Drawn To You: Santiago

Some of you are going to love Santiago‘s erotic artwork. Others might view a few of his pieces as problematic. Either way, you got to give him respect for doing what he likes to do, which he describes as “drawing homies making out together”. Well, trust us when we say that the men in his images do a lot more than make out with one another…

The themes of his work range from incredibly tender to explicitly aggressive. One moment you’re looking at two lovers resting in bed together, while the next you’re watching a guy with four fingers up his butt. It’s almost as if the two ideas exist on opposite sides of the spectrum, and there’s nothing in between! All in all, what’s your reaction to these pieces?

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Desert In A Can

To check out more of this artist’s work, follow the JUMP:

Click for larger view.

129 thoughts on “Drawn To You: Santiago

  1. i found that most men on web site are very immature when it come to meeting guys on line or dating them in general. they really need to know what they want in life and stop playing all these games with guys …because they r never going to find any one?

  2. @franco Gay men, the vast majority, are not looking for a relationship and carry more baggage than an airport’s lost and found. The sooner you understand and accept that, the easier it is to deal with them.

  3. What all the stuff in my brain flying around i bet i can come up with a few tales of woe when it comes to men on this site, and others. I find it sad that even with all the places where we can connect, the connection seems to be missing.

  4. animations are great but the Captions and dialogue???… nothing but low-rent porn and internalized ghetto homophobia. Sad commentary that gay men would find this sort “hot”

  5. nice, BUT what happened to donelan?? the cartoon that used to be in the back of the advocate? and is there a book of his drawings, they were great, santiago reminds me of him

  6. life is not roses and monogamy in privacy
    love is messy
    lust is great
    men are visual
    and embracing your darkside, luke is what really makes you a man.

    when you can see beauty in the art of Da Vinci and in ‘ghettogayation’ let’s also
    remember it’s not good or bad, thinking makes it so.

    men fuck strangers and we all talk dirty at some point. fetish and exhibitionism – well
    it makes the diversity of humanity richer.

    prove me wrong you can sue me.

    great playful animation porn is so healthy
    it’s getting my pre cum warmed up

  7. that was a great poem there, Saba.

    regarding my thoughts about these illustrations: i feel that what does Santiago, for the most part, is A-OK.

    ´gave me a nice boner, when i was supposed to get one.

    it’s always nice to see The Under•Represented get their share of the lime•light too.

    although, of course, not many of us think about those Thugs, and the other types of rough urban characters, who like to experience some same-sex lovin’ themselves.

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