Fantasia Starts 2013 With A Homophobic Instagram Rant


This bitch. And we’re one of the blogs that still gives her ass some love. American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino posted some drivel on Instagram about how everyone needs to stop judging her, but dragged her opinions on same-sex marriage into it. Now why did your bitch ass bring us into this? Those opinions, by the way, would best be described as “negative.”  She took the post down pretty quickly but this is 2013. Shit is set in stone online!


“I Rise ABOVE IT ALL!!! THE WORLD IS GONE MAD. KIDS, THE GOVERMENT, THE church House… Everybody Trying!!!!!!!,” the  singer wrote. “It’s a lot that going on that the Bible speaks about we should Not be doing. Weed legal in some places, Gay Marriage Legal BUT YET IM JUDGED!!! Im not doing Nothing for you… My Life!!!!”

My reaction? Gurl, please.

She released a statement saying her post was misconstrued and she’s a big supporter of the LGBT community and her. Whatever. People say dumb shit when they’re angry, and either she wanted attention or her personal feelings came out. The thing most of you are going to take away from this is “who?”

– J. Harvey

46 thoughts on “Fantasia Starts 2013 With A Homophobic Instagram Rant

  1. I’m loving the bitchy mad J. Harvey.
    We shouldn’t even give Fantasia attention for this since that’s all it’s a cry for…okay it might be her true feelings either way or both ways don’t give the heifer attention and she will go away.

  2. One tweet needs more context. She could be saying that we shouldn’t be using the Bible to determine judgment, and that we’ve legalized activities that were either illegal or stigmatized in the past. Oh Celebrities.

  3. I’m kind of on the fence with this one. like Utrh said, it kinda needs more context. But if she IS being homophobic, then that’s unfortunate for her, since the ‘mos are pretty much the last of her dying fan base.

  4. While it’s possible that there’s context lacking (and I seriously don’t see a way to misconstrue her statements as actually being pro-gay or pro-drug legalization, but I’ll run with it I guess), I think we can all agree that the statement as a whole is very poorly worded and needed to be thought about much more before being posted for the public to see. “I don’t think anyone has the right to judge me!” is a perfectly logical and succinct way to go about saying what we’re assuming she was trying to say here and there would have been no backlash for it. I Agree with J. on this one, why bring marriage equality or pot into the statement at all? What bearing does it have on her actual message?

  5. While it’s possible that there’s context lacking (and I seriously don’t see a way to misconstrue her statements as actually being pro-gay or pro-drug legalization, but I’ll run with it I guess), I think we can all agree that the statement as a whole is very poorly worded and needed to be thought about much more before being posted for the public to see. “I don’t think anyone has the right to judge me!” is a perfectly logical and succinct way to go about saying what we’re assuming she was trying to say here and there would have been no backlash for it. I Agree with J. on this one, why bring marriage equality or pot into the statement at all? What bearing does it have on her actual message?

  6. Who cares what this hollerin’ heffa has to say about us? I’m so sick of celebs turning their crazy/drunken/drug-fueled rants into “misconstrued statements” or something taken out of context. You wrote it/said it, now own it. However, I ask for your forgiveness in referring to Fantasia as a ‘celebrity’. I won’t be surprised on my next visit to North Carolina, I don’t find her working the cash register at the local Chick-fil-A

  7. There really is no context that we’re not seeing other than hypocrisy. Here’s another dumb drunken celebrity ranting about how the world’s goin to hell in a handbasket and resting their claims of superiority on the fact that their hands and head are “raised to Jesus.” Are they? Really? Was she praising the lord when she slept with a married man? She should take a look at herself in the mirror and at a grammar textbook while she’s at it. Bitch, please.

  8. There really is no context that we’re not seeing other than hypocrisy. Here’s another dumb drunken celebrity ranting about how the world’s goin to hell in a handbasket and resting their claims of superiority on the fact that their hands and head are “raised to Jesus.” Are they? Really? Was she praising the lord when she slept with a married man? She should take a look at herself in the mirror and at a grammar textbook while she’s at it. Bitch, please.

  9. Right up there with Adam Lambert’s recent rant about the singing in “Les Mis” being terrible. Like that screamer has-been-who-never-was has any cred, just jealous she didn’t get a part.

  10. She’s just mad because Carrie Underwood & Kelly Clarkson are the only 2 mega stars Idol has created, and it irks her that not as many people liked her enough to get to that status.

  11. I just have to say that people are blowing this way out of proportion, and it is so unnecessary! Come on guys, must we take everything to heart and get so offended about smallest things? I’m gay, grew up in the deep south, and I see nothing wrong here. If you saw her IG and read the comments people leave on her stuff you would understand a little more I guess. People insult her on pictures with her daughter and mom. All that she’s saying is that according to the bible, there’s so much
    wrong, but people want to judge her when she doesn’t judge anyone! BIG DEAL! Gosh, my mom says this all the time, but I’m not going to curse her out about it. She’s just giving her opinion based on the religious background that she has. We all know that this girl grew up in the church and her manager is obviously gay (if you watched her reality show). She clearly stated that she was referring to what the bible speaks of! I’ve been to a Fantasia show before and she embraces her gay fans and loves everyone. Also, why was that the only thing that people got from comment she made? WE’RE BETTER THAN THIS! It’s like we’ve come to the point where everyone thinks someone’s bashing gays just by mentioning the word “gay” in anything. I may be on my own, but whatever, it’s MY OPINION. I love myself and I love my fellow gays. Someone should open their eyes and look deep inside what we call “news” nowadays and see that it’s nothing to even get heated or dislike someone over. I love you all! 🙂

  12. I just have to say that people are blowing this way out of proportion, and it is so unnecessary! Come on guys, must we take everything to heart and get so offended about smallest things? I’m gay, grew up in the deep south, and I see nothing wrong here. If you saw her IG and read the comments people leave on her stuff you would understand a little more I guess. People insult her on pictures with her daughter and mom. All that she’s saying is that according to the bible, there’s so much
    wrong, but people want to judge her when she doesn’t judge anyone! BIG DEAL! Gosh, my mom says this all the time, but I’m not going to curse her out about it. She’s just giving her opinion based on the religious background that she has. We all know that this girl grew up in the church and her manager is obviously gay (if you watched her reality show). She clearly stated that she was referring to what the bible speaks of! I’ve been to a Fantasia show before and she embraces her gay fans and loves everyone. Also, why was that the only thing that people got from comment she made? WE’RE BETTER THAN THIS! It’s like we’ve come to the point where everyone thinks someone’s bashing gays just by mentioning the word “gay” in anything. I may be on my own, but whatever, it’s MY OPINION. I love myself and I love my fellow gays. Someone should open their eyes and look deep inside what we call “news” nowadays and see that it’s nothing to even get heated or dislike someone over. I love you all! 🙂

  13. wow…blows that she’s being judged, but to quote her book “Judge not lest ye be judged”

  14. wow…blows that she’s being judged, but to quote her book “Judge not lest ye be judged”

  15. wow…blows that she’s being judged, but to quote her book “Judge not lest ye be judged”

  16. Dear Fantasia, if you were more accepting of gay people you wouldn’t look like such a hot-mess all of the time.

    No gay guy would let you go onstage in a catsuit, they’re what not to wear 😉

  17. Dear Fantasia, if you were more accepting of gay people you wouldn’t look like such a hot-mess all of the time.

    No gay guy would let you go onstage in a catsuit, they’re what not to wear 😉

  18. Dear Fantasia, if you were more accepting of gay people you wouldn’t look like such a hot-mess all of the time.

    No gay guy would let you go onstage in a catsuit, they’re what not to wear 😉

  19. I think Adam was mad no one stuck out their tongue when they hit a high note LOL.
    Mind you I liked him on Idol, but there’s another mess in hair-product.

  20. I think Adam was mad no one stuck out their tongue when they hit a high note LOL.
    Mind you I liked him on Idol, but there’s another mess in hair-product.

  21. I think Adam was mad no one stuck out their tongue when they hit a high note LOL.
    Mind you I liked him on Idol, but there’s another mess in hair-product.

  22. why is everyone so quick to turn on someone from ONE statement?
    i am waiting for the collective “BURN HER!” chant …
    For a community that screams “Tolerance” … there is no evidence of that being shown when bloggers and journalists post shit like this to rile up the men and womyns for the sake of stirring the pot.
    I’ve never really been a fan of Fantasia, but I can’t imagine turning on someone like…Madonna for some bonehead thing she did (and she married Guy Ritchie!)

    *shakes pom poms*

  23. why is everyone so quick to turn on someone from ONE statement?
    i am waiting for the collective “BURN HER!” chant …
    For a community that screams “Tolerance” … there is no evidence of that being shown when bloggers and journalists post shit like this to rile up the men and womyns for the sake of stirring the pot.
    I’ve never really been a fan of Fantasia, but I can’t imagine turning on someone like…Madonna for some bonehead thing she did (and she married Guy Ritchie!)

    *shakes pom poms*

  24. why is everyone so quick to turn on someone from ONE statement?
    i am waiting for the collective “BURN HER!” chant …
    For a community that screams “Tolerance” … there is no evidence of that being shown when bloggers and journalists post shit like this to rile up the men and womyns for the sake of stirring the pot.
    I’ve never really been a fan of Fantasia, but I can’t imagine turning on someone like…Madonna for some bonehead thing she did (and she married Guy Ritchie!)

    *shakes pom poms*

  25. why is everyone so quick to turn on someone from ONE statement?
    i am waiting for the collective “BURN HER!” chant …
    For a community that screams “Tolerance” … there is no evidence of that being shown when bloggers and journalists post shit like this to rile up the men and womyns for the sake of stirring the pot.
    I’ve never really been a fan of Fantasia, but I can’t imagine turning on someone like…Madonna for some bonehead thing she did (and she married Guy Ritchie!)

    *shakes pom poms*

  26. why is everyone so quick to turn on someone from ONE statement?
    i am waiting for the collective “BURN HER!” chant …
    For a community that screams “Tolerance” … there is no evidence of that being shown when bloggers and journalists post shit like this to rile up the men and womyns for the sake of stirring the pot.
    I’ve never really been a fan of Fantasia, but I can’t imagine turning on someone like…Madonna for some bonehead thing she did (and she married Guy Ritchie!)

    *shakes pom poms*

  27. why is everyone so quick to turn on someone from ONE statement?
    i am waiting for the collective “BURN HER!” chant …
    For a community that screams “Tolerance” … there is no evidence of that being shown when bloggers and journalists post shit like this to rile up the men and womyns for the sake of stirring the pot.
    I’ve never really been a fan of Fantasia, but I can’t imagine turning on someone like…Madonna for some bonehead thing she did (and she married Guy Ritchie!)

    *shakes pom poms*

  28. why is everyone so quick to turn on someone from ONE statement?
    i am waiting for the collective “BURN HER!” chant …
    For a community that screams “Tolerance” … there is no evidence of that being shown when bloggers and journalists post shit like this to rile up the men and womyns for the sake of stirring the pot.
    I’ve never really been a fan of Fantasia, but I can’t imagine turning on someone like…Madonna for some bonehead thing she did (and she married Guy Ritchie!)

    *shakes pom poms*

  29. why is everyone so quick to turn on someone from ONE statement?
    i am waiting for the collective “BURN HER!” chant …
    For a community that screams “Tolerance” … there is no evidence of that being shown when bloggers and journalists post shit like this to rile up the men and womyns for the sake of stirring the pot.
    I’ve never really been a fan of Fantasia, but I can’t imagine turning on someone like…Madonna for some bonehead thing she did (and she married Guy Ritchie!)

    *shakes pom poms*

  30. why is everyone so quick to turn on someone from ONE statement?
    i am waiting for the collective “BURN HER!” chant …
    For a community that screams “Tolerance” … there is no evidence of that being shown when bloggers and journalists post shit like this to rile up the men and womyns for the sake of stirring the pot.
    I’ve never really been a fan of Fantasia, but I can’t imagine turning on someone like…Madonna for some bonehead thing she did (and she married Guy Ritchie!)

    *shakes pom poms*

  31. Religious commitments, undeveloped minds, youth, we’re all entitled to our immaturities. It’s not as if she’s Cher or Bette Davis or Donna Summers turning on her fans 180 degree spin. Wait. Donna Summers did turn on her fans! Still – we have seen Anne Rice return to the Catholic Church and leave due to their homophobia. So – yes, blowing it out of proportion is something that is too extremely familiar. Let’s butch up and let people be themselves, even if they are espousing views that are ignorant or delusional to our self-awareness. Send her a positive thought that she realizes that the humanity behind the dogma, in her time. And cut her some slack. Religious dogmatic hardcore commitments aren’t the end of the world. But our lack of patience is historically as similar. Chill people. It’s just one person who is an actress. There is no moral example an actor should have. They aren’t royality or patron saints.

  32. When I see the words God and gays in the same paragraph I have a problem. I’m a gay activist and will not be pushed around by anybody. EXCEPT a hunky, hairy man with a nice body and a hairy chest!

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