-fucks with Lance Luciano. These crimes don’t affect me nearly as much as those pictures of Bobby Hart‘s bloody face, but it’s still indicative that Rose hasn’t learned his lesson and won’t take responsibility for his own poor decisions.


– Dewitt

Photo credit: Falcon Studios

Check out troubled porn star Ryan Rose flipping with Lance Luciano below:

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose flip-fucks with Lance Luciano in a gay porn scene for Falcon Studios.

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If you don’t care about Ryan’s personal baggage, watch this scene now at FALCON STUDIOS!



540 thoughts on “Does Gay Porn Gossip Influence Your Masturbatory Habits?

  1. But, again, that answers my question to some degree! Half of you probably didn’t even know about this.


    Does nobody actually care that Ryan beat his ex-boyfriend’s face until it was bloodied up?

  3. Speculative: but I think it depends. While I think Marc Dylan’s statements struck people more as something stupid rather than overtly racist (not that the two things aren’t related) since he is a bottom seeing him get “used”, “pounded” and “punished” might be even more gratifying than before?

  4. Usually if I read that a performer I like is a dick in real life, that does affect how I feel about their scenes (especially if they’re a racist). But some of these guys — even though I’ve known about their arrests and such — I’m not even jerking off to anyway, so… *shrug*

  5. I do.

    And actually, I’d prefer it if this site included more such information, since this is really the only “erotica” blog that I frequent. I want to know if someone is a douchebag so I don’t fantasize about them.

  6. LOL

    I’m reminded of the words of a certain Sebastian…”One of us has a hard-luck case of the gay face, and it ain’t me.”

    Not worth all the navel-gazing and hem-hawing. PASS.

  7. The way porn stars act does have a bearing on what I watch. Marc Dylan’s statements turn me off of him completely. Ryan Rose is just not my cup of tea anyway.

  8. As someone who has been in an abusive relationship, I feel it’s sad and irresponsible to promote someone who’s been arrested for violence / abuse, and as well for racist comments. In the gay porn industry, it’s almost like they get a ‘free pass on bad behavior’ just because they’re a porn actor . . . which I thoroughly disagree with happening.

    Turns me off of watching either of them. They may be “good actors” (I dunno, don’t think I’ve ever seen either one of the guys mentioned) . . . but they’re bad humans, to treat others that way.

  9. Agreed, I cant really watch Spencer Fox without thinking he is carrying a master’s degree in Douchebaggery; nor can I feel comfortable with the condom-shaming that Mike Dozer produces even in his non-BB scenes.

  10. Yea, so I checked out the link and it seems to be much ado about nothing…I liked Marc before and continue to like him…

  11. sorry folkies, I expect my mainstream celebs to have a basic sense of ethics. I really can’t judge by actions brought on by themselves for their own actions, that is their own personal journey and I wish them well. But when they impact others, I have to draw the line. To drop my standards because the porn industry wants me to drop my money and my drawers ain’t gonna happen.

  12. sorry folkies, I expect my mainstream celebs to have a basic sense of ethics. I really can’t judge by actions brought on by themselves for their own actions, that is their own personal journey and I wish them well. But when they impact others, I have to draw the line. To drop my standards because the porn industry wants me to drop my money and my drawers ain’t gonna happen.

  13. I used to be a huge fan of Marc Dylan, even subscribed to studios just watch a scene he was in. But the fantasy and my attraction to him completely died when I found out he has a sexual prejudice against black men.

    People that agree with him cried that we should leave him alone because “its just a preference”, but I’m glad Manhunt Daily saw it for what it really is and took a stand to not promote him.

  14. this would be a losing battle, for all parties involved, if we-all ever became privied to the “backgrounds” of those individuals about whom we wanna jerk off

    where would we cross the line?


    most of us are really horrible human beings (including myself).

    also, it’s not as if these sex workers are typically stellar members of the community to begin with, in considering the line of work they’ve chosen to pursue.
    as much as i wish it were “that way,” it really isn’t so…

  15. So am I not a “stellar member of the community” for writing about these men? I don’t think you can automatically assume that being a sex worker makes you a horrible human being.

  16. I wasn’t even aware that Marc Dylan was still in the industry. Haven’t watched anything with either of them in it since their aforementioned incidents.

  17. After Marc Dylan conveyed all his “viewpoints and preferences” in his personal videos I never watched anything else with him. Definitely became a turn off. This is the first I’ve heard about Ryan Rose’s domestic violence past, but since I’ve found him underwhelming as a performer, it’s just another reason not to watch him. He has a great body, but he’s a bore to watch.

  18. Sure, “boycotting” someone who has been physically abusive makes sense. After all, physically assaulting someone is a crime and the victim is not only seriously injured, but can be seriously emotionally battered as well. So yeah, in that case I totally agree with not wanting to promote such a person who actively harms others and continually breaks the law.

    On the other hand, it is not a crime to refuse sex with another person based purely from the fact that you do not find them physically attractive. Sure the person being turned down might have hurt feelings (which is doubtful if it’s for a scene in the first place), but that’s about the extent of the harm being done to them. If anything, closing yourself off for physical reasons just limits your own potential and really only hurts yourself. Unless there are any further examples or documentation of actively disrespecting or harming people based off their appearance then I have no idea what the big uproar is about.

  19. Domestic violence? It does have an impact. I don’t find abusive douchebags attractive. Regarding the So-called “racism,” get a f***ing life already!!! I am Latino and had my first gay crush on a white boy at the age of 7. Ever since I have found myself being more atracted to white guys. I do not believe I even knew what racism meant at the age of 7; I simply fell for the cute boy who lived around the corner, and somehow the experience influenced my future preferences when it came to men.
    Everyone has the right to fuck (or not fuck) whoever the hell they want! Get the fuck over it!!!…

  20. Actually I do not masturbate alone over anything Dewitt. While some scenes and pictures may get me hard and dripping thinking about them and using imagination I hate jerking off alone or any kind of sex alone.

    But rather see stuff like this than rumor blogs and people going nuts over some silly personal thought or feeling that others might find offensive.

  21. hey, i included myself in that category also — and you can see that i’m not so put-off by my ‘horridness,’ to cease roaming around a sex blog (of which you are the helm) during the witching hours

    maybe i should clarify that i’m not tacking on the label of being ‘horrible’ (specifically) because of the exploration and expression of the sexual aspect of our beings, and that ‘horrible’ is being used hyperbolically, anyway

    all kinds of individuals do sex work, sure; the ones who garner more attention (and revenue), it seems, definitely aren’t the ones who are average joes like you and me — per ‘market demands,’ of course

    feel free to prove me wrong, though, mister dewitt: john suggests that decent [sex workers] are not the unicorns that i believe them to be.. ..and i would love to come across them during my travels

    as it currently stands, my frequency of desire (and acting upon my want) for self-pleasuring is relatively low, as a general rule*; over the past several years, i estimate that studio-/”professionally”-released pornography has comprised no more than 15% of my masturbatory material
    (* maybe 30 – 50 times in a year)
    what could explain that shift?
    i’ve been desiring a connection with ‘attainable’ folk, who aren’t necessarily being “forced” into their Play, more.

  22. I can see your perspective on preferences. I was a tabula rasa sexually when I came out but had some bad experiences with Asian men right after coming out and those experiences have influenced a preference away from Asian men. BUT, that is more of an internalized preference not exclusion. Meaning, that I will date practically any man that is willing to ask me out; but I would prefer a tall, hairy uncut Top. Hell, I spent almost 5 happy years with a Pilipino who I still love dearly.
    Where the problem lies is that people (gay or str8) use the word preference to exclude because the word preference sounds more friendly, more inclusive. Any use of the word “NO” in front of a group in a profile is exclusional and thus prejudicial. Why? because we, the reader, doesn’t know the context behind your choices. Do we need to know your contextual reasons? No, but if you don’t want to sound like a bigot, a little understanding of the why’s is helpful.

  23. whether or not the gossip affects people’s preference of porn, it’s fucking awful of MHD to refuse to discuss certain performers and basically try to torpedo their careers based on that gossip
    and you can’t pretend you’r just being sensitive to your readers’ preferences by not talking about someone that some people wouldn’t be into [[since every post about the fucking maverick men draws 90% negative comments and requests for you to stop posting about them, but you promoted their site every chance you got and would disable comments to stop your readers from complaining]]
    i recognize it’s not a proud moment for me to be so offended by the actions of a gay porn blog; but just.. wtf, MHD?

  24. yah, I didn’t know about the controversy with either of these two guys but I would like to. Maybe you could do a monthly or bi-weekly post about real-life drama of stars so we know which guys are asses. Then we can leave it up to the fans to decide if they want to keep supporting them.

  25. What if said white guy pushed you aside just because you’re latino? He never gives you a chance to see that you might be a sweetheart and an attractive guy due to your skin color. Would you just “get the fuck over it”?

    Your “preference” may have just been manufactured when you were young. You may be subconsciously trying to replicate that first crush you had at the age of 7 by looking for similar attributes in potential guys.

  26. You honestly think Marc Dylan was attracted to every single one of his white scene partners? You honestly think he’s attracted to every single one of his white escort clients? And yet he performed without hesitation to all of them.

  27. actually, hang on

    when i was talking about “sex workers,” i had in mind, those who do the actual ‘sexxing,’ with others – not necessarily those of you who write about sex

    of course, not all hands-on folk are demon seed.. ..but i believe it does take a special sort of mindset to pursue such a hobby

    and if one is not careful, and gives into the current set of “market demands,” one really might fulfill that prophecy, of doing some thing that isn’t pillar-like

  28. so, what is your extended opinion on the matter?

    how do you propose minimizing the risk of promoting someone “unsavory”?

    D.A.D.T. might make a comeback, and a not-ignorable number of consumers made it clear they could not care less about the predilections of those who are bringing scout their orgasms

  29. Marc Dylan’s comments did turn me off to him. It was one of those stupid things racist say to tell themselves they are not racist. Granted I wasn’t a big Marc Dylan fan in the first place so it was easy to dismiss him.

    As for Ryan Rose (or Aden Jaric or Sebastian Young or Spencer Reed for that matter) I hate to admit, I’m still turned on by their scenes even after I learned of their crimes. I justify it to myself by saying I wouldn’t date them but they would be good for a fuck.

    So not proud of this personal assessment.

  30. If said person (said white boy) knows me and knows I’m a good guy and everything else, but he does not feel atracted to me enough to want to have sex with me, yes I’ll get the fuck over it.
    We all have been rejected at some point of our lives or another, and I honestly consider it a waste of time and energy to go around putting labels on every guy who does not find me attractive.
    Think of it this way, if a straight guy refuses to have sex with me and his explanation is that he does not find me attractive, do I make a big deal about it and instantly label him as a homophobe? No, I would not. I would simply understand that he has his preferences, in this case he prefer vaginas.

  31. One cannot go through life putting labels on people based on who they like to fuck. If a given guy does not like to fuck your black, brown, white or yellow (or whatever color it is) ass, just move along; there are plenty of guys around who will like it. I believe that people “sexual preferences,” just like people’s sexual orientation, are personal and should be respected.

  32. A “preference” implies that you would take the (insert label) ass if no other options were available. When you say “no (insert label), just a preference”, you’re not actually stating a preference. You’re actively going out of your way to exclude (insert label).

  33. If the guy who triggered this entire debate does not find black or brown men attractive and refuses to have sex with them on camera, good for him. I much rather prefer that over what I call “The minority hire approach.” I honestly find it more racist and offensive to use us minorities as a marketing tool (which in my opinion is what porn does with minorities; in gay porn the clearest example of this is black guys).
    So, I said it before and I’ll say it again, get the fuck over it….

  34. No, I really don’t think that it does. As a gay man, my sexual preference is men. I don’t want to have sex with women because I do not find them physically attractive. Sure, I’m excluding women from my sex life, but that doesn’t make me sexist. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want to have friendships with women or don’t treat them respectfully. Maybe we’re just arguing the semantics of “preference”, but at the very basic level of what he explained in the video linked is that he doesn’t HAVE SEX unless he’s physically attracted to his scene partner. Why is that such a horrible thing?

    Honestly this attitude of “he’s a porn star, therefore he should have sex with everyone he’s told to because it’s his job” is disgusting and demeaning. Refusing sex based on physical traits is perfectly within everyone’s rights and has no bearing on any other interactions they may or may not be willing to have. But the attitude of blacklisting someone because “they don’t have sex when they’re told” is treating the performer like they are sub-human. And frankly, equating it to the physical abuse of the other individual in this post is shameful.

  35. Blargh! I get exhausted of these arguments so quickly.

    The bottom line is that Marc alienated a significant portion of his audience by actively stating that he has no interest in sleeping with them. I am not, in any way, stating that this is equivalent to Ryan Rose beating his ex until his face was bloodied, but they do happen to BOTH be prominent examples of gay porn gossip items that affected my decision to write about either performer.

    Okay, bye.

  36. Wait, beating your boyfriend in the face is considered “some silly personal thought or feeling that others might find offensive”?

  37. Haha that was a nice way to tie it all in a neat bow. I think you’ve said plenty, its just that sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you say if the other person is covering his ears and sayiing “LA-LA-LA-LA-LA”.

  38. The entire post I wrote? I realize it may have ventured into TL;DR territory, but Ryan Rose (one of the models who you said you’d like to be in the middle of) beat his boyfriend in the face until he was bloody. Then, just this New Year’s Eve, he got arrested for possession of marijuana and driving on a suspended license.

  39. Okay I understand now.
    Sorry I did not know that happened. I tend to avoid the gossip parts at times of posts.
    If it directly effected my life would be one thing but this does not.
    But it is not hard to imagine people in the porn industry having a lot of personal issues outside the movies they make.
    But I am not some pussy boy a guy could easily push around without my wanting it to happen either being ex military.
    While I can empathize and feel bad for his boyfriend the pictures you posted had nothing to do with it or my thoughts and wording would have been different.

  40. I’d prefer you NOT promote porn performers who perpetuate criminal acts. Indecent humans do not deserve good press.

  41. I do and am not pleased that you chose to give this cretin the attention that he does not deserve.

  42. First off Ryan has a weird young Gary Busey thing going that doesn’t appeal to me in the first place but finding out he pounded the face of someone he claimed to “love” takes him from unappealing to downright repulsive.

  43. I doubt this was meant to be funny, but your writing style pretty humorous and has snagged you another reader!
    On a different note, I think it’s strange that people get so invested in pornstars. I suppose it’s more or less the same as Hollywood celebrity adoration just on a more taboo level.

  44. wow you come across as another one of those full of shit macho gay homophobes. So sick and damn tired of reading people like you calling people PUSSIES and NANCIEBOYS . I hear fox news is looking for more ignorant and intolerant asshats Im sure you would fit in perfectly over on that network. Yes this is a wayyyyy late response but that’s because I just now read this article. Whilst I may think Ryan is gorgeous and can fantasize about him sexually that does not in any capacity mean I respect or value anyone that assault their partner whether man man woman woman man woman woman man man child woman child etc…Domestic abuse child abuse spousal abuse are all unacceptable and not something too be respected. I think the author of this topic for addressing something very important my sister was almost killed in an abusive relationship many many years ago and she thankfully got out of it before it was too late. Sadly many women and men have not been so lucky in this world. My advice too those who are suffering from it in silence please reach out talk too someone inform those who genuinely care about your well being and safety what is going on. Its funny someone can make light of something so serious as abuse and claim you are a PUSSY if you don’t fight back but it also leads too even more violence and most of the time with devastating results. Man or woman when you hit back brave or not macho or more against physical violence it does not matter . The moment you retaliate the worse it can easily become. Get out of the situation and seek help before its too late.

  45. Ty so much for posting this article it is so relevant and important especially too those of us who have had people who have gone through it straight gay etc… abuse is wrong and still a valid subject that holds a lot of importance and weight in todays society.

  46. No one wants to be abused or used in a relationship but we all have control over our own lives and the ability to see and stop situations when the warning signs are spotted. Or making sure it ends after the abuse.

    If you want to take out your anger and rage on me fine enjoy yourself but the way Dewitt presented this article with the types of pictures he used belittles the subject he wanted to address more than my comment after being called out by him on.

    Like so many on here we all have our opinions on things we read and see this is what all of this is about.

    My opinion is take control f your life and make the abuse stop. No one is cute enough or hot enough in bed to allow them to abuse you or lower your own self-esteem and self worth.

    Anyone who stays in a relationship after some form of abuse has more issues than the one actually abusing.

  47. Yes I do realize that Dewitt.

    We all have the power to walk away from an escalating bad situation in a relationship. It’s a matter of having enough self esteem and self worth to do so before it turns violent.

    If we don’t can we really be called the victim in any way other than a court of law?

  48. I can’t even begin to tell you how offensive what you’re saying is to ANYONE who’s ever been a victim to abuse within a relationship, whether it be physical, emotional or sexual.

    That is not an opinion. It’s a complete misunderstanding as to how abuse works.

  49. Okay cool thanks for your opinion of me. Remember I did not peruse this or incite this discussion.

    I made a simple comment from the start then you got on me because it did not relate to your point you wanted to talk about.

    I normally keep quiet and keep my opinions to myself on things unless they are pleasant and complimentary in nature.

    But if someone or several keep after me I am not going to back down and voice my feelings.

    If you did not like where this was going you had the power to drop it and back off but you didn’t.

    If you insist on inciting riots that bother you and hate the end results of what you read the fault is yours not the people with their own opinion that would have been kept to themselves.

    You know for a fact I am not into drama but it seems too many on here live for it.

  50. Perhaps I didn’t “drop it” because domestic violence is a topic I take very seriously! It’s affected me personally, as well as several individuals I know and love. Blaming the victim is never the answer. Period.

    Truthfully, I appreciate you reading and commenting all of these years. I apologize if, in critiquing your opinion, you thought I was personally attacking you.

    Consider this the digital equivalent of me shaking your hand and agreeing to never speak of this topic again.

  51. You are no better then this dude again another self righteous gay man who thinks they know everything. You and this guy should really be friends guys like you 2 always fit perfectly together. Your response is nothing more then being an apologist and making excuses for the kind of mindset that macho twits like CT always have in their everyday lives. Well excuse me if I find it hard too forgive or give a shit about people who blame those who are in the abusive relationships and intentionally ignore the accountability of the abusers themselves. That’s no different then a someone blaming someone for being raped saying well they shouldn’t have wore that or that they were asking for it. Whatever too both of you you obviously have egos up the ass that aren’t worth 2 shits too me quite frankly. We wonder why its hard for people too respect us its either some dipshit gay dude mocking other gay dudes or some self professed EXPERT on abuse who makes excuses for other peoples narrowminded and incredibly fucking stupid attitudes about it. Well Ill have no pity or sympathy for this individual if it ever happens too him he asked for it hes the VICTIM so therefore in his own dumbass mentality he is to blame not the abuser. Its pathetic how some of you act period.

  52. Anyone who stays in a relationship after some form of abuse has more issues than the one actually abusing.
    Yeah dude ill be sure too let every single women in shelters and hiding out AFTER escaping in fear of their fucking lives everyday that they have ISSUES. You know the old saying walk in someone elses shoes? You cant even begin too fathom what these women are put through and endure nor their mentalities nor their fear that if they leave their partners will kill their children or them. Its easier said then done for a MAN too claim its that easy but you aren’t THEM and they don’t have issues either you do and your mentality and attitude continues too prove this.

  53. I am very confused by your response. I’m not making apologies for CT. I was merely withdrawing from a conversation that was going nowhere.

  54. Its just a subject I take very personally ironically we speak of abuse yet id love too beat the shit out of my brother in law for beating my sister…including when she was pregnant with my now 11 year old niece. Sorry for getting my dander up some people and some attitudes just rub me the wrong way in this community.

  55. Hell, I get it too! I once yelled in a coworker’s face, quite unprofessionally, for making light of the Rihanna and Chris Brown situation.

    (This was before working at Manhunt, for anyone wondering.)

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