They announced the line-up for the next Dancing With The Stars, and it’s actually kind of interesting. You’ve got the transgendered Chaz Bono, television justice banshee Nancy Grace, Ricki Lake, and Carson Kressley! That chick’s still around? Good on her!
“Fuck, Marry, Block” just put on its sequined cha-cha heels, and wants you to dance! We’ll go with the three guys from the news season who are more attractive in a mainstream sort of way – Courtney Cox liability David Arquette, NBA player Ron Artest, and Kim Kardashian’s brother Rob.
You’ve got to fuck one (his tango got you all worked up), marry one (if he can lead like that, he’ll make a wonderful husband), and block one from your Manhunt profile (if he dances like that….well, you get the picture).
– J. Harvey
For pics of the contestants, Follow the JUMP:
David Arquette
Ron Artest
Rob Kardashian
Marry: Rob Kardashian
Fuck: Rob Kardashian
Block: David Arquette & Ron Artest
Can we just say “consign them all to obscurity”?
Fuck: Ron Artest
Marry: Rob Kardashian
Block: David Arquette (only because I have to)
Fuck: David Arquette (just to say I did)
Marry: Rob Kardashian (who wouldn’t want to??? Sexy with money and fame)
Block:Ron Artest (I never was one for basketball)
I’ll get the black dude to marry me and fuck me. Kardashian kid looks too young. Thanks for not including Chaz Bono on this one (for the bear lovers). Lol
Fuck: Rob Kardashian, he’s got that trashy boy look that I like
Marry: David Arquette, I’ve always heard he’s a sweetheartBlock: Ron Artest, who?
How about “this entire ridiculous show can fuck off totally!” The professional dancers have now become the stars and the guests are celebrities of questionable fame, total has-beens trying to revive moribund careers, or people nobody ever heard of in the first place. And I honestly feel sorry for a few of the pro’s who have to partner up with some of these guests. Can’t wait to see Chaz Bono trying to be light on his feet, except I won’t be watching. No thanks to another season of Bruno’s embarrassing antics and Brooke Burke’s phony charm and horrible couture. Ugh!
Marry: Rob Kardashian
Fuck: David Arquette in a 3 way with Rob Kadashian
Block: Ron Artest
Fuck: Ron Artest (occasionally suffer from jungle fever)
Marry: Rob (duh)
Block: Arquette (no thanks.)
fuck them all, marry none, and eventually block all…. and since when Rob Kardashian is a catch? fame? career? really?
FUCK: Ron Artest
MARRY: Rob Kardashian
BLOCK: David Arquette
Fuck: David Arquette & Ron Artest (together, would be an interesting 3-way for sure)
Block: Rob (an arrogant little fucker… total turn-off!)
Fuck: David… He’s a lil crazy.
Marry: Rob… Mmmm.. nuff said!
Block: Ron… ew!
Fuck —Artest. Definitely the hot one of the group
Marry — Arquette. Only because you gotta…
Block — Kardasian. seriously. He’s a Kardasian. If you don’t block him, you are tacitly endorsing the end of rational civilization as we know it.
Fuck- Ron Artest
Marry- Rob Kardashian
Block- David arquette
Rob is so fuckin fine.
fuck: David Arquette
marry: David Arquette
block: that Kardashian kid
I’ve always had the hots for David Arquette…so this one is easy
how about !!!!!!! who cares !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This might be the gayist D.W.T.S. ever ! LOL
I WOULD FUCK NANCY GRACE OR RICKI LAKE before the options you have given… gag me with a spoon
fuck: Maksim Chmerkovsky (the energy of his
butt action could light up Pittsburgh)
marry: Rod Artest
block: not aware of any other candidates-they are faceless blobs
I’d fuck all three (repeatedly)…….block whoever sucked in bed…………….and after carefully examining who has the highest net-worth, MARRY THE FUCKER!
Kenny I like tha way u think!!!
fuck: Rob Artest
Marry: Rob Kardashian
Block: David Arquette
Fuck = Artest
Marry = Kardasian
Block = The other one – the ugly one……
fuck:Rob Kadashian
marry: Rob Artest
Block:david arquette
Fuck: Arquette
Marry: Robbie
Block: Artest (I’ve seen him naked and he gives black guys a bad reputation lol)
Also, does anyone know if Rob circumcised, cause a foreskin on him would make it even better.
fuck: all 3 of them
marry: Rob kardashian
block: who is ron artest?
I don’t watch this show (or almost any new show as a matter) but – Kardashian looks like a sleazy slob. I’ll block both him and Ron Artest. Marry + fuck David Arquette because I’ve always liked him. He’s a 6/10 at best physically, but I think he’s a really nice and fun guy.