Fuck, Marry, Block: The Avengers

Could they not get them in the same damn room for the pic? Then again, the majority of these actors headlined their own movies. It’s probably an ego and scheduling nightmare. EW just posted the first cover shot of The Avengers – which is sure to be the big blockbuster next summer. It’s hard to choose three of the dudes (sorry, Scarjo) from the line-up to play “Fuck, Marry, Block” with, but it must be done!

And I’m going with the three guys I most want to suck off. Sorry. So let’s use Chris Hemsworth (“Thor”), Chris Evans (“Captain America”), and…drumroll…(this was really difficult) Mark Ruffalo! He’s the Hulk, and despite looking like shit on that cover – he’s so fuckable. Jeremy Renner was THIS close.

You’ve got to fuck one of these superheroes, marry one of em’ and hope supervillians don’t attack the ceremony, and block one (Captain America’s got a shield you can use) from your Manhunt profile.

p.s. Feel free to cuss my ass out for not using Renner (“Hawkeye”) or Robert Downey Jr. (“Iron Man”)!

– J. Harvey

To play FMB with the Avengers, Follow the JUMP:

Chris Hemsworth

Chris Evans

Mark Ruffalo

47 thoughts on “Fuck, Marry, Block: The Avengers

  1. Fuck (rather have him fuck me) & Marry Chris Evans.

    The other two I’d fuck, possibly marry, but certainly wouldn’t block.

  2. Marry Mark Ruffalo, fuck Chris Evans and publically block Chris Hemsworth but do him on the side.

  3. Fuck Evans, marry Ruffalo, block Hemsworth.

    Probably odd, but I find Downey the sexiest. Too bad he’s a midget.

  4. HMMMMMMM, Fuck Hemsworth, Hemsworth fuck me, Marry Hemsworth, then we both fuck Evans, move to Utah then marry Evans, block Ruffalo (he seems too proper to know about manhunt anyways, but why take the chance). Then we hire Downey and Renner to kidnap Ruffalo and bring him back to the USAF/Hemsworth/Evans pad where we all have an all out orgy and we all live happily ever after….. The End…

  5. Hemsworth and Evans, of course. But I am kinda sad Clark Gregg (agent Coulson) and Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) were ignored. SLJ is not really my type, but I’ll do Clark Gregg anytime.

  6. Fuck Chris Evans, Fuck Chris Hemworth – preferably both of them at the same time with me in the middle – and marry them both.

  7. Fuck: Chris Evans (in a heartbeat – have had a hard on for him for a while)
    Marry: Chris Hemsworth (he has that sweet “take home to meet mom” thing going on.
    Block: Mark Ruffalo (not bad but the others are WAY BETTER).

  8. OK, this one was difficult. i just wanna fuck or get fucked by all three. Just can’t make any other choice.

  9. Fuck the living shit out of Chris Hemsworth, pound that muscle ass, and get Chris Evans and Mark to pound it after I’m done. And after they are done, I’d pound that big boy butt again.

  10. fuck chris h, marry chris e, block mark r………..chris evans is HOT, too bad he can not be human torch any more, LOVE the coat scene from fantastic four 1……………dry mouth syndrome, instant woodie…….

  11. Since you didn’t post Jeremy Renner, I would say I’d fuck Chris Evans while Jeremy Renner was fucking me.   Hey, if you didn’t post him and I can’t see him….   Plus I’d let Thor plow Mark Ruffalo.

  12. You are all wrong.  Fuck all three at the same time, then jet up to New York, marry them all, set up a gay version of the FLDS Church, and then live happily ever after on a compound somewhere out West. 

  13. Block- Mark R. I’m sorry, I am just not seeing it. Renner is way cuter.
    Fuck- Chris E… i’d drink the boys bathwater if given the opp… Lol
    Marry- Chris H… But only on the condition he always talk like Thor 😉

  14. Marry – Mark Ruffalo – by a longshot my biggest celebrity crush
    Fuck – Jeremy Renner
    Block – Robert Downey Jr

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