Drawn To You: The Manhunt Coloring Contest (Sponsored By MEN.COM)

Wait, what? Manhunt is having a coloring contest? The short answer is “yes”. The long answer is that, several months ago, one of our designers came up with these pages after a random conversation about Coloring For Grown-Ups, Unicorns Are Jerks, Colour Me Good Ryan Gosling and similar adult coloring books. I never wound up using them, because I thought you’d all think they were too weird (says the guy who Photoshopped dicks into pasta boxes in a lame attempt to make a point).

Lucky for you, I’ve changed my tune since then! Our 2013 Drawn To You roundup of the Best Erotic Toons, Comics & Art was a wild success, topping this week’s edition of Popular Demand and continuing to get heavy traffic to this day. What better way to celebrate than a good old-fashioned Manhunt coloring contest?

To enter, print out any of the images below, put on your creativity cap and alter it to your best ability. Keep in mind, I’m being vague about that on purpose! You can color it with crayons, doodle on it with pens, paint it with your cum, cut out a strategic hole for your penis or utilize your découpage skills to make a killer collage. The possibilities are truly endless.

Once you’ve completed a satisfactory composition, take a picture and e-mail it to daily@manhunt.net. Be sure to include your Manhunt username in the message, because the winner of this contest will receive a FREE YEAR of unlimited membership to the site. The rest of you might get something else beyond the glory of having your submission posted on Manhunt Daily. I haven’t quite decided yet.

(A blowjob? Free porn? Who knows?)

UPDATE: Minutes after posting this, I secured a sponsorship deal with MEN.COM. As an extra incentive, you can win five free days to their site by including “Sponsored By [MEN.COM Logo]” on your final piece. Just to be one-hundred percent clear, you must draw, glue or otherwise depict the MEN.COM logo after the text “Sponsored By”. Literally anyone who follows directions and does this properly can win a five-day membership to MEN.COM, where you can watch excellent new videos like “Daddy’s Club” and “Deep Connection“… So what are you waiting for? Compromise your artistic integrity, be a sellout and win free porn in the process!

UPDATE II: Via Twitter, our friends at MEN.COM have offered a free one-month membership to the grand prize winner, which will look great next to tour one-year membership to Manhunt. You better enter soon! The deadline is… Uh, some time next week? I haven’t quite decided yet.

– Dewitt

Choose your favorite guy, print him out and enter our contest:

Manhunt Coloring Contest

Manhunt Coloring Contest

Manhunt Coloring Contest



841 thoughts on “Drawn To You: The Manhunt Coloring Contest (Sponsored By MEN.COM)

  1. Indeed! I will give you (or anyone else) one month of unlimited membership to Manhunt for any late submissions.

    Unfortunately, the deadline for winning the MEN.COM memberships has passed.

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