You may remember when Dustin Lance Black's bareback adventure with Jeff Delancey was plastered all over the internet. Well Dustin is getting his revenge and is filing a suit asking for $3 Million in damages from the company that distributed the photos.
We knew he was lawyer-happy from personal experience and his lawyers have succeeded in taking down most of the photos.
The suit also names a Michael Lawrence, who allegedly stole the photos from Delancey when the two were dating. I guess that vindicates Delancey, who everyone assumed was the douche who sold the photos.
In one particularly funny part of the suit, camp Black alleges that Dustin was unaware the photos were of anything beyond his "head and upper torso." Hmm… we'll just take his word for it.
I can't blame Black for suing though, I'd be pretty angry if some asshole published my private pictures.
– Andy
don’t take pictures then, Dumb A** Sweater-Man.
so does this mean no more holding out for the video release? Damn I wanted to see that guy get stuffed
Sorry…I disagree with you blogger. If you’re willing to have naked pictures of you taken — even by THEN friends or lovers — then you have to deal with the later consequence of them being released to the public. It’s just common sense. It would be one thing if it was a HIDDEN camera and he was clueless. Otherwise, too bad. You live and you learn.
Erik, people are entitled to have private lives and if that private life includes private photos they have every right to share them with only their partner/friend. Nobody else has the right to release them. Dustin Lance Black should have the right to have private pictures of himself and not have them released to the public. To say that he just has to deal with someone violating his privacy is like saying to a rape victum suck it up and get over it. He was violated, and he has every right to seek legal action.
i know that jeff guy personally, and I would bet every penny I have that HE WAS THE ONE who actually sold the photos.
Well, hes the dumbass that let him take pictures. If u take a pic or a video and then one day get famous they will come out so sue away.
Sorry Dusty, you took a chance when you consented to having such footage made. Celebrity or not, there will be consequences for those actions….tah-duuuh!
I whole heartedly agree. You take nude pics, you take the chance!
His privacy went out the window when he allowed someone to take photos of him with a boner in his butt, if you ask me. If you ask the law, though, unless there was a release, then he owns the rights to his likeness, and he’s in good territory for a settlement. I give it about two weeks before he’s got the money in his hand.
Wonder if DLB would be as upset if he were giving instead of receiving?? Maybe he’s all phobic about people saying, “Yeah, he’s the one who gets F***ed, ha,ha.”
Anyway, I agree with the majority of you guys: when you agree to be photographed (and it doesn’t matter who the photographer is) you take a chance.
Be a man or whatever—Paris Hilton was more in control than you are Bitch.
I wholeheartedly do not believe this is Black’s fault. I agree, what someone does in the privacy of their own home is THEIR business.
This person (whoever it was) STOLE property and then SOLD the stolen property. How is any of that justified? Is it because of the nature of the photos we feel this way? That’s silly.
Yes, Black should have been much more cautious(in a lot of ways actually)but this does not make many of the points here valid. And, frankly, if the shoe was on the other foot you would all would be LIVID and would litigate as well. You may not have a video out there but T-R-U-S-T I am sure there are a bunch of skeletons in your closets that would show up if you became a celebrity.
You all need to STOP hating on this man!
I agree with luvjungle. This is a grievous breach of privacy.
Virtually everyone on this site has naked photos, which you’ve not only agreed to have taken, but have posted on this site. How about if someone from your work found them and sent them to everyone in your company, along with a link to your manhunt page? I guess we could say its your own damn fault for having the pictures and a manhunt account from the first place.
Who cares its fucking hot i love how he bare backed and i want to fucking see him get blown inside!