Bel Ami and Corbin Fisher are two of the biggest gay porn studios for a reason. Each site features a very specific type of young man, with Bel Ami leaning toward the twinks and Corbin Fisher leaning toward the jocks. It’s rare that you come across a scene on either site that’s “boring“, even if their performers have occasionally been known to exaggerate their moans and grunts of pleasure. Plain and simple? Both sites deliver a consistent level of quality.
In tonight’s round of Fuck Vs. Fuck, that quality will be put to the test, as eight different performers from Bel Ami and Corbin Fisher compete against one another in a battle of sexual technique. Which top turned you on the most? Which bottom? In general, do you prefer one site’s content over the other? Let us know in the comments section!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Corbin Fisher / Bel Ami Online
Watch clips from each studio and discuss who did it better below:
Cameron rides Chandler‘s huge cock for CORBIN FISHER:
Peter Flemming shows off for Brandon Manilow, gets his tight ass fucked on BEL AMI:
Quinn tops Blake in the kitchen for CORBIN FISHER:
Chase Austin invites Gaelan Binoche into his tight, lightly fuzzy hole on BEL AMI:
Belami boys suck. Terrible acting and I can’t even get into it.
jocks on Corbin and twinks on BelAmi??? From the pics displayed here, it looks to me like both only have twinks performing. I’m into muscled up jock guys, I’m not seeing any here. If it’s from these pics, both sites are boring.
BelAmi spurts ahead with cum shots.
Normally prefer Corbin because of the types of guys they usually feature buT agree with musclelove – where are the muscle jocks on these Corbin selections??? All these guys are twinks to my eyes.
BelAmi first last always…into the yg bottom fuck bois…made to suck n raw fuck…
I would have to have sex with them multipul times before I decide…
corbin fisher for the win in five words: conner, trey, dawson, reed, cain.
Corbin’s guys look a little too soapy-clean and starry eyed for me. Rather jock-stye bodies but I find only one of the models appealing. BelAmi has a lot of really gorgeous guys; in fact, many of them are a step above these models in looks. I find the sex in all four sets of photos completely automatic and thus totally non-sexual.
Agree with oral4uinthe352….would have to try them out. But photos really are not a fair way to present the competition. They are inert ! Sex between guys is all about moving and sounds and caring (the really good ones) and about guys who seem to be really into it, as compared with the guys who stare off into space as they are fucking some other dude. No, videos are the only way to offer the competition.
The first video clip / Cameron rides Chandler‘s huge cock for CORBIN FISHER: / was a big turn on for me because I love to see a guy getting fucked have an orgasm while a dick is inside of him!
I do enjoy the Bel-Ami movies because lets face it those big UNCUT cocks are a serious turn on but from the clips I saw only the first one did it for me.
Bel Ami hands down…don’t get me wrong, I love Corbin Fisher too, but it truly is amazing seeing all the cum shots from the Bel Ami previews.
Oy, decisions decisions… I’ll go with Corbin fisher this round because of the toe sucking, but really, it’s a coin toss for me.
Ugh …. twinks galore!
Let’s face it. They all have beautiful cocks. Question is, where are the condoms?
Easy one…Corbin Fisher. I think the twinky boys are pretty and they usually have some huge dicks but overall I like the beefier guys with a bit more maturity on them. That being said Chaos Men trumps them both.
“muscle marys” x “muscle jocks”
fyi most real jocks aren’t muscled up. too much muscle gets in the way of performance. the hottest thing about these boys is that they all look like they play sports. just think of the bel-ami boys kicking around a soccer ball or corbin’s guys tossing a football or maybe a little one-one-one. i’ll bet none of those muscle marys on hothouse or jet set can take a respectable lay-up, much less know how to handle a lax spoon!