Fiona Apple: “Werewolf”

Right now, there are few things I’m more excited about than Fiona Apple‘s fourth studio album The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver of The Screw And Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do. A downpour of Mark Ruffalo, Shay Michaels, Jason Priestley, Vinny Castillo and Lucio Saints could all land naked on my desk, and I’d turn down a chance to get gangbanged by all of them, just to get a copy of this album. It’s that serious!

Fiona Apple is my Madonna, my Liza Minnelli, my Lady Gaga or my whoever-fuck gay men are idolizing for one reason or another. I realize that makes me a whole other stereotype of gay man (ie: the kind who’d cream his manties at a Tori Amos concert when she straddles the piano)… But whatever, sluts! I’m living my truth.

We posted Fiona’s debut single “Every Single Night” back in April, and now Pitchfork has unveiled another solid track entitled “Werewolf”. If the player above doesn’t work, you can stream it at their site (and read more about the story behind the song).

BONUS: Listen to “Anything We Want”, yet another new track from the album.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Dan Monick

606 thoughts on “Fiona Apple: “Werewolf”

  1. i do like dance and lounge music myself but she has a really good voice/style thx for showing me big guy!  

  2. Yeah.  I’m a Tori, Fiona gay too.  I’m looking well forward to this, and I’m glad to see it here! 

  3. Have I told you lately that I love you (and your comments), raveltrouser?

  4. I’m a Shirley Manson/Gwen Stefani gay which is somewhere in between Gaga/Britney and Fiona/Tori but I can still relate Dewitt.  I also love Fiona though and am shaking in anticipation for this album.

  5. What I love the most about this record is that she uses percussion with other instruments than drums (forks, pans, sticks) and she did such an awesome work that you can’t really notice that. There’s an article where she explains all the screaming you hear in “Wolfman”, it’s really curious and improvised. Here’s to Fiona Apple and all of her awesomeness. Can you believe this is barely her fourth full length album?

  6. Tori, I’ve been a fan for almost 20 years,  since the first time I saw/heard “Silent All These Years”.  Fiona, I’ve liked what I’ve heard so far.

  7. Oh my, you are a Fiona lover too!  I may just have to follow this blog closer now.  She is a goddess who I hopelessly adore.  It scares me sometimes how similar I am to her in terms of personality; when I first started following her I couldn’t help but think, FINALLY!, someone who “gets” me.  I cannot wait for her new album; I pre-ordered the deluxe edition on amazon very shortly after it was announced and June 19th cannot get here soon enough!  Thank you for giving her attention; she is way too underrated among the masses. 🙂 

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