D.O. Fucks Kennedy Carter In “Golden Gate”

For those who aren’t in the know, NakedSword is running an exclusive members-only series entitled Golden Gate. Five episodes are currently scheduled, including performances by Chris Porter, Trent Locke, Brad Star, Dayton O’Connor and a bunch of other men you’d like to look at while masturbating.

The second episode makes its debut tomorrow night, and it’s definitely a scorcher! D.O. stars as Alejandro, an Argentinian waiter who’s visiting his boyfriend in San Francisco. But when he’s stood up by his boyfriend, he’s lost in the city with nowhere to go… Yikes!

Luckily, he stumbles into a café and meets Robert, an unemployed writer played by Kennedy Carter. As you can tell from the picture above, they wind up having really hot sex with one another. And how does it all end? You’ll have to watch to find out!

– Dewitt

Photo credit: NakedSword

To check out D.O. and Kennedy Carter in action, follow the JUMP:




35 thoughts on “D.O. Fucks Kennedy Carter In “Golden Gate”

  1. @ V-8. Uhh…I think Castellano is spoken mostly in some regions of Spain. I’m sure he was speaking Spanish, the de facto language of Argentina….

  2. Woof…that D.O. is most definitely NOT “d.o.a”…he can DO me anytime…and I know I am sounding like a broken record, but those tats on the redhead…ugh…he would be so hot if he didn’t have those dorky looking tats splattered anywhere and everywhere…I lived in San Francisco for 8 years…while it is hard to imagine anyone “standing up” a hot visitor like D.O., I can somehow see that happening in the City by the Bay…the guys there, for the most part, were very flighty…guys would simply make other sur-of-the-moment plans, forgetting they had pre-arranged plans with others…well, as these pics show, one man’s “garbage” is another man’s treasure!

  3. Good hot show. D.O. is hot as hell. Put him and Courtney Grant on the TEN and I’ll bet they would finish 1 and 2. Not sure which one would be on top but I’m willing to take the loser..

  4. @J castellano is Spanish – it refers to Spanish as spoken everywhere in Spain, or the Castillian accent itself

  5. I’m going to Buenos Aires for Christmas this year. So I hope Santa puts on my way some hot men like this Argentinean.

  6. Santiago, with all due respect to your latino name, NOT everyone in Spain has a Castillan accent. Most the upper classes. At least that is my experience there.

  7. I know. Its just nobody calls spanish “castellano”.I thought maybe he was confusing it with Castillian.

  8. Thank heavens there was room at the Inn for D.O. and his hot ass. Good thing Kennedy had a movie set conveniently set up in his home for just such an event. Awesome.

  9. D.O.=Hot Kennedy=Not hot. Another great body ruined by too many tattooes. With tats, less is always more.

  10. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it…yes…yes…yes…two thumbs up..way up…his mother fucking tite sweet boi hole!

  11. well, i am from argentina and i hardly ever refer to our variety of spanish as español but rather as castellano. in fact, i don’t know anyone who does. and yes, d.o. is yummy

  12. D.O ass will be the center of my jerk off fantasy 2 night 🙂 🙂 🙂 Kennedy Carter is FUCKING hot tats or no tats he is FUCKING hot so all of U tat screamer stick a dick N your mouths and shut the FUCK UP !!!

  13. For God’s sake…someone tell me where I can get the long dildo. I have searched and searched and can’t find it.

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