Every Now And Then I Fall In Love (With Lip-Synching Frat Boys)

Brace yourselves for some serious super-important news, guys… Approximately two years ago, a video of three shirtless fraternity members (who would not be out of place in an Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue) surfaced on popular video-sharing site YouTube

The three young men provided their own rendition of Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart", mouthing the words as they went along. This practice is commonly known as "lip-synching".

Having discovered this popular medium of expressing one's self, the muscular beauties tackled Moulin Rouge's "Elephant Love Medley" as well. The president of their fraternity could not be reached for comment.

– Dewitt

To watch these boys doing "Elephant Love Medley", follow the JUMP:

12 thoughts on “Every Now And Then I Fall In Love (With Lip-Synching Frat Boys)

  1. Wow, and I can’t even lip synch one line from “Elephant Love Medley”. Bad gay man, bad.

  2. MIKE SACRILIGE!!!!! and you call yourself gay! LOL just kidding, its cool i cant lip-synch it either…im to busy actually singing it.
    They are quite cute…but i would have to agree that this is a kinda stupid video

  3. thanks, Shaman… very cute clip! gotta love the girls giggling in the background lol

  4. The blond is cute, but the other two have no rhythm! Tell them to google the song’s video; there are hot, nearly naked guys in it.

  5. their arm pits make up for their lack of decent lip syncing – drag queen wannabes? I think not.. the queens I know can mouth anything but a vag

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