Drawn To You: David Alan Crumple


You may need to do a double-take when you first look at David Alan Crumple‘s drawings. His pieces are so photorealistic that you’ll have trouble believing they’re made with nothing more than pencil on paper. Hell, if it weren’t for the scale and color, you may have even mistaken them for the real thing.

I keep trying to tell myself that these are just drawings, but my penis doesn’t seem to grasp this concept. It wants to have sex with all these guys, even if they’re two-dimensional. Though my practical side keeps telling me to avoid the risk of paper cuts down there, a small part of me is tempted…

– Dewitt

Photo credit: David Alan Crumple

To see more of this artist’s work, follow the JUMP:












10 thoughts on “Drawn To You: David Alan Crumple

  1. These drawings are fantastically well done. Easily the best artwork you’ve had on hee, easily!!

  2. OMG…I want one or two of these pieces (and the models to go with them!) That is true talent worth recognition!

  3. david alan has a sick amount of realism to most of these showcased illustrations, here.
    i might reckon that it takes a lot of time to produce these drawings, if it is indeed done by hand; and in that case, someone should give that man some money (if he isn’t already earning some, for his Skills)!

  4. these are awesome… that is some great talent. But i have a question. Are these drawings of actual models or are they free-handed. If these are free-handed i might just have to do a double-check on reality and figure out what’s what!!! lol… beautiful drawings

  5. these are awesome… that is some great talent. But i have a question. Are these drawings of actual models or are they free-handed. If these are free-handed i might just have to do a double-check on reality and figure out what’s what!!! lol… beautiful drawings

  6. these are awesome… that is some great talent. But i have a question. Are these drawings of actual models or are they free-handed. If these are free-handed i might just have to do a double-check on reality and figure out what’s what!!! lol… beautiful drawings

  7. these are awesome… that is some great talent. But i have a question. Are these drawings of actual models or are they free-handed. If these are free-handed i might just have to do a double-check on reality and figure out what’s what!!! lol… beautiful drawings

  8. it is obvious he is drawing from photographs…… he might even be using a projector to do the original tracing, which is fine in my view, a lot of artists do that these days…
    just wanted to throw it out there, in case folks think that these men were actually posing or that the drawings were from memory…..

  9. I swear, I thought that first one was just a picture until I read the text underneath.

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