We’re happy to present our latest feature on Manhunt Daily, Facebook Fan of the Week. Each week, one lucky Facebooker (who “liked” our page) will be spotlighted. This week’s FOW is cutie Superlovers; be sure to check his Manhunt profile for some really hot pics and learn a little more about him with our interview after the JUMP!
Oh, and don’t forget to “Like” Manhunt on Facebook!
– Andy
To see more of Superlovers and our interview, follow the JUMP:
Are you looking for Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now?
I am looking for Mr. Right now, too many to choose from to find my right.
What’s the best way for a man to get your attention on Manhunt?
The best way for a man to get my attention is to be straight forward, or talk about cars. I’m a sucker when it comes to a guy who knows about cars especially one that knows how to drive a manual.
Do you have a secret trick in the bedroom? Care to share it?
My secret trick in the bedroom is that I can put both my legs behind my neck, sort of like a pretzel. Guys seem to always be surprised when i do that.
Tell us your ultimate fantasy:
My ultimate fantasy would be to have sex with Trevor Knight or a whole rugby team, its too hard to decide which would be better.
Finally, what’s the funniest message you’ve ever received on Manhunt?
The funniest message I received on manhunt was a request for me to go on webcam and do things like sneeze and blow my nose. I thought it was a joke but it turns out thats just what that guy was really into.
Cute! his profile says Top but he screams bottom to me… id fuck him
Honestly; does anybody care about this inconsequential average joe?
solamente sin palabras para uno ver y tener una persona asi esta muy bien
hey ik ben homo zelf gay vrij woont gent ja
hobby ja zwemmen fiets ja
groetje liefs wow wow wow geweest xxx engels hugo
@Hapsburg… I care about this “inconsequential average joe” the kid is hot, a lot better looking than a lot of porn stars!
@hapsburg just about as much as caring about your comment
How quick we are to criticize groups or individuals who demonize our community…Why even bother with them when all we need do is look in our own backyard for venomous comments from “inconsequential” individuals. I can accept objective criticism, and the whole free speech argument…no matter how much i disagree with an opposing view.
However, if there is one sobering reality to Manhunt Daily, it exposes hate/hate speech from our very own, and that we are no better than anyone else; contrary to what gay activists often purport….so there’s your equality.
Oh yeah…this Superlovers guy is hot!
I’ve actually had him in and around my mouth haha. He’s a good friend of mine and his body is every bit as delicious in person as it is on screen. Our 3sum was pretty hott too. lol
Hapsburg, put down your stones and take a moment, if you can stop and reflect, on how imperfect you are. I’m in 100% agreement with navysausage, and I harken back to what was learned long ago. If you have nothing good to write or say, then write or say nothing. Now, with respect to the subject matter: Inconsequential? Never. Average? Not by a long shot. Joe? Call him what you will.
hes very nice. wouldnt kick him out my bed. so look no further loverboy. give me a shout lets chat
He looks like a nice, easy-maintenance, normal “kid” to me. Hopefully, he’ll grow up to be a very HOT man someday
Wow, super hot! Where are boys like this in my area? I drive a manual and would love to take him for a ride somewhere
I think the only guys that live in my area are the Hapsburgs. So critical! Makes me want to go asexual all over myself! LOL
This guy is very cute! I wish I could do the pretzel maneuver!
detourboi: Do you have to share everything you “know”? Like we all are so jealous that you’ve been with him. Whatever happened to keeping things to one’s self? Sorry, but that did not impress me. And no, I’m not jealous. I just think discretion is very underrated anymore. I hope Superlovers doesn’t bother with you again after you posted. Would serve you right.
hot pix…young enough to be my son…goodlooking young man.
Good job Andy/Dewitt… This is the best thing in manhunt since “The Ten”. I hope there will be more of this and Iam about to follow manhunt on facebook too, hopefully I will featured one day…lol.
Haven’t seem him on his webcam for a bit, usually he is drinking himself on there stone drunk or pissed that he is on his last beer in house around the 12th one. Then of course there was the big Cam/chat on Manhunt where he was drunk and popping pills to point that his buddy “—dancer” tried calling him to no avail. Then the MH cam chats of being arrested, driving illegally and going out to drink and pass out!
Yup he can’t put his feet behind his head too fore sure.
Point being things look nice on surface; however, surface is only skin deep.
OMG Hapsburg! You didn’t get the memo? If a guy’s featured on MH, regardless of what he looks like, he’s hot! How dare you disagree?!
How original. Sarcasm is every gay man’s weapon of choice…lol. Nice job.
You can disagree, but show some civility.
Hapsburg Do I detect JEALOUSY rearing it’s ugly AVERAGE head ?
ahaha i love it
ahaha…yeah… seen and talked with Super a few times in the new chat. brags he has a gallon of lube by his bed, always drinkin beer and poppin pills while chattin, even talks about drinkin at while at work, does give hot shows of him jackin, sure does act like he and his manhood get around about as much as Dewitt does. remeber him freakin out about neighbor talking to him who hadh him arrested before and she jealous about all the dudes he brings home to bang
As expected, Manhunt’s decision to invite its users for a profile spot has subjected these guys to hissy fits from any jilted bitter queen that knows them. The dude here is still hot, nonetheless.
The rants are amusing and makes for a great read! There must be something about Superlovers that keeps the two critics here unfolded enough, yet up for repeat visits to his page. Gluttons for punishment? Dish.
One of his ultimate fantasies is to have sex with Trevor Knight?????….Damn…kids, really got low standards….I guess his next stop will be “OntheHunt”
this boy is probably one of the hottest of MH’s fan of the week i’ve seen. not sure why anyone feels the need comment anything negative… his profile and Q&A seem pretty tame compared to some. either admire his cuteness or shhhhhh. i definitely admire.
Just as you can comment how hot I can comment on what a tool he is. Just becuase he has “hot” appearance doesn’t mean he is hot on the inside. He subjected himself to this by putting himself out here on this.
if you’re on manhunt, hot is really what matters. if they offered a ‘into classic literature’ check box next to the ‘no PNP’ box, then perhaps you would have a point. but Billy, you’re just embarassing yourself by embarrassing others.
Really, Billy? Then you, by posting, subject yourself to ridicule! And you are VERY rediculous!
he kinda looks like nick carter from the backstreet boys in the first photo
Well…Billy should be the next fan of the week, so all of us can see how he look like