ITEM – Zac Efron is doing the press whore tour for the umpteenth cheesy love story based on a Nicholas Sparks novel. Seriously, all of those movies are the same. Someone finds some shit that leads them to someone and someone’s dead and can I take their place in your heart? Enough. Anyway, Zac and his co-star were interview by an Australian duo and they brought up some sort of one-handed bra removal Zac does in the movie. Zac was his hot self and was like “yep, that’s my move”. Let’s be frank. There’s a REALLY good chance this move is actually used to move aside the thong from the butthole of a fellow twink. *sigh* We wish. He really is dreamy. Check that arm.
On a sidenote, is it bad that the chubby Australian asshole in the vid is sorta doing it for me as well? The bigger the cushion…
– J. Harvey
Check out Zac’s “bra” removal trick after the break.
ITEM – Did you see The Hunger Games? I did. It’s not too shabby. From a sexy point of view, I’d sleep with three members of the cast (see above). I am firmly on Team Peeta, seeing as Josh Hutcherson is a gay-friendly pocket hottie. The dude in the middle is Thor’s brother. And the discovery on the right is Canadian actor Alexander Ludwig, who plays bad kid Cato. His character is a dick in the movie, but a hot dick.
The point of this item is that Alexander got bagged leaving a 21+ only club in LA. And he’s 19. His co-star Josh defended him to TMZ by noting that 18-year-olds in this country can go to war and die but can’t order a beer. So he thinks the drinking age should be lowered. He’s got a good point. The only problem is that most 18-year-olds are cretins and you better have some drinking education in place and equip cars with breathalyzers. Ugh, this is getting too serious. Can these three guys just slap each other in the face with their cocks?
ITEM – Here’s the trailer for the Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Bruce Willis sci-fi flick Looper. It looks hot, but what the hell did they do to JoGoLev’s face? You DO NOT mess with perfection. If the script calls for it, YOU BURN THE SCRIPT.
Go here to watch it because I couldn’t get the damn thing to post. Grrrr.
The reason he looks like that is so he’ll look more like a young Bruce Willis, but i agree he looks kinda weird like that.
A friend of mine made me learn the bra thing. It’s really easy. I once used it to score some brownie points with some heters at a party once; male and female. I’m shocked it hasn’t made it to full knowledge.
Taking bras off is ridiculously easy.
I feel as a gay man I should not be better at taking bras off than straight dudes. It really frustrates me.
Who are any of the douchebags pictured here…I’m not that current when it comes to teenager movies. There’s also a typo in the first paragraph of this story.
Zac, man-up and shut up. Buddy, that’s “cool” if you’re 15 at your age it’s just sad. We got the condom thing … what’s next a sex tape?
Shall I tell you how with one hand I can unbutton my partners’ 5 Levi button flys in under 10 seconds (with or without a boner?)
Now hold on just a minute…let’s talk about Thor’s brother a bit more. Holy fuck! I think he deserves more attention by being in pictures with less clothes. YUM.
Thor’s brother is dating Miley Cyrus. He’s got hillbilly cooties.
Saw “The Hunger Games”…hated it! Found this pic of Zac somewhere online. Don’t know if it’s real or not…but we can dream, can’t we?
Alexander Ludwig also played the boy alien in Race to Witch Mountain with Dwayne Johnson.
Yes, but can he remove a jock strap with just his teeth? That’s the real question
And what’s with the gay pose on the magazine cover? Are we secretly telegraphing? The public wants to know!!!