DW Chase Is STUNNING In New Photo Shoot

We need to talk about DW Chase. The gorgeous male model, previously seen here rocking a singlet, popped up on DNA‘s site in some shots by photographer Carl Proctor. Since then, he’s been propelled from just plain “gorgeous” to outstandingly boner-inducing in a way where I’m trying really hard not fist myself in the middle of Manhunt headquarters while yelling, “Oh, DW Chase! Give it to me, you sexy bastard.”

(Note: I am not anally-gifted enough to fist myself, but I’d try for DW Chase.)

I would have loved to stumble upon the junkyard where this shoot took place. In my opinion, these photographs could have been taken to a whole other level of artistry if there were a head bobbing up and down between DW’s hairy thighs, choking on whatever he’s packing in those designer briefs.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Carl Proctor

Check out DW Chase’s smokin’ hot body below:

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.

Male model DW Chase by photographer Carl Proctor.



10 thoughts on “DW Chase Is STUNNING In New Photo Shoot

  1. That’s the best public service done to boxers since the 80’s international Male catalog.

  2. Impresionante tío, tan varonil, con ese cuerpo tan invadido por el vello que le hace más macho y le da porte de virilidad.

  3. Aún que no enseña nada, marca mucho bajo el slip. Me gustaría estan en la foto que está sentado dentro del coche, para sentarme encima y dejarme clavar. Le mordería el cuello y los labios y, le pellizcaría los pezones mientras él sujetandome de los hombros apretaría para clavarla con fuerza hasta el fondo.

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