ITEM – Britney Spears Tweeted this morning about how her boyfriend, the formerly flabby and now beef jerkified Jason Trawick, gave her “the one gift I’ve been waiting for” at his 40th birthday party last night. If you said “kiddie pool filled with pork rinds and a margarita maker,” you are WRONG. Supposedly he asked her to be his backwoods chitlin’ bride. Brit’s been married twice before (once for less time than a Kardashian marriage) but this dude seems fairly level-headed. Brit herself has been taking her meds (or someone uses a blowgun) so this might actually work. What do you think – is Trawick hot?
– J. Harvey
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ITEM – There isn’t a hot guy involved in this bit, but it’s a scene from the new AbFab special with Edina and Patsy mocking the Kardashians. Yay.
ITEM – Christian Bale got punched at while trying to visit an imprisoned political activist in China. Bale, there to promote his lastest film, took a CNN camera crew with him to visit Chen Guangcheng. Guangcheng is a blind activist who has been kept imprisoned in his home since September of 2010 after serving a four year prison term.
It didn’t go so well for Christian.
Brit’s boyfriend is what she needs, a real man who can take care of her. I’m glad Christian Bale got punched, he’s just such a prick.
Leave it to Edina and Patsy … I’ve been asking that same question and can’t get an answer.
Im gonna be the first to say definitely hot. Love a sexy older gentleman.. or not so gentle.
Christian Bale is a self-absorbed prick who slapped his own mother and sister around. It’s about time someone beat him up.
‘that looks like a boob…’ LOL
I’ve always loved Britney’s bf abs…they are to die and lick for
gotta admit, i read it as jason trainwreck.
Jason is cute, big imprrovement from her Ex’s
I guess Jason is hotter than her exs but still not too much.