When it comes to sexual matters, I am the biggest enabler that you'll ever find. A certain someone very accurately described me as "the devil on everyone's shoulders" and pointed out that my name does have a variation on the phrase "do it". With that knowledge, you can probably guess how I'd react to someone telling me they'd like to get into porn. Obviously, I'm going to do everything I can until I see them on screen with a big dick in their mouth.
But enough about me! Because this post is about a sexy lad from Nebraska named Josh. He'd love to get into porn, and I'm doing my best to help make his dreams come true. You should get to know him on Twitter (@bourgtai) before he's too famous and out of your league.
It should be noted that Josh has interests beyond sex. In fact, he's kind of a total dork (and I mean that as a compliment). The majority of his recent tweets have been about Final Fantasy XIII, which I'm sure many of you have been playing nonstop since Tuesday.
While you're chit-chatting with Josh about fal'Cie and his delicious butt, be sure to start following us as well! Check us out here: @Manhunt and @DewittDaily. We promise our tweets will put some wood in your pants!
– Dewitt
For more pictures of this hottie, follow the JUMP:
Another variation on your name just might be Demented…
If you think this guy is hot!
Damn, his tweets are now locked….I want to Tweet him too!
i LOVE that wallpaper!!!!
Florence lawrence: the one in the bathroom? It’s actually paint. My mom had an atrocious green wallpaper up before that, and I told her it looked like the walls were molded over. When she was talking about redoing the walls, I DEMANDED that she do the bathroom in blues. It was the gayest thing I’ve done so far, but it looks a hell of a lot better than the old wallpaper did.
Oh. You might have been talking about the Portal wallpaper… yeeeahhh…
What a hottie.
FFXIII?! Epic, doesn’t get released in my country for another two months. -_-
A bunch of critical queens in here… This guy might not win “Stud Of The Year” but hell he’s in pretty good shape, nice dusting of body hair, and a really nice face. Just cause he has more then 0% body fat doesn’t mean he’s not porn material… Hell I’d meet him to see what’s up with him.
I have to say, after looking at the wood of the week and this guy, I would go for Josh over him any time. He looks real, an attractive guy with a personality and pictures that don’t rely on massive photoshopping. I don’t like plastic, and Josh looks anything but.
HOWEVER, with that said, the butt shot was horrible. Josh, if you read this, do a shot with a jockstrap or underwear that’s flattering to your shape. No disrespect intended, but the underwear you’re wearing for your butt shot look like grannie panties.
that’s a lot of cosmetics in the bathroom.. agree though: great wallpaper
Ha, that bathroom wall IS pretty gay – but it came out nice for paint!
he’s alot my type… but clearly the majority like the wallpaper/paint more than him, now sure how profitable he would be for very many out there…
also, my type is a dorky and his body type and facial structure… so yeah… though it’s pretty easy to be a pornstar, you just sorta need
PS: i’m a Tales fanboy, not Final Fantasy…
PPS: Joooossshh… did you clip your toenails yet? >.>
you just sorta need ***
…a bit of fine tuning, not much, but better photos would be helpful cause these aren’t as good to gawk at except maybe the first one
(started writing my post script spam before i finished the thought for my initial thought… i should go to sleep >.> )
Well, OK, if it’s to help your career, I’ll sleep with you on camera.
Actually, though, Josh, I kind of agree with Tommy and BlockedUser. I still think you’re cute, and those last two pics got me horny as hell (fucking perfect body in my book), but if you really want to be taken seriously in the modeling/porn business, you need some underwear that’s a little more flattering to your body. And maybe a professional photo shoot, too, or at least someone with a good eye, instead of webcam and cellphone pics around your mom’s house.
i think he has something, he does have a “look” face wise.
to build himself up a little, he should audition for daddymugs or a similar site. make sure they practise safe sex though, very important.
most of the younger guys who are on daddymugs are very smart because they look great against the older, slightly fatter “daddy”, they might not stand out that much if they were put against traditional porn stars but against daddymugs they look fab.
they build up their fanbases from all the older men watching daddymugs and dreaming it could be them with the younger guys. they build up their status as a fantasy object, which is great for the porn world and once they have their fanbase and launching pad, they go onto some other more well known porn company, in traditional porn.
your welcome
Gee, maybe its me but does his head look odd to the rest of his body, like the hairy chest i must say !
to hell with the wallpaper, what about all the crap he left scattered on the counter…LOL…see my post on toothpaste splatters on the mirror…LOL
Anyway, i think he’s kind of hot…and its nice to meet someone before the become “porn stars”
I got to meet Curt Wild before he did much porn and the Tyra show…he is “much” hotter in person and a “real” sweetie! and another cute little guy with a huge cock!
I could see him getting railed by some beefy guy…