We try to be green here at Manhunt Daily (seriously, I should wash this jizz sock), so why not recycle some of our post subjects? “Fuck, Marry, Block” normally features men from movies or television, but that limits us from posting dick shots. Let’s fix that shit! Let’s play FMB with Solomon, Danny Harper, and Ben Brown. Which one will you be slamming your dick into (or his dick into you), which one will you be putting a (cock) ring on, and which one is getting blocked from your Manhunt profile?
– J. Harvey
To play, Follow the JUMP:
Danny Harper
Ben Brown
fuck danny, marry solomon… and block ben. that was hard between danny and solomon. i almost feel bad.
Fuck them all senseless at the same time, then marry Ben.
Fuck them all senseless at the same time, then marry Danny!!!
rather marry all three just a greedy boy lol
Can you be gay and a mormon
Block Danny (he’s only kinda cute).
Marry Solomon (if marry doesn’t exclude fucking that at least I can jack off while watching him undressing in the bedroom until we perhaps divorce- beautiful man, love to share a bed with him and just look at him).
Fuck Ben Brown.
fuck ben, marry solomon, block danny
Hell, Fuck ’em all…shit..lol
Marry Danny, and fuck Ben and Solomon there is no way you can block any of these fine ass men.
Can I just fuck with all of them and enjoy them. I think Solomon is marriage material, but the other two would make perfect fuckbuddies.
marry solomon, fuck danny & ben…..no blocking today
marry solomon in a heartbeat!!
fuck ben brown until we both collapsed
block danny Harper – he is handsome but doesnt push my trigger
Fuck Ben, marry Solomon, block Danny
Fuck Ben, marry Danny, block Solomon. Or fuck Danny, marry Ben, block Solomon… whichever, but definitely NOT into Solomon.
fuck danny, marry soloman, block ben
would marry and fuck all never block
fuck solomon, marry solomon, block ben
Fuck Solomon
Marry Danny
And Block Ben…regrettably.
Fuck Danny, marry Ben (hopefully marriage includes regular fucking) and block Soloman (only because he’s a bit young for me…but he’s hot as hell).
marry Ben, fuck solomon and block danny
Marry Solomon,fuck Danny, block Ben
Based on these photos:
Fuck Ben, marry Solomon, block Danny.
block Danny
marry Ben
fuck Solomon
Fuck Ben Brown, Marry Danny, Block Solomon.
Danny and Ben are so fucking sexy though, so id have em both.
Marry Danny Harper, fuck Solomon block Ben…I guess, if I have to.
Don’t they say once you get married you never get it again. So I say just keep fucking all three of them over and over.
Marry Solomon, fuck Ben, block Danny.
BLOCK Soloman, FUCK Danny, MARRY Ben!
marry solomon, fuck danny, block ben
Marry Danny and Solomon (I can’t choose… I would wake up next to either every morning), fuck Ben
fuck danny, marry ben, block solomon
Block none – Marry none- FUCK ALL !!!
i’d marry danny….had a crush on him since his seancody days. i’d fuck ben and regrettably block solomon…who might turn it to be the better husband. *grin