When you watched insaniac daredevil Felix Baumgartner jump from 128,100 feet above the earth two weekends ago, you were probably asking the same question we were.
“Is he hot?”
You couldn’t really tell with that pesky spacesuit. Luckily, he’s out on the talk show circuit now, and we have our answer – YES He’s hotsy! Guys who have the giant balls to do something death-defying like that, not to mention having the patience and stamina to plan it for five years, already have the sexy derring-do about them. Then they take off the helmet, and YES, FELIX. Jump and dive ON ME. This dude was going 833.9 MPH at one point, and was the first man to break the speed of sound in free fall. That can’t have been pleasant, and luckily it didn’t mess with his looks.
Felix claims that his jump was the last insane sci-fi stunt he’ll be doing ever. I hope someone gave his ass endorsements. That would suck if you space dove like that and no one let you do at least one deodorant commercial.
– J. Harvey
More pics and footage of Felix Baumgartner after the BREAK:
i watched it live and i was amazed… now i am really impressed
What took you so long with this one??
I knew right away he had the “right stuff”, hehe.
What took you so long with this one??
I knew right away he had the “right stuff”, hehe.
What was so awesome was the fact that like a cat he landed on his feet
Did he really poop his pants during his free fall?
Dude has balls!