I've been hesitating about posting Narus' drawings for a while because they're so darn simple. Today, it occurred to me that the simplicity is exactly what makes the work appealing. The predominantly black and orange color scheme reminds me of the times I'd get lost in the Greek and Roman section at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Except this time around, it's even hotter!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Narusnarus
For more drawings like the one above, follow the JUMP:
I would like to send some very hot art work to your site if possible from an artist Jon Robyn, who’s a designer for Zippo Lighters as well as a knife engraver. I don’t know what his middle American friends or buyers would think if they knew what kind of homo erotic, in your face art Jon did. But, I have a few pieces. And besides, he gave them to me