When I say gay penguins are like us, I meant their relationships don't last more than a couple of years like gay human couples… there are exceptions of course. Gay penguins, Harry and Pepper, who have been together since adolescence and raised a chick together, have broken up. The reason for the break up? A female penguin named Linda who is infamous for hooking up with new partners after ditching her old ones.
Poor Pepper, not only did Harry leave him, he was also attacked by his former lover and Linda a few days later. So it seems like Harry isn't gay but bisexual and Linda is a homewrecking whore. I really hope Pepper finds himself another gay penguin to shack up with. Question though… who will get custody of the kid? I'm just sayin'.
– Andy
Photo credit: San Francisco Examiner
“,I meant they’re relationships don’t last more than”
Ah Andy, try THEIR relationships lol not they’re as in they are
Andy, please don’t stereotype. Hubby and I have been together almost 18 years. We know couples that have been together more than twice that. Hell, they’ve even been profiled in magazines and instrumental in helping GLBTs get the civil rights we have now, including marriage in some states.
For shame.
everyone shut up.
its a blog. its funny. im so sick of people coming on here and shitting all over the bloggers…if you dont like it, move on!
People make grammar mistakes, it happens.
People make fun of a stereotype for the sake of a joke, it happens.
Also, I know this doesnt pertain to this specific entry but can we please stop bitching about the kind of models chosen to be in this blog, at this point there have been a wide array of men featured, so get over yourselves you twink haters. The internet is huge, if this is the only place you use to see naked men…you need to expand your online horizons.
oh, im done with this soapbox now, anybody else need it?
well said michael. and i think the gay penguins are fucking hilarious.
oh and people do need to stop taking jokes so seriously.
Patches, I think you meant well said Matt… the name of the person who writes the comment is below not on top.