Sad news this morning. Former California governor and Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger has split from his wife of 25 years, television’s Maria Shriver. They were one of those Hollywood types that you thought would last. Although, you know Ahnold was giving anything with a vagina “rides” in the gubernatorial Hummer.
Because of this, we decided to dedicate today’s “Fuck, Marry, Block” to the action heroes of days past – Arnold, Bruce Willis & the disturbingly waxy Sylvester Stallone. They appeared together for the first time in last year’s The Expendables, and we’re sure they all still have some fuck juice left in em’.
Which one would you fuck, which one would you marry, and which one gets blocked by you on Manhunt? Let us know in the comments section!
– J. Harvey
To see some pics of these dudes in their hunky prime, Follow the JUMP:
Fuck the Governator, Block Rocky and Marry Mr Die Hard
well, it would have to be –
Fuck – Arnold – just to say i fucked a terminator
Marry – Bruce – only coz i don’t want to marry Sly
Block – Sly – just coz i never found him attractive even in his prime D: sorry
F: Bruce
M: Arnold
B: sly
that was them,today i will be back with a different tale
i will definitely marry mr. willis in no time. he is such a hunky… even now!
Assuming this is when they were hot:
Marry: Sly
Fuck: Terminator
Block: Bruce.
Back when they were in their prime:
F: Willis
M: Stallone
B: Schwarzenegger
Present day:
F: Schwarzenegger
M: Willis
B: Stallone
F: Schwarzenegger
M: Willis
B: Stalone
block:Sly, Arnold
Fuck Arnold
Marry Bruce
Block Sylvester
i dont think i’d do any of them. they are all waaaay too old now, and being a 20-something stud myself, i can get (and usually do) way better!! time for them to hit the nursing home circuit
by the first pic with all 3:
F: Stallone
M: Willis
B: Schwarzenegger
by the individual pics:
F: Schwarzenegger
M: Stallone
B: Willis
it’s really amazing how much they’ve changed — i feel like willis has changed the least – though he couldn’t match up before, he’s aged so much better than the other two
same in all cases
Which one has the smallest penis?
fuck them all,has beens the lot of them
Fuck – Sly
Marry – Bruce
Block – Arnold
Andy, what an arrogent little prig you are. I daresay you will be in the nursing home circuit long before they ever were. Please realize your time of glory is so fleetingly brief that you should be thankful you have it rather than acting like you will never lose it.
fuck and marry: Bruce
block: Sly
block and flag for profile deletion: Ahhhnold.
(´asta la bista.
fuck Willis – long term affair – he’s hot
marry Arnold – billions $$ + open marriage
block the guy with bad taste, steriods and a family you would never give you a minute of
peace. drama drama drama.
I think there’s fun living, supported by good living and excluding bad living choices.
At least the husband choice would be too busy boinking to bother with whatever I was doing.
Pragmatic and less painful. Security is highly undervalued.
Fuck Arnold, Marry Bruce (and fuck him everyday), block rocky
id only touch bruce… arny is a retard and sylvester is total special needs… his mother is hotter
You should have asked me these questions 20 years ago, now no-Bruce no-Arnold and really NO-Sly
They are ALL still so cute. Would take ’em all on…one at a time or in a group. YUMMIE.
block, block, block……then or now NOT worth it
can i fuck AND Marry Bruce, but block both Arnie and Sly? Never liked either of them… but i’ve been in love with Bruce since Die Hard…
Marry Bruce
Fuck Sly, then block him
Block Arnold
But I would drop them all for Dwayne Johnson in a heartbeat.
In their prime…
Fuck- Arnold
Marry- Arnold
Block- Willis
As is…
Fuck- Arnold
Marry- Willis
Block- Sly
Get fucked by Bruce while Arnold & Sly watch! Hot!
You guys are all way more decisive than I am. I’d:
Fuck Bruce, Marry Bruce and Block Sly and Ahnold.
In their prime, I would block Schwarzenegger because he’s just too damn big. Fucking him would make me feel like I was fucking a house. I would block Willis in the 80’s because I didn’t like his hair and he was too damn cocky without being that sexy to back it up. From the 70’s to the early 90’s, I’d fuck Stallone but I’d marry Willis because of the Die Hard money. However… starting somewhere in 1991, I’d definitely switch to marry Schwarzenegger and fuck Willis. Especially in Pulp Fiction and The Kid.