Guess Who’s Getting Fucked On Sean Cody?

Over the weekend, we introduced you to Francisco, a man who certainly lives up to the phrase “beer can thick”. While our immediate instinct was to compare him to power tops like Girth Brooks and Samuel O’Toole, it turns out that he’s more of a Cayden Ross. In other words? He’s totally taking it up the butt.

Thankfully, Sean Cody didn’t just throw him with any ol’ cock on the block. The studio paired him with Manhunt Daily fave Jess, a guy who’s proven on numerous occasions that he’s talented at sticking his dick into other dudes. Is it a match made in heaven? We’ll let you be the judge of that…

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Sean Cody

To check out Francisco and Jess in action, follow the JUMP:

27 thoughts on “Guess Who’s Getting Fucked On Sean Cody?

  1. gotta love how these sites love to exaggerate: “pretty cock” must be Sean Cody-speak for “no dick” ROFL

  2. wow,I had to unbutton my 501’s after seeing these two, damn 😉
    p.s. never seems to amaze me how someone can find something negative to say.

  3. arion_ 5 LOL R U sure U checked out the S/C vid ? if U did I strongly recommend that U have your eyes check because arion_5 there is plenty of DICK !!!

  4. @BlackJackHammer, that was why I posted Negative Nancy. I thought there was plenty of dick there! If that is considered small, then I am S.C.R.E.W.E.D. and SO not in a good way!!!!!

  5. arion_5 – Maybe it’s not apparent from these small pictures, but both of these guys have HUGE dicks. It’s obvious in the video.

  6. Jess is an amazing top with a big dick that a number of Cody’s guys have taken deep up the ass. The best power bottom had to be Jaimie. The two of them were so hot!

  7. These dicks aren’t big. All you guys are suffering from a common problem on MH. I like to call it “Size Stupidity”. Seems to run rampant on here! Buy yourselves rulers guys practice measuring things. YOU TOO CAN RELEARN WHAT A REAL INCH IS!!!

  8. That was such a brilliant post, Steven! Wow! I wish I could think like you!!! I don’t think I will ever have the balls to post after reading your deep thoughts……. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sheesh.

  9. Steven has to be suffering from penis envy, aint gettin’ any or gotta’ little one, is what his post says to me.

  10. Steven N your case a ruler is hardly necessary a simple Q-tip will suffice …
    LOL ToddM thats why I am a TRUE TOP where SIZE is not a issue !!!

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