As much as I love talking about myself, I try to avoid getting too personal on Manhunt Daily. This may sound inaccurate given all the times I've shared stories of dicks I've sucked and asses I've fucked, but there are a few boundaries I've set up. You won't catch me talking about my family. You won't see pictures of my adorable cat. And you certainly won't see the pictures of me double-fingerbanging the Peters Twins on a yacht (potentially because they don't exist).
Prior to this, I had another rule–never talk about romantic encounters. Today I'll be breaking this rule, thanks to a man I met on Manhunt. Before he even unlocked his pictures, I took a bold move to send him an e-mail saying, "You're too cute for a one night stand or quick hook-up. Why don't you go on a date with me?" Surprisingly, he accepted my proposal after that lame pick-up line.
Before you even ask, we didn't fuck on our date. It ended with a very deep, passionate kiss. Our innocent embrace left me with a ridiculous boner, and he wasn't shy about pointing it out. All he had to do was look down and say, "Yeah. Me too."
When we eventually get to the bedroom, the chemistry will inevitably be explosive. Since we met through Manhunt, there was no shame in discovering that we're sexually compatible. He's a versatile bottom who's equally turned on by the same dirty things I enjoy. This is particularly appealing, because I'm tired of dating total tops or bottoms. I get bored too easily from one position, and it leads to my eyes wandering all over the place.
Will your favorite slutty blogger (that's me in case you're curious) have a boyfriend in the near future? It's impossible to say, but I'd like to think this is karma for enduring some of the worst dates in history. Though I was trying to play it cool and not call for a few days, he called an hour ago and we're set for a second date!
Has anyone else experienced such extreme feelings in a short period of time? Did you wind up getting burned, or did it work out for the best? Eep! I really hope this one works out, because I'm feeling quite vulnerable at the moment.
– Dewitt
thats very romantic and i’m happy for you.
sounds nice.
You’re jinxing it!
Put garlic in your pants and spin around then hop on one foot!
That should counter act it.
Romance gives me diarrhea…
Good for you Dewitt! I have fallen hard before, and it didn’t work out because the other guy didn’t feel the same way, but thankfully I was able to move past that. Now he’s my best friend
I’ve fallen hard. He was straight, and I most certainly not, but it was a bromance in the most extreme and platonic sense of the word. We’d sleep in each other’s bed, cuddle on the couch, maintain constant body contact when riding in the car… hands on knees, around the neck, that kind of thing. He even said one time “I wish I could find a girl like you.” It was pretty heart wrenching. He’s since found a girl at least enough like me to knock up and marry. The situation is complicated because we’re still extremely close, and she’s pretty much a bible thumper. I’m not bitter (ok, fine, not THAT bitter). I’d die for him and I know he’d do the same, that kind of bond doesn’t go away. So we deal with it the best we can and hope someone doesn’t get too hurt, but I feel it’s kind of inevitable at this point. We’ll see.
Yeah, I recently fell very hard for someone. He messaged me on ManHunt in December, and we began talking. We began skyping and calling each other, and after a month we finally went out on a date. We dated for about a month, and everything was amazing. However, 3 days after I spent the night, I found out that he had been in contact with someone else the entire time we were talking, looking for frequent hook-ups with this person.
I fell hard, and he was a great guy (at least I thought he was until I found out). Be careful, protect your heart, and maybe something good will come out of your situation! Best of luck!
Have I ever fallen hard for someone?
Far, far too often, and far, far too quickly.
Hasn’t really worked out for me yet, but I’m still hopeful. (OK, there was one relationship where it *kind of* worked out, but let’s just say we won’t be moving in together anytime soon and leave it at that.)
Eh, sometimes I think I’m just in love with love.
Anyway, I wish you all the best, Dewitt.
Good for you Dewitt, you are finally showing that you have feelings somewhere besides the head of your dick..LOL!
I have yet to meet a man who I thought had dating material and who also thought I had dating material, but I keep up the hope and your story gives me more hope.
There are a lot of toads out there, and I also like the idea of a guy being vers, I too enjoy it from both sides and many times don’t feel that a guy who is a total top, is open enough, or gives the respect to someone who will always bottom…now don’t blast me guys, that’s just been my experience.
The tag line on me profile says:
Sensual Man Looking for More…
I did… and unfortunately, he vanished. Just like that. When things were starting to look as serious as it can get (with someone u meet on the internet), he bailed. It’s a shame… I was REALLY looking forward to getting to know him better. Even fuck-wise ’cause we never managed to actually fuck, only kisses and literally sleeping together… *SIGH* … Hope yours work is a keeper!
Sorte do Brasil! (Good luck from Brazil!)
I fell for the first guy I ever really did stuff with (groping obviously doesn’t count) and don’t really regret it. He’s a great guy and we’re still in contact (sometimes more heatedly than others, which is nice).
Had one messy crush which dragged on for a few years. Guy was biphobic but tried to work through it but failed. Miserably. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why he was single all that time, or in relationships which lasted less than a month/involved him dancing entirely to someone else’s tune. And then I figured it out; he was a big time drama queen who hated everyone, his closest friends included, and would intentionally go after bad situations (he once tried to date his ex’s cousin. The cousins are close and live together). His only really redeeming quality, it turns out, is a horse-dick he won’t put in anyone anyway.
I have fallen hard for someone we meet thru mutual friend from his work. im 45 he is 23 we have been going strong now for a little over 2 yrs. He still flips on what side of the fence at times to keep up a good look at his work dont ask dont tell
but we have never been happier other wise
What I found most interesting was the original pickup line: “You’re too cute for a one night stand or quick hook-up. Why don’t you go on a date with me?”
In other words, in order to date, you not only care about compatibility issues such as personality, interests, values and the like… but you expect dates to be even better looking than tricks. How incredibly shallow.
My viewpoint’s always been the opposite: if a guy looks good enough that I’m even mildly interested, he’s “dateable” assuming there’s common interest in other areas.
But if I’m going for a trick or one-night stand, I expect more in the looks or body department, because I’m not particularly interested as to whether we both like rodeo or musicals or whatever.
I think it’s kind of sad that a guy might be perfectly compatible with you in all the non-sexual areas, but if he’s not “too cute for a one-night stand” you’d blow him off as a possible date. I guess we know where your priorities are – right in the groin.
Last weekend I went to a ‘gay’ party here on campus, I go to a college with not many gays – i know something is wrong with it- anyways, i’ve kinda been on a mission to kinda just be more confident with myself so i gave up really looking for a guy, but i told myself if a guy did cross my path i wouldn’t put up my walls.
So i went to party and this really cute guy was there, he seemed uncomfortable and reminded me of me freshmen year, the next thing i knew i was talking with him and his girl pack and i ended up getting his number… i never ‘got’ a guys # before so it was thrilling (i told all my friends- i didn’t know what to do with it), i waited several days, then asked him on a lunch date and he said yes… i have never been on a date before so i am IncrediblY nervous and wouldn’t mind any advice! But yea i definitly feel my heart throbbing.
i hope your date goes well, spring is in the air it seems!
Funny… I am actually falling really hard for a great guy right now
We talked online for a month before we had a chance to meet up. Said that night he’d date me if he was moving away. I see no problem with a long distance relationship but he doesn’t seem to want one. Only issue is that I plan on moving from this city soon and have to wait til Sunday to tell him this. I just hope I get a chance…isn’t that what we all deserve?
@Kevin M
Couldn’t agree with you more man…had that same feeling. Life and love aren’t always about the looks…
I’ve fallen hard for a guy… he’s a co-worker (his desk is five feet away from mine), a neighbor (he lives upstairs), and a close friend (we hang out on weekends/after work, have the same friends, etc). He’s the first guy I’ve ever really liked. I don’t know if he likes me, or if he even knows I like him–a mutual friend says he knows, but she doesn’t know if he likes me in return. It’s pathetic how much I think about him. I want to tell him how I feel, but I’m scared of the rejection. Plus things could get pretty awkward, and I don’t want to fuck up what we already have. I know that’s a stupid reason, but where we live you don’t want to cause drama – not enough foreigners/expats to risk alienating one, especially not such a great friend. I figure I’ll just keep being obvious that I like him, and either he’ll tell me he likes me or he won’t. (Another issue is that, being expats, our lives are fairly transitory. Our mutual friend says he might not want to start a relationship when he’s leaving in a year. I understand that, but… it could be a great year.)
Sorry, I doubt anyone is going to read this, but I needed to get this off my chest and I don’t have anyone to talk to.
DeWitt, I wish you all the best. Falling in love, or even dating some you really like, is so wonderful. You give me hope.
I never really understood the idea of “dating” per se… and I think that’s a real problem for a lot of us older gay guys. I didn’t have a boyfriend in highschool.. but i did suck a lot of dick. Somehow I feel like I didn’t develop in a traditional way.. it was always sex first and then.. maybe a drink or dinner. I think I missed a lot.
Same boat as Lars. To me, dating is such an alien concept, lol!
I have, I fell hard for the guy too. We’d been pretty close friends for the past four years too.
I didn’t have to sleep over at his house but he kept insisting on me too so I did. I didn’t pick up on his signals. Mattress on the ground would get chilly in the morning come sleep in my bed etc. Constantly asking if I was awake and I kept replying with a yes every time he did. Come to think of it, maybe he just wanted a one night stand?
After that weekend he left to go to England for three months to represent my schools football team. I left school during that time because I got accepted into university. That night was the last time I saw him too. Texted him a few times after he got back but I haven’t seen or ‘spoken’ to him since.
Its been three years since then. I’d like to say I’m over him but in all honesty if he turned up at my doorstep I’d have my pants around my ankles bent over the sofa in a heartbeat.
OMG! Dewitt! This is so Ironic;
I actually emailed a guy on Manhunt the same way (but actually just for sex). We ended up IMing for about 3-4 hours. We talked about EVERYTHING… and We are both extremely head over heels, and so compatible it is nuts! He asked me out on a date for tomorrow!!! I am so damn nervous, and excited at the same time! When I saw this I almost fell off my chair! Wish me luck fellas! I think this one might be a keeper! Did I mention he is GORGEOUS! Yayyy!
Love Always,
he hates me now.
i wish i had someone
I’m so happy for you DeWitt. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting to read a story like this on manhuntdaily. I’ve spent my fair share of time cruising the internet out of loneliness or horniness, but I wish we were seeking out love more often on the internet. I met the man of my dreams 5 months ago and we’ve done anything but take it slow. He’s a farmer in Iowa but we know deep down that feeling when we’re together is the strongest thing in the world. (And we share that same hard-on phenomenon you described at the slightest embrace.) I say go for it, DeWitt! My farmer’s moving to California!
love: ain’t It grand?
Yep, fell hard…. on my face. Gave dating another shot after 4 years of singledom and met the man of my dreams, literally. I should have known it was too good to be true. Things were going great, or so i thought, after a couple weeks he spends the weekend with me (had a good time) and after a nearly endless embrace before he departs. I get nothing… no text, no call, no f*ck you. I quit.
I really enjoyed reading all of these stories, I hope things work out for you guys, even you jaded ones! Lol.
BTW kudos to Kevin M & Amdrocks for being total buzz kills on this post.
Great pick up line.
Yeh, I met my partner online; him in upstate NY and me in Austin. It was so immediate that after I stopped my hooking up period that had been going on for a year with regular fbs. Then when I checked within and intuited the depth of connection between us, (how new agey) I started falling hard and fast. So did he. It’s working for 5 years now and no looking back.
If I would not have been used to checking within for important answers I would have played all kinds of mind games; mental masturbation with all the circumstances.
I wish you guys well.
Yah i fell hard once. I still haven’t told him, and I have a feeling he doesn’t reciprocate. We met for a one night thing, and spent most of the time making out. I’ve never had a kiss like that. We just made out for hours and I fell so deep. We used to text all the time, but I don’t text anymore so it’s hard to contact him. It sucks when you fall for someone you barely know. But for you it sounds great. Best of luck to you.
dear at – what a sweetheart – I read every word. and Dewitt – how sweet and vulnerable to have a date with a kiss and a boner.
I’ve had friend of 5 years turning to love that endured another 4 years. And a coffee date with the hottest man in the world. We mostly broke up because men walked up to me and asked CAN I FUCK YOU BOYFRIEND? HE”S THE HOTTEST MAN IN THE WHOLE CITY!!!
So I let him free. We later had play parties I hosted when I handled the friendship without grief feelings and stayed friends 8 years until his fall into meth. What a great romance, what a playful recovery into two DOM’s and a willing slave, and what great play *sex* parties – the hottest spot in town for 3 years. I was honored to know him at his best … and honored we had the time we did. I know he’s now in a mental health ward having blown his brains on drugs – paranoid schizephrenia. I wish I could have stopped it.
Meth daily for 3 years, and E four times a day on 3 day weekends every weekends – and it burned cores through his brain and now off the drugs. And recovering but limited communications skills this martial arts body builder with the best bubble butt in 2 million men is 285 lbs. And the meds kill his libido. He know me but not well anymore.
Love at first sight! YES! And it worked for years. Love romantic, to love friends and playmates to love at a distance because I can’t get to the facility – it’s 6 hours by bus. So – we remember the good times and the love and it was very very very successful and happiest time of my life.
To love. It doesn’t have to live forever to be real and valued to the heart. It just has to be free, without chains, and honest with only the rules you create. And it can last a lifetime.
Good on LOVE and people taking changes.
For my Great friend Mr. X, I send him love, a letter now and then. He can’t respond but he’s kinda knows the nurses tell me. Sometimes.
LESSON: Take your friend to detox and get him straight because Mr. X has no life at 38.
He could live another 40 years+ but he won’t have a mentally cognitive life or social life, I hope he finds someone to fuck – he
deserves the best.
I know this post is probably dead by now, but I just feel like writing this out.
Some of the stories here were really interesting. Especially, since I’ve had an almost identical experience with Karl’s. Falling for a straight guy was a bad, bad, four-year long experience.
I’ve only ever had feelings for one other person. Well, they were kinda starting to happen and then I started finding reasons to dislike him.
For some reason, I don’t really want to fall, I guess.
Once, a guy I dated for a few months claimed he loved me. I broke up with him immediately.
That has got to be the cutest picture ever…Hope it works out