If you’re looking for something to take your mind off of people’s stupidity, here’s a little trifle that should make you smile.
Some of the players on Harvard University’s baseball team staved off road trip boredom by filming a little synchronized car dancing. It’s to Carly Rae Jepsen’s inescapable “Call Me Maybe.” You’re probably sick of the song by now, but this totally improves it.
What I’m struck by is how long some of these guys had to keep their heads between their knees.
– J. Harvey (via Buzzfeed)
To watch, Follow the JUMP:
I love “straight” boys. The three center soloists seemed to be having the most fun. Loved the eye contact(fuck?) from soloist #3. Totally adorable.
lol good on em for staving off boredom. but serious. punch punch cross is not dancing.
too FUN … very well done … I like to be in their locker room shower when that song plays !
I’d like to be in the shower with them, regardless of the song!!
@67d67007a865f037e0be7d69f32b617e:disqus How much dancing do you expect within such a confined space?
The one in the very front is cooo cute!
how freaking adorable!!!!! they are soooooooo cute!
wow…..maybe I should’ve gone to Harvard 0.o Who knew yankee’s could be so fine
some of those boys know how to move! Even in such limited space with such limited moves. I can imagine their hips doin some good movement during sex!
I used to serve as an academic adviser to Harvard freshmen. One of my advisees was recruited for the baseball team. He was not particularly bright, but he was one of the kindest, most self-aware, and hardest-working students I ever had. Plus, he was ridiculously hot and swung a quite impressive “bat.”
What a beautiful group of men!