Everything Butt: Mitch Branson

When you run out of ideas, sometimes it’s best to fall back on what you know! Admittedly, we had some difficulty finding a subject for today’s Everything Butt post, and this led to us returning to a pair of cheeks that we know all too well. So without further ado? We’d like to reintroduce you to Mitch Branson‘s awesome ass.

It doesn’t matter whether he’s getting fucked or doing the fucking. In either scenario, our eyes are going to zoom directly to those muscular melons! We highly recommend watching his scenes with Ricky Parks or Kristian Alverez. Or any of his damn scenes. If you don’t swoon or pitch a tent while watching him in action, we might consider revoking your gay card.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: COLT Studio Group

To check out Mitch Branson’s hot ass, follow the JUMP:

Obligatory shot of the front!

Having some fun with Nate Karlton:

1,146 thoughts on “Everything Butt: Mitch Branson

  1. Sweeeeeeet!

    Could definitely go for being in the middle of those to hunks!

  2. Holy Cannoli!………..Can I just have Mitch stand in front of me naked for like an hour or so…..before we get down to business? WOW oh WOW……..he’s my kinda man

  3. I don’t know what’s more distracting, the overdone air brushing or the ridiculously obvious plastic surgery he’s had on his face. No thanks to both! Frankly I expected more from Colt….

  4. Yeah, these photos aren’t the greatest, but LOVED the video clip. Nothing better than two muscular, hairy, masculine men making sweet love. Romantic can be hot too!

  5. I’ll have some of what Nate Karlton’s selling.

    But, jeez, I’m surprised Nate could even stay hard during the boring blow job. Oh, wait, he didn’t!

  6. This should be re-titled “Everything BUT THE FACE”. Honestly, I just can’t get past it. Forget the extensive plastic surgery that’s been clearly done, but the pound of make up that he has layered on as well? Someone please tell him that it’s unnatural to look 3 shades darker in your face than the rest of your body.

  7. Sinful_Desire definitely hit the nail on the head with his comment! I mean, really, was this guy chasing parked cars or something? Stop trying to regain your lost youth. Otherwise, the body is MAD sexy.

  8. Nice ass fersure but it looks like he’s wearing a pound of makeup on his face and it’s throwing me off!

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