ITEM – I should be slapped for that headline. I really should. It’s the gossip blogger in me. YOU WANT THEM TO READ THE POST, SO YOU CREATE A PANDERING-ASS POST TITLE! There you go, a rare look behind the scenes of “Gay Ass Gossip“.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (affectionately known to me as “JoGoLev”) has a new flick out. He plays a Jersey Shore-type who’s romancing ScarJo (it’s just easier to type) while dealing with a porn addiction in Don Jon. And he looks fucking hot in those ads. I would see it just to watch his muscled ass simulate jacking his dick. There are gay rumors about EVERY actor in Hollywood because the general public is obsessed with what everyone likes to pork. The ones about JoGoLev have begun, and he refuses to entertain you with his take on them! Here’s what he told Out magazine:
“That would be really tacky — they would win if I had to clarify.”
Well, that resolve didn’t last. He recently revealed that he had a secret girlfriend to Howard Stern. He explained that she’s not in show business, they met through friends, and that he’s kept their relationship on the DL because they’re both private people.
“The girl that I’m with, she really doesn’t want to be a part of it. You can imagine not wanting to have that kind of scrutiny.”
– J. Harvey
More “Gay Ass Gossip” below:
ITEM – Jon Hamm has two large polyps on his vocal cords and will undergo surgery here in Manhunt Land (aka Boston). You don’t say, J. Harvey typed as he imagined a scheme wherein he would scale the wall of which ever one of our fine hospitals Jon will be receiving surgery in, steal a candy striper uniform, and offer Mr. Hamm a sponge bath with a happy ending. You’ll probably see me on the news. He’s going to be fine, by the way. As long as that huge dick hasn’t been affected. There he is at the Emmys last Sunday night with a beard. Kind of like the one he’s married to, because you know he wants me.
ITEM – Scott Reeves (Clint Eastwood‘s hard-bodied actor son) is continuing his “I’ve got body” campaign. He recently put the above photo on Instagram from a movie set. And below are more pics of him and his nipples that are circulating online. Nice sperm work, Clint.
It’s almost uncanny how much he looks like Clint from his Rawhide days. Grow his hair out a little more, put a cowboy hat on him and bam…Rowdy Yates rides again.
JoGoLev – in a freakin’ heartbeat! Oh hells yeah!!! And yes, especially with these trailers for his new movie. DAYUM!!
And Eastwoods son? Oi Vey! I didn’t know Clint had those genes. Agreed – Nice work!!! (I think the pic where he’s using the fish as curling weights is the hottest!
I’ll believe JoGoLev until proven otherwise because he’s a fine actor and who cares who he’s porking. But you have to admit that the “secret girlfriend who wants to stay out of the public eye” sounds a lot like the junior high school “I had sex with a girl, you don’t know her, she lives in another town” thing that lots of us did back in the day.
Dear Joseph Gordon-Levitt,
Please be gay.
Love Josh
JOGOLEV. great talent, awesome actor and cute, whether he is gay or not I don’t know but never seen him linked to a woman in the media, a Keanu Reeves moment all over again
I went and saw Don Jon last night. JGL is hot, but I’m afraid you will be disappointed J.Harvey. In the movie when he’s jacking off it’s mid torso up shots. Not even any arm action to imagine. No nudity from JGL. Not even a butt shot. Lots of female nudity and lots of shirtless JGL scenes & him working out. The Chris Hemsworth movie Rush shows more male nudity. There are about 2 or 3 scenes with Chris’ bare meaty ass showing.
That is VERY disappointing. The double standard of nekkid ladies and not men is irritating to say the least.
Totally agree. It’s the damn MPAA. Have you ever seen the movie This Film Is Not Yet Rated? It basically says that male nudity is more likely to get you a NC-17 rating. Which is stupid & absurd. You are also more likely to get an R Rating for sexually charged content than with excessive violence. As long as little to no blood is shown you can have a ton of violence & still get a PG-13 rating.
Joseph is just gorgeous beautiful face voice just beautiful love this guy so much and those lips of his ugh come and get me anytime Jo more then ready willing and able trust me.