A Catholic deacon by the name of Keith Fournier has published a piece entitled "Should Disordered Appetites be Civil Rights?" which compares obesity to homosexuality.
Fournier writes, "Some maintain that same sex attraction is a genetic predisposition… Even if it were the case, that does not give homosexual activity any more of a claim to being given a special civil rights status. Should we really give disordered appetites civil rights status under the law?…A very good argument can be made that obesity also has a genetic predisposition…It is a disordered appetite. Should we as a Nation decide that fat people have a civil right to be fat? Should those who insist that they resist that 'genetic predisposition' to overeat be called Fata-phobic?"
What the hell is this ridiculousness that he's spouting out? It's even sadder that this man is a leader within his community.
– Dewitt
People who go into service in the church as priests are not logical thinkers. If they were, they would not buy into the idea that a 2,000 year old myth is a modern reality. It is of no surprise that a person who has chosen this path is not in touch with reality.
Priests also make it an occupational goal to suppress their own sexuality whether hetero or homo, and many do not meet that goal. As long as we’re making irrational analogies let’s just say that suppressing your sexuality is like suppressing the urge to fart. Eventually nature will make you give in to the urge, and in what will prove to be the most embarrassing way.
Not so surprising…the community he “leads” is based on imaginary friends, superstition and bigotry, and isn’t inclined to give any of that up. So, any argument that sounds good will be eaten up by the christites who can’t bear to see anyone different from them (i.e. “wrong and sinful”) treated as equals.
actually, I agree with him… yes if homosexuality and obesity are both genetically predisposed, then they should be treated equally. So, based on that claim…. we should deny overweight people the right to marry or raise children, should allow them to be denied employment, housing, and access to anything else people chose, solely based on their weight. And we can now beat them up and kill them with little consequences. That would be treating each group the same right? thats what he’s asking for right? The leagal discrimination and degradation of overweight people. OR…. we could just treat all people, black, white, gay, strait, fat, and thin the same, with equal rights… no, thats a silly idea. Never mind.
I agree with Trixster. It’s either deny rights equally to people whose genetic dispositions make them “different from the norm” or award equal rights to all people. This picking and choosing thing is old hat.
So I guess that would include folks who are left-handed, blond or red haired, blue eyed (since the world’s majoroty is made up of right-handed people who have brown eyes and dark hair), those disabled from birth, siamese twins (who, incidentally, are allowed to marry), midgets (sorry… I mean little people), and so on.
I still find it odd that criminals who have been stripped of their civil rights and are incarcerated are allowed to marry – even while they are in jail – and we can’t.
When did California rule that fat people aren’t allowed to get married?
Dad2GagU – thank you for spouting the most ignorant, closed-minded rhetoric I’ve read on here in quite some time. Don’t presume to know why people choose to become priests. It’s a calling, something you probably would know nothing about.
I’m a Catholic, and true Catholics believe in love and helping people. Priests dedicate their entire lives to those beliefs. Why is it that everyone is entitled to their own opinion unless they disagree with you, therefore making them disillusioned religious crazies? When you belittle another’s belief, you are only contributing to the problem you claim to hate.