Gay Ass Gossip: Ashton Kutcher Barking Up The Wrong Tree

The title of this post pretty much says it all.

I’d still rather fuck Ellen.

(Ashton Kutcher’s promoting Charlie Sheen’s firing by showing up on Ellen’s show wearing too many pixels.)

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At the premiere of his new flick Contagion (which I totally want to see because Gwyneth Paltrow dies horribly in it, sorry, not a fan of GOOP), Matt Damon told PEOPLE that he’s jealous of Jake Gyllenhaal’s mushroom head.

“Wow, I try not to envy, but I have to say Jake’s got a damn good-looking head. He sure does have a beautiful round head.”

That’s a direct quote. Ok, he was talking about their bald heads, which they have both shaved for movies. But it was pretty funny that Matty was going on and on about Jakey G’s “head.”

I wish they would make out.


Check it, this is a Glee spoiler about Puck’s storyline this season. It comes after these additional pics of Puck’s portrayer, Mark Salling.

Puck gets dumped by the rubenesque Lauren at the beginning of the season. The actress who plays her is reportedly headed for the unemployment line right alongside “Trouthy Mouth” Chord Overstreet. Anyway, TV Line is speculating about who he should end up with. And they actually got it right when they suggested Karofsky! Or Finn. Or Blaine. Hell, even Kurt’s Dad would be better than a girl.

8 thoughts on “Gay Ass Gossip: Ashton Kutcher Barking Up The Wrong Tree

  1. Bummer about Ashley Fink.  LOVE her.  And the vibe she brings to the show.  I wouldn’t mind watching Mark Salling and Samuel Larsen make out.  Or shower together. 

  2. 1. The Jesus hair was gross, but I still think Kutcher is generally hot.

    2. Neither of them look good bald. I don’t like shaving unless it’s necessary due to actual baldness.

    3. Shame about Lauren/Ashley Fink because she’s one of the few consitently funny characters, but good for Mark because he should have more to do this season. Personally I’d love to see Puck/Karosky or Puck/Finn.

  3. how in the hell is ashton kutcher famous?  i would say he’s hot, but that personality just ruins the rest of him for me.

  4. I seriously think Ashton Kutcher is Bi, when he was in Calgary filming a TV western, this was about 2001 he had a personal male assistant who shared a room with him. At the his request they changed their room from two queens to a king.

    The sofa bed was never used and the room reaked of Dope even years after, no matter what they did to clean it up.

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