Fan Of The Week: pandapoi

The Facebook Fan Of The Week is hottie pandapoi. Pandapoi is not only quite the cutie he also happens to “Like” Manhunt on Facebook… as you should! You can catch exclusive promotions you won’t find on the site by clicking here.

Check out some racier pictures of pandapoi and find out how to get his attention on Manhunt. He’s also got some really interesting answers!

– Andy

For the interview and a cock shot, follow the JUMP:

Are you looking for Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now?

I’m going to answer this in two parts. Part One: Looking? A watched pot never boils. You should never be looking. Instead, you should be waiting to be found. Part Two: For me, my Mr. Right Now is Mr. Right. He’s sooo right. Guess how I found him. Exactly– I wasn’t looking. I found a friend, and I fell in love with him.

What’s the best way to get your attention on Manhunt?

Picture this: A time where technology’s omnipresence is so vast that a digital camera can be found in every home. Welcome to 2002. There is absolutely no reason for you not to have a picture. Get one, dammit. And if you want my attention on Manhunt, make it a good one. When we talk about your interests, don’t tell me you like going to the movies, and don’t tell me you like to chill with your friends. Tell me you like to blow rails off of Brent Everett’s ass and FOR GOD’S SAKE DO NOT LIKE ROMANTIC COMEDIES.

Do you have a secret trick in the bedroom? Care to share it?

There’s nothing in particular that I do that’s so amazing. The reason Neil and I have such great sex is (a)we’re hot and (b)we listen to each other and try to implement variety. And sometimes (c)poppers.

Tell us your ultimate fantasy:

OK OK OK. First of all, I’m Aang, Neil is Sokka, I’m not bald, and Sokka can waterbend. Sokka and I are horsing around on an arbitrary riverside when suddenly, a Fire Nation tank appears from out of the forest. Prince Zuko steps out of the tank and assumes his firebending stance. I am the Avatar, but I don’t really know my own strength, so I accidentally airbend all his clothes off. Then Sokka knocks him down with a bunch of water. He’s all wet, his hair is dripping, and he’s -really- hung. So we all hop on Appa and soar into the sky. Then Zuko and I DP Sokka. We cum inside. The end.

Finally, what’s the funniest message you’ve ever received on Manhunt?

Some guy asked me if I was Anthony. Naturally, I told him yes, because my profile says my name is jackO (he was asking for it). He got so excited, and then realized I wasn’t Anthony, and then he threw a bitch fit (a “total BF”) all over my inbox. It was funny because he thought I was Anthony from the looks of my default pic. My eyes are photoshopped five sizes too big in that pic, which tells me Anthony is an alien or Lady Gaga. Pardon the redundancy. Also, Anthony apparently also has a scar on his eyebrow WRONG! IT’S NOT A SCAR I’M IN A GANG! What kind of gang, you ask? The kind your mother warned you about.

29 thoughts on “Fan Of The Week: pandapoi

  1. Uhm, sorry, but some people really enjoy going to the movies and hanging out with… you guessed it… friends! Movie theaters offer more than going into some stranger’s sphincter.

    And the whole, “we’re hot” comment… *giggle*… hairless cats were never in style, and your p*ssy is bald.

    That aside, you have some witty comments. But tone down the blimp-sized ego, Hindenburg!

  2. Wow, pompous little boi. They have great sex because “a) we’re hot”? Gimme a break, egoboi. If sex for you is skin deep and popper lite then you are missing out; you have no clue what real profound sex feels like. Your fall from your own pedestal is going to be a ball buster, Humpty D.

    My partner is hot, we are best friends, he is about your age and much cuter and ‘bigger, for sure’. Luckily for us we both see life deeper than the facade.
    Good luck keepin’ it real, your Hot-ness.

  3. Ugh. The we’re hot comment just reveals the conceited air. No thank you. Also trimming, A OK. Full shaven, go away.

  4. Lol at so many people getting annoyed by the “we’re hot” comment. It’s just a small throw in to say they find each other attractive before the second part, which is actually good advice for couple with lame sex lives.

    Anyways, he’s cute, and gives a more interesting interview than any of the other guys so far.

  5. It amazes me how dense so many of the men who respond to this blog are. From his Facebook name alone I knew that this guy was gonna be witty and sarcastic. There is so much humor in hi interview and these guys take it all seriously…ever heard of tongue in cheek. And by the way, it takes a certain amount of guts to put yourself out here like this…where are all your interviews and beyond-the-pale comments?

  6. I don’t know why I’m repeating myself here. I -don’t- shave. I would never. It’s uncomfortable, and I spend far too much time moisturizing those naughty bits to begin with.

    You’re right about the douche part, though. I won’t argue that. Granted, I’m a little humbler in person, but many of you will never get the chance to taste such heavenly nectar. In such cases, you just have to deal with my unquestionably charismatic online persona. That’s the real beauty of the Internet, isn’t it?

    Double rainbow all the way.

  7. You are right about the douche part, but Jef is also right about the sarcastic twang. I dated Mr. Ego for five years and he’s only skin deep if you just scratch his surface. In other words, it helps to be a little more sharp.

    Furthermore, it’s absolutely fantastic that you enjoy movies and manage to not fuck your friends throughout the course of it. However, you and millions of others share that common bond, including pandapoi. Why not inform us that you also have ten fingers, ten toes, a dick, and a head – all of which functioning, in theory; then you’ll shine like the intensity of your romantic life and we’ll all know time with you will be more than worthwhile. ))((

    Double the freshness, double the fun.

  8. Happy Ending: Hit up the manhunt chat around midnight tonight, maybe a little later. There’s a good chance we’re gonna turn the cam on in the Pittsburgh room. 😉

  9. Wow. Talk about milking his fifteen seconds (hopefully) of fame! He can’t just let people post. He has to respond!
    Egomaniac ran thru my mind long before I got to the “We’re cute” part. There’s something to be said about being humble. Sure, he looks nice, but personality can ruin looks in a heartbeat. I think maturity may help him. Hope it happens soon for him!

  10. Smokin’ sexy and an (unobvious to most respondents, it would seem) sense of humor. I’d fuck’m and take’m out for coffee afterward to enjoy his company… and then we’d fuck…. again.

  11. Now do you still disagree with me, Blocked to the U? I think he has serious issues. Needing attention is one of them. Pandapoi, please, PLEASE get yourself to a therapist! That said, you aren’t getting anymore of my time.

  12. And be careful with those numbers, Chris. They don’t belong to me anymore.


  13. Hmm.. So they deleted your psychotic break. Dude has issues. Ugh. You just got more of my time… You are like a train wreck. Can’t help but watch as it happens.

  14. @ToddM: pandapoi certainly has gotten the proverbial upperhand on you simply because you allowed him to get under your skin. You say it’s like watching a trainwreck, yet you have to chime in and give his post some “legs” because, god forbid, he is replying to posts about him. What is this world coming to?

    And now, back to the movie.

  15. Nonono, manhuntdaily came to the rescue and deleted my psychotic ex’s psychotic break. My own psychotic breaks are much more colorful.

    Navysausage, bulbscrew, alexrex et al. seem to be capable of such insight as to read between the lines of the entry. A lot of people are bitching because I seem incredibly shallow, but these people are demonstrating a lack of depth in their own respects because they are taking what I have said at 100% face value. Lee assumes I don’t know what real profound sex feels like, but he doesn’t know how many of my experiences both in and out of the sheets have completely transcended the profound. ToddM thinks I have an underdeveloped sense of maturity and an overdeveloped ego. ToddM couldn’t walk away from the post without having the last word, and he keeps coming back for more.

    Point being you guys are trolling the wrong homo. I do think highly of myself, but I feel like everyone has a right to do that and most people just don’t take advantage of their god-given right to feel good about themselves. If the questions had a little more depth to them, maybe you could have expected something more. They weren’t, though, because they were questions designed to accommodate a very small niche. You people are that niche. The interview mocked you even before you threw the first stone.

    Subtle, isn’t it?

  16. @Navysausage: Once again, you are right. Fell into that one, didn’t I? UGH! Some day I’ll learn! With your help! LOL

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