Foreplay: Hot or Not?


Recently, I came across a list of “Things Men Hate About Sex”. Although it was written by a presumably straight man with fellow heteros in mind, I couldn’t help but question some of his points. For example, the second item on his list was foreplay. I happen to be a man, and I happen to love foreplay.

As much as I love fucking, I love the process of getting there even more. And I love everything about it–kissing, stroking, massaging, groping and so forth. I’d take an excellent make out session over a lousy fuck any day, but I guess that’s just my preference. What do you think of foreplay–hot or not?

– Dewitt

24 thoughts on “Foreplay: Hot or Not?

  1. Without question, foreplay makes the experience so much better. Blow-n-go encounters are good for a quick fix, but nothing beats a man who loves to touch, kiss and cuddle.

  2. Depends on the situation, most of the time, foreplay preferred, but sometimes a hot quick in-and-out is good too.

  3. I have an overwhelming feeling that most gay men are gonna say foreplay is definitely a good thing. I, for one, need it if I’m gonna bottom.

  4. I have to agree that foreplay is definitely a must. Long sessions of foreplay are much better than a quick romp anytime.

  5. That list had neither truth nor substance. If I just wanted to stick something in my ass (or vice versa) why would I even need a guy at all? Guys who don’t like foreplay are usually horrible in bed and treat you even worse outside the bedroom.

  6. the average hetero doesn’t really have “their own” definition as to what foreplay is to them and what they want it to be… so of course they’re gonna hate it if it’s something some girl tells them has to happen 😛

  7. I love foreplay, I love to give kisses and tender touching, and man if I love to receive them too! But the truth is that many man with I have been are very lousy foreplayers. And for me, a bad foreplay is a turn off.
    Yet, I have been with some of those guys and have a great sex ( In opppsition to what Toph-melch posted). So I think the mood and how good you are or feel the other is depends a lot if you foreplay or not.
    So here’s the deal, if you are good, welcome!! But if you’re not, lets skip it and fuck already!

  8. one thing to keep in mind: “foreplay” can come in other, non-traditional forms.
    (some amongst us might know what i mean.)
    but, to be more specific..
    ..if i had a choice, i would usually rather have It, than not.
    i think most human beings like foreplay; it’s been demonized, though, because of The Media.
    (i mean… …i *hope* that most of us don’t require to be swathed in a bed of roses, and need an array of Scented Candles in a heart pattern..
    ..and a luxurious, multi-course dinner just to even begin to be aroused.
    all of that is nice — don’r get me wrong.
    but.. ..doing That, all the time, seems like it would get pretty expensive, pretty quick.
    and in This Day & Age™, i don’t think we want to go to such extremes, now, for people whom we can’t even be sure we’ll be with, forevermore.)

  9. You know, it’s interesting that this article appears on the blog today. Up until last night, I would have counted foreplay out and just gone straight for the fuck. However, recently I met this wonderful guy and foreplay is his thing as I have come to learn. Last night, I received a full demonstration! The man touched me, kissed me, and licked me in places I NEVER knew existed. By the time we got to the actual fucking, I felt like I had already reached climax until the end when I ACTUALLY did. AMAZING! I have never had an experience as awe inspiring as last night and I’m well versed (or so I thought) in the art of man on man sex. I sure as hell received an education last night. So, my vote —- FOREPLAY!

  10. I went to a guys place last week for a hook up.
    He had left the door of his house ajar.
    When I walked in he was on the bed with his face in the pillow, ass in the air.
    I took down my pants at the end of the bed in silence and without touching his body I slid my ridged cock deep inside him.
    It was fucking wild.

  11. Hot.
    I’d write a comment about how and why but I’m too busy jacking off to all these stories in this thread, especially jake’s.

  12. Love it! Considering i don’t actually feel my orgasms, i have to make the rest of the experience as stimulating as possible to really feel like i’ve had sex afterwards.

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