My first thought after reading this story? “Ewww” at the “foul-smelling substance.” Second thought? They’re cute! Third ? It’s not right, but it’s ok that I feel the appropriate punishment for the fuckface that did this is to be exhibited naked on the baggage carousel with a dildo glued to his forehead.
Gay couple Christopher Bridgeman and Martin Borger of Norfolk, Va were waiting at the baggage carousel at Norfolk International Airport when they noted with dismay that their dildo had been taken out of their luggage, covered with a “greasy, foul-smelling substance”, and taped to the top of their suitcase. People are the worst. Bridgeman and Borger were returning from Costa Rica and were asked to re-check their bags during a layover in Houston. The couple believes that some asshole baggage handler at the Texas airport found the fake dick, deduced it was a man’s bag by the tag, and decided to shame them.
They’re suing United Continental for “intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy and negligence” and unspecified damages. This happened in May of 2011, and the airline offered them a “gesture of goodwill” at the time. The couple of 9 years said “fuck that noise” and decided to sue.
While I believe we live in an overly litigious country, this mess isn’t allowed and good for them. What an asshole thing for that baggage handler to do.
Plus, they probably couldn’t even use that dildo again without remembering that moment. No one wants a dildo that comes with a bad memory attachment.
– J. Harvey (via DListed)
I’ve seen this story elsewhere, and the alleged picture of the luggage in question. The thing that sticks out in my mind wasn’t the sex toy, but the busted zipper and all the packing tape around it. This suggests, to me, that the bag somehow broke and stuff fell out, including the purple wonder wand, and the staff on hand packed everything back up and attempted to keep the bag closed. I think you have to really reach to find anything malicious here … that, or you’re already looking to be offended, and this fit the narrative.
I’ve seen this story elsewhere, and the alleged picture of the luggage in question. The thing that sticks out in my mind wasn’t the sex toy, but the busted zipper and all the packing tape around it. This suggests, to me, that the bag somehow broke and stuff fell out, including the purple wonder wand, and the staff on hand packed everything back up and attempted to keep the bag closed. I think you have to really reach to find anything malicious here … that, or you’re already looking to be offended, and this fit the narrative.
YOu sound like an Air line employee CYA for TWA
if it is just a broken bag, and the staff is packing everything back, i am sure they will able to find a space for that didlo. unless they are playing with it until the last moment 🙂
Even if the dildo “fell out” of the bag and something ooey gooey encased its fleshy exterior, the airline employee(s) should have exercised better judgement by placing it in a disposable bag of sorts and NOT taping the damn thing to the top of the suitcase. I mean. Seriously. Not that I give two shits about children, but if my niece or nephew were to see that while walking through the airport, I would be P-I-S-E-D. Yes, Mr. Mooney – Pised!
Even if the dildo “fell out” of the bag and something ooey gooey encased its fleshy exterior, the airline employee(s) should have exercised better judgement by placing it in a disposable bag of sorts and NOT taping the damn thing to the top of the suitcase. I mean. Seriously. Not that I give two shits about children, but if my niece or nephew were to see that while walking through the airport, I would be P-I-S-E-D. Yes, Mr. Mooney – Pised!
I have to agree with Bear. The article in which I saw the picture states that “the zipper on the checked bag was not damaged whatsoever.” However, you can easily see that the zipper is not functioning properly. I also see no evidence of the “foul smelling substance smeared with brown particulate matter” that was mentioned either, though I’m not that close to it. It very well could have been a small pool of dirty water in the floor of the facility. Could contain grease, diesel fuel, dirt, mud, spilled soda, or any number of nasty things.
Frankly, I don’t see this as an invasion of privacy either. 1: All bags are subject to search; 2: Bags get handled roughly and accidents happen. These are common rules of flying, and if a bag is damaged, the airline is ready to compensate. Should the handlers have put the contents of the bag back together with the dildo in an inconspicuous place? I think so. But I don’t know how eagerly I would want to reach down and rearrange some stranger’s dildo collection – guy’s or girl’s. And maybe the handler did, but it shuffled its way to the top during the flight. It’s impossible to know for sure.
Can’t say it’s not possible that someone was intentionally malicious, but I think it’s unlikely. Too many reasonable explanations for all the details. Claiming “hate crime” is just a way to feel better about being embarrassed that everyone around the baggage got to see their secret.
Here is the picture:
If the bag did break and an airline employye taped it so to keep the bag and items together why would he or she tape the dildo to the outside of the bag. To me that person is an asshole for doing that. I’m glad the couple is sueing the airline and I hope that person loses their job. Why do people have to be so hateful…………
If the bag did break and an airline employye taped it so to keep the bag and items together why would he or she tape the dildo to the outside of the bag. To me that person is an asshole for doing that. I’m glad the couple is sueing the airline and I hope that person loses their job. Why do people have to be so hateful…………
Instead of playing guessing games, answer me this … what about my scenario do you consider either unreasonable or implausible?
I used to work for Continental and often international baggage are randomly inspected ( torn open )by U.S. customs and resealed with tape that reads open by U.S. customs and it is much more common to happen on inbound flight from Costa Rica than say inbound flight coming from United Kingdom
I’m sorry but I disagree. The way the end is sticking out just screams someone wanted others to see it. They could have put it beneath one of the flaps of the bag then taped it without going through the bag at all. Wrapped it in another bag, paper or something that wouldn’t have taken much time at all. Hell it looks like a tshirt right under it, place it under that if things “fell out”, they could have covered it. Besides that tape job looks like my 4 year old niece did it, half assed at best even in a hurry.
The substance, if it was on their bag it would have been on at least some of the other luggage at the pick up since they came from the same flight or if they didn’t see it there would surely have been other complaints from other passengers when they found it. Being on just their bag would be very damning imho.
Let this be a lesson to all gay travelers: pack your toys securely!
pissed has 2 s’s
Maybe the baggage handler wanted a threesome and this was the only way to show the guys he was interested….???? Hmmmmmm NOT