Sam Truitt was beating off in the storeroom or some other contrived bullshit designed to get him fucked in the ass by Trenton Ducati in a cop’s uniform. Hence, him getting bent over the couch and receiving a thorough dicking. What this scene mainly impressed upon me is that Trenton would make a helluva sex cop. Seriously, I’d be blowing red lights just so he’d pull me over so I could blow him. Officer Ducati should be a whole series, in which he fights crime by handcuffing and strip searching equally hot dudes and then eventually using his nightstick on them. And by “nightstick,” I mean…well, come on. Manhunt Daily has the most intelligent audience of all the porn blogs, you know what I mean.
Don’t worry about Sam’s ass, though. He can take a nightstick. Just ask Jaxton Wheeler!
Check out more of Trenton Ducati and Sam Truitt fucking for Dylan Lucas. Watch the whole scene here!
– Michael Xavier

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