Fuck, Marry, Block: True Blood

How are we supposed to choose? How does Sookie do it? It must help that one’s her brother. Season 4 of the supernatural soaper True Blood premieres on June 26. Let’s play “Fuck, Marry, Block” with the hottest guys from the show. You need to Fuck, Marry or Block thin white vampire Alexander Skarsgard (“Eric Northman”), incredibly fuckable goofball Ryan Kwanten (“Jason Stackhouse”), and gorgeous wolfman Joe Manganiello (“Alcide”).

Which one are you in it just for the fang bang? Which one do you want to spend eternity with? And which one is not getting his blood lust anywhere near your profile on Manhunt?

For individual pics of the contestants, Follow the JUMP:

Alexander Skarsgard

Ryan Kwanten

Joe Manganiello

56 thoughts on “Fuck, Marry, Block: True Blood

  1. I would not block any of these guys and no matter what they want – to fuck or marry – I would be game.

  2. Hottest post ever. Also hardest question ever. Ummm… fuck Eric, marry Alcide, chuck Jason (*sob*).

  3. Fuck and Marry all three. No way I would ever block any of them, esp. since I’ve have really hot fantasies about all three of them!!

  4. If marry by the traditional definition of this game means that I can’t have sex with him but I can admire his beauty every day of my life from right there in the room… I’d fuck Ryan. Marry Alexander. And Joe gets the block.

  5. Block Eric (I guess, ugh don’t want to :(, fuck Jason, and marry Alcide.

  6. Fuck all three, then, Marry all there, and Block the rest of the world, cause I will have reached Nirvana…………

  7. Block Ryan, Fuck Joe, Marry Alexander. 

    Haters be trippin’. Alexander Skarsgard is the sexiest beast ever. I would give my firstborn child to have that man…

  8. Needs more Kevin/Jesus.

    But of these, I’d fuck Joe, marry Alexander, and block Ryan.

  9. This is a good one!!!

    Marry – Joe (Alrite)
    Fuck – Alex (Eric)
    Block (sadly) Ryan (Jason)

  10. This question is as hard as my dick!

    I guessss I’d fuck Stackhouse, marry Wolfman (omg delicious), and *cries* block….Eric :'(

  11. Marry Jason (so i could fuck him allll the time)
    Fuck Alcide
    and Block Eric because i hate his character.

  12. Marry Alex
    Fuck Joe
    Block Ryan (that wasn’t an easy choice)

    Btw that picture of ASkars is fake.

  13. Block Eric, Fuck Jason, and Marry Alcide. Waking up every morning next to that guy? I can die happy 😀

  14. It’s too hard! (Pun intended)

    I was hoping you’d include the guy that plays Bill so that I could block him…

    Gotta be fuck Ryan/Stackhouse, block Skarsgard/Eric (though I would love to fuck him too!) and marry Manganiello, I could wake up to those muscles for the rest of my life!

  15. Fuck Jason, Block Alcide (I can’t get over the fact that he was in “One Tree Hill”) and Marry the dreammmmmy Eric. 🙂

  16. Fuck manganiellio, marry kwanten(so I could fuck him whenever I wanted) and block skarsgard….

  17. Get fucked by Joe, then get fucked by Alex, then get fucked by Ryan, then…

    Oh wait, what were my choices??

  18. Fuck the rules of the game, Marry all three, and have their Block hard asses in a fourgy every day.

  19. How can u do this 2 me……
    Well i think if i have 2 chose (and i really dont want to)… i will fuck ryan (sorry but he makes me feel good inside my pants since season 1)…. block joe (just because u make me) and marry alex…. as u can see i already gave him a nickname… alex….

  20. I am going to be a complete pig and say fuck them all then marry ryan. The dude just gets my dick hard! After i fuck sarsgard i would chuck him. then i would fuck joe and just chuck him as well.

  21. i’d rather be fucked by all three…at the same time…

    but i’ll fuck ryan wholeheartedly, marry joe quickly, and block eric regrettably…

  22. Fuck – Alexander Skarsgard (mmmm yummy)
    Marry – Ryan Kwanten (Fucking hell YES)
    Block – Joe Manganiello (Get a wax already!!)

  23. Can’t we go marry, top, and bottom?

    Block (or bottom for) Joe
    Fuck Alex
    Marry Ryan

  24. Marry- Joe
    Fuck- Ryan
    Block- Alexander

    Nothing against Alexander… The others just make me melt faster 😉 lol

  25. I’d Fuck and Marry all of them. If you’d ask me about their characters
    F: Eric
    M: Alicide
    B: Jason – the guy is probably full of STD’s

  26. Joe Mangianello, all the way, no contest.  That man is in my top 5 most physically beautiful men in existence.

  27. Youo ask the wrong question.  I would want to cage Eric and Alicide to keep when I want them. Jason is small enough for me to have on a leash.

  28.  I would have 2 massively FUCK all 3 of them and base my decision upon the criteria that I listed  .                                                                               1ST 2 strip I FUCK
                                                                                                 1st 2 CUM I marry
                                                                                                 1st 2 SCREAM I block

  29. it pains me to say because ir has to be one of them,
    Block Alexander Skarsgard, Fuck Ryan Kwanten and Marry Joe Manganiello. sigh

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