We love sharing our Manhunt event pics with our members and followers on our Manhunt Facebook Fan Page and Manhunt’s Official Flickr Page. Unfortunately, we sometimes can’t post ALL the pics due to salacious content. This was never more evident then when our events coordinator passed me the thumb drive with the pics from last weekend’s Folsom Street Fair on it.
Me: I can’t post these!
Our Insane Events Guy: Girl, why not? (Ed. note – Yes, that’s how he speaks. He’s a mess.)
Me: Dude, he’s blowing Cole Streets from the sling. They’re eating each other’s asses!! Facebook will not only take our page down, they’ll set it on fire.
Our Insane Events Guy: I had Dominik Ryder spread his cheeks just for you!
[Ed. note – It’s true. Hot Mess Manhunt Events Coordinator Guy knows I’m not in love with close-up rosebud pics. So at every Manhunt event, he gets a porn star to bend over and crack a smile for the camera. Just for me. Gee, thanks.]
Fortunately for the world, we have Manhunt Daily! We can post just about anything on this blog, which is why we get a lot of pageviews. So without further adieu, check out how permissive a city San Francisco is in the following pics from Folsom. Seriously, tourists gather to watch salad tossing. I need to move there.
– J. Harvey
To check out more pics from our Manhunt booth at Folsom, Follow the JUMP:
Gross – ManHunt must not be doing too well – could they not afford any attractive models?
This is what America thinks of when they think of Gay people. Public sex, straight or gay, is disgusting. Makes you ashamed of being gay.
Hey free fire….I’m one of those models. That was kinda a dick thing for u to say huh?
They’re just jealous they weren’t there. Incredible event, especially thanks to you and the other booths with live shows.
Like all the pics if you don’t want to look at them DON’T nobody made you!
Can I just be the first to say screw the prudes, give me more! And Mr. Streets, you are one hot man, Sir…
All of the guys were great looking
NO NO and HELL NO, this is where the word faggot gets its meaning. I agree with free fire, is no one even semi attractive at these HIV conventions?
Oh wow! There are alot of, “Disgusting”s in this post! Must be a post by J. Harvey!
Yep! J. Harvey I really don’t think you know what you’re doing! DISCUSTING!!!!
Um… who is the tall man in the grey hat? He’s delicious.
Good Lord, you prudes!! ALL of these models are extremely sexy….I’m in favor of public sex, gay or straight….we all know the types of guys that are dissing these pics….so I say let them have their opinion, ’cause they sure as hell aren’t getting LAID!!!!!
Just wondering… does SF relax the law for a day?
What ever PRUDES if you dont know what Folsom is all about Dont comment, and if you look any better Please be man enough to show us
Haha, if you’re dissing the public sex then obviously you’ve never heard of folsom. And to dis the models and criticize them for having a good time makes you sound jealous that you don’t have the balls to do what they do.
I’m not here to comment on the”models” looks. Not here because I am a prude and don’t get laid.
But I have been to many celebrations, events, parades around the world hetero/gay/ and mixed.
I’ve never seen anyone getting rimmed in the zeppole tent St Gennaro festival or anyone publicly sucking cock during the St Patricks day parade.
Even Burning Man and California Mens Gathering have designated private areas for those that want to dive into sexual fun … this public trash is nothing but a lowrent stab at publicity… right up there with Pop stars and their “OOps Ishowed you my Twat”
T A C K Y!
If these had been “caught in the act” photos, perhaps it would be a different story but a company paying people to do it in the streets is something different. It just gives me a great reason to take my money elsewhere and not put it into the manhunt coffers.
I’d like to point out the hyprocisy of faggots on a site called Manhunt, pretending to be affronted by depictions of public sex at the Folsom street fair which is famous for exactly that. Who are you people? An opinion is fine to have, but the judgement is ridiculous. You’re fine secretly ogling naked men and consuming pornogrophy but people get out and celebrate sexuality and you’re the first to throw stones and quake indignation over what the supposed moral majority of hetero normative culture would say in condemnation of such a spectacle.
Silly silly people.
Small, petty people, man. Pay no mind.
Who cares what consenting adults do (so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone)? Cripes, if you all hate it that much, why read the post?
I’ve written it before, it’s like going into a pizza parlor and announcing you hate pizza.
Cole Streets! Dude! Wasn’t at Folsom, but enjoy watching your videos. Love your hairy chest, nice smile, and obviously fun personality. Fuck these haters and keep it coming!!
I used to find amusement in the comments of small minded people, but now I just find it sad. With the progress being made every day in the realm of LGBT freedom, now is the time for you to finally come out of the closet and stop hating your gay brothers for causing you embarrasment. We still have a long, long way to go but, until you grow a pair and stand proudly with the rest of us, you have no place degrading those who are out there pushing the envelope!
I agree with public rimming and cocksucking is very tacky, but don’t critisize the guys looks, they are nice looking guys, I’m sure the people doing the critisizing has had public sex in parks or bathrooms and are far less goodlooking. I don’t know of anyone who hasnt had sex in parks, mall bathrooms etc, but it’s still tacky but we all do it, if you say you never have, you are lying
I actually met Cole Streets down in Key West during Bone Island. Had no idea who he was since I don’t really follow the porn world. I must say, Cole is a super nice guy with a great personality, and can hold a conversation. Later on, some guys that I made acquaintance with there informed me who he was. I had no idea and was too shy to go back up and ask for a picture with him. I’m kicking myself now.
I have been to folsom once. It is a pay to get in and the street is blocked off. I really don’t remember seeing any kids there just adults. So it is not just open to the pubic where there are kids running around and watching sex acts. Plus I have been told, but haven’t been there that Southern Decadence is really alot more of a show then Folsom.
For every gay high brow who is monogamous (or alone) and enjoys Masterpiece Theater, there is a gay man who visits bath houses and watches The Jersey Shore. Does that mean one is better than the other? Of course not. As for our image and fighting for our rights, we’re not going to change the haters’ minds overnight. Women are still fighting sexism, but making strides in the workplace. Blacks are still fighting racism, but look who’s in the White House. There’s no reason to abandon our guilty pleasures in a vain attempt to get people to like us. And besides, hypocrites are boring people to hang out with. P.S. I think the guy in the third pic from the bottom is cute.
damn man youre fuckin hot .dont let the haters get you fired up love your face n bod
wow look like it the place to be:-) wooof oinks
Us faggots are a classy lot.
#1, Folsom is NOT a gay event. It’s a leather and fetish event and is more straight than gay, tho it is getting closer to 50/50 these days and I know that because this was my 6th time. Once again I saw way more women on display being tied up and wiped and being fondled than I did gays. Public sex is part of this event, always has been and always will be.
#2, 80% of the people there are dressed in normal clothes and are just roaming around buying stuff and looking at the other 20%. Now that 20% I would say is mostly gay but that’s because the leather community is more gay than straight.
#3, These Manhunt guys range from “kinda cute” to “holy fucking hella hot” and none of them would get kicked out of my bed…and one I’d even offer to make breakfast for
If you don’t like this kind of stuff, don’t go, don’t look at it, don’t waste your time on it. Feel free to be conservative but please keep your condescending comments to yourself.
But Folsom is a Street Fair ABOUT Sex and Fetish and SF has entirely different rules about public nudity than NYC.
The events you listed aren’t about having sex or fetish or S/M or any of the other things Folsom is about (even if some of those other events have similar activities, sex is not the focus).
So, how are they comparable?
The sweetest of victories.
Shouldn’t you have those shopping cart wipes for this guys dick?
Thank you for posting that, I couldn’t agree more!
Why hasn’t MH Daily posted the news about the openly gay candidate who is a viable candidate and stands a good chance of being the Irish president if he gets enough votes in the elections.
As for the above pictures classai? I prefer a bit discretion but thats just me
Alex, Sadly in the new issue of Advocate he is no longer in the running due to an old scandal involving his ex.
Well if you’ve been watching this blog for long, you’ll know that some guys on here get their attention by broadcasting bitchy remarks in an attempt to seem sexy and clever…and always with a profile with no picture. Their judgments tell more about them than they do about you.
Good on you for being willing to put it out there for the crowds obvious enjoyment…and now ours.
Oh no thats terrible.
Just for clarity’s sake, nudity is legal in San Francisco but sexual acts, even touching another person’s penis, is NOT. These types of acts are not permitted at the Folsom Street Fair and people engaging in them put the Fair’s city permits in jeopardy every single year. Two years ago the city almost didnt grant the permits for Dore Alley when similar photos popped up on the internet. Everyone knows it’s going on at the Fair… but photographing it and subsequently posting in on the internet is foolish and reckless.
I am shocked by the vitriol primnessstirred by htese pics. As for sex in public, it seem the fair has a reputation, If the idea offends, stay away. If the title of a post tells you sexually explicit images are involved,don’t look. And leave us to enjoy.
Cole Streets is so fucking sexy….
And yet, pushing the envelope and not being afraid to take a stand is how you make progress. I’m also pretty sure that San Francisco knows how much money is generated by the gay community and is willing to look the other way as long as they get their cut.
I wish the gay community could stop these disgusting festivals all together and try to work on our horrible reputation in the country. I really don’t blame str8 people for thinking of gays this way! I am so ashamed to be a part of this disgusting community!
Instead of engaging in public sex and seeking sexual freedom we need to stand up for our rights and behave like human-beings that live on this planet!
Cole treets..he most beautiful universal porno actor.