Maybe it’s because culture is weirdly amorphous and libidinal, maybe it’s because people really don’t like Vladimir Putin very much at the moment, or maybe it’s because there’s a serious deficit of ironic, ’90s style, super gay, Eurotrash music videos popping up online… Whatever the reason, this week, Igor Dewe’s track “Sexual Obsession (сексуальная одержимость)” has started trending on the internet about a month after it was first posted online.
And look, it’s kind of cute, and it’s undeniably got everything: prancing, a sweet, ambivalent boy in a hat with dark John Lennon-ish sunglasses, a super hot bearded guy with alabaster skin, a hedge maze, an internalized leotard, bench dancing, political activism, references to Madonna, slight mispronunciations of English phrases, gay make out sessions, groping, sunlight, the phrase “and around and around” bafflingly repeated in multiple places. Like I said: everything. Even though it’s filmed in Paris, Igor describes this as “Love Propaganda” which, in turn, he means to serve as a slap in the face to Vladimir Putin
So take THAT Putin, you god damned motherfucking asshole.
Photo credit: Jules Couartou
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