Okay, this is going to sound like a stupid question, but have you ever had a wet dream? I remember reading about “nocturnal emissions” back in health class, and it always weirded me out that I never experienced one. Maybe it’s because I masturbate too much?
Even so, you’d think I’d have woken up with sticky sheets at least once in my life. There have been times when I’ve gone without cumming for a decent amount of time, and at least one of these occasions involved an extremely sexy dream…
In any case, I felt a need to ask you guys about this. It’s not the sort of thing I’ve ever discussed with other male friends, and I’d like to know that I’m not the only one who’s never had a wet dream. Then again, I might have one tonight after looking at this picture of Nick Ayler!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: David Arnot
For more sleepy hotties, follow the JUMP:
Nope, never had one either. Always wondered why? Perhaps it’s because I started to j/o at such a young age. Don’t think I’ve ever gone more the 3 or 4 days without blowing a load. I wonder how long it would take to save it up before one just happens?
Wow the first and second guys are absolutely astounding!! ANd yes the more you masterbait the less likely you are to have nocturnal emissions Dewitt, the purpose of NE is to clear out old seminal fluid and sperm but if you’re constantly doing it on your own the body has no need for NE. Try leaving your dick alone for a month or so, I swear sometimes wet dreams can be better than real sex (SOMETIMES) ; P
Very true Andy… The feeling sometimes is just amplified by your subconscious/fantasy mode. I’ve slept with my good friend(who’s straight) that I’ve been crushing on since 8th grade in a NE. It ranged from first a ferris wheel to holding hands to masterbating then you know
I wish there was a pill you could take to have them every night.
God i so agree Trip!!!!
And the fantasies make the real life sex ten times more intoxicating. That’s why I don’t masturbate outside of actual sex and lately I try not to ever watch porn, it’s so much more freeing to allow your subconscious and sexual fantasies run wild!!!
*and sexual fantasies to run wild* lol
I sure did… there was a great look of terror on my face as I woke up and wondered, “Did I ‘wet’ the bed?” lol, good times, good times
nope… never had a sex dream either :s
Never had a wet dream, don’t precum neither. No idea if the two are related.
I can jack off right before bed and still wake up and find a surprise in my underwear.
@BRYAN my type of man always raring to go!
Never had one, but then i’m not very well endowed either, only about 3″ erect, and that’s mostly head. Guys in the loccker room nicknamed me “Mushroom Dick”. I wonder if there’s a connection between dick size and wet dreams?
I did…and it stopped when I begin to masturbate at age of 19. I remember clearly what my first wet dream was about. And all my other wet dreams were about the same person, even I already had sex with him.
i thought only heterosexual (and, occasionally, “bi-sexual”) guys got wet dreams.
(anyone who’s sexually repressed {or frustrated}, really.)
if *I* ever experienced any somnal emissions (all people don’t go to sleep at night, so let’s ease up with the “nocturnal” bit there!), it could not have been more than thrice, in my entire life, thus far.
(and even then, That’s too generous an estimate for myself.)
…i can, definitely, own up to having woke up with a little prêjaculate on my boxers, after dreaming of some particularly “compelling” situations, on two occasions.
I didn’t as a kid, since I started jacking off early. But I had one 12 years ago staying at my parent’s in Colorado on a visit with my partner. I had this bizarre dream that I was fucking him good, but it wasn’t his ass…he had shoved a burrito up there and I was fucking the burrito up his ass…
I hit a warm cheesey spot in the dream and awoke to a full blown mind bending nut out of a deep sleep. My briefs were soaked and all I could do is wake up my hubby to tell him…but I couldn’t get the story out. All I could do was laugh…took me a half hour to utter the words “warm, cheesy spot” without dissolving in fits again. A very memorable emission if I do say so…
Nocturnal emissions saint impatience is the technical term lol so easing off it isn’t a reality. Since MOST people sleep at night, emissions tend to happen nocturnally.
It’s not about being sexually repressed so much as just not constantly fucking or masturbating. Slightly different as repressed connotates some type of shame associated with the sexuality which may not be the case.
(now, how many times has the Majority been proven wrong, through the course of time?
how many other times, have modifications been required, in order to better serve the public good?
actually, i think most modern scientists would gladly concur with me, anyway — “sleep/somnal emission,” by being more broad yet accurate, won’t lead to confusion, by exclusion.
i don’t know the “technical” term for plain sleep, so i improvised, using the root of “somn-“.)
Sexual repression can come in the form of not masturbating — e.g., feeling guilty for jherkin’ da gherkin.
It’s complicated to explain, especially since it probably seems counterîntuitive, but I don’t believe many gays suffer from Somnal Emissions.
Plus, I hear that it’s difficult for an average straight guy to get laid.. ..at least, with someone who won’t “damage his reputation,” or his urinary tract. From what I know, an average female is required to make it difficult to be copulated with.
At any rate, there is probably one other kind of guy who needs to wear a rubber while he snoozes: the one with the “high sex drive.” (Those deviants who believe that it’s completely inconceivable, to not masturbate for more than 2, 3, 4 or 5 days at a time — let alone for a mere period of 12 or 18 hours.)
I’m just guessing about that one.. ..but I see no reason why it wouldn’t be true. Since such people apparently get “blue balls,” within minutes, if the wind blows ever•so•slightly on their little peters.
Saint Impatience is either sleeping to deeply, or fibbing to himself!
I think what Andy was trying to say was that it ‘Nocturnal Emission’ is the more commonly used phrase. So what if its not all inclusive or the most accurate. The fact is were not trying to write a thesis here.
And by the by the Michael the burrito thing is CRAZZZYYY lol
It made me laugh.
I think I would know, upon waking, if I had a bunch of caked-on, crunchy spooge lining the insides of my boxers, Harry.
Plus, I don’t have many sexually-themed dreams, anyway — and those in which someone ejaculates, is even rarer.
(I am sad to say.)
I only had one happen to me once, and it was awesome!
Saint impatience simply for brevity sake u will only touch on one aspect of your comment, not everyone who doesn’t masturbate is repressed, that’s a broad statement some people just don’t like masturbating and NOT because it causes them guilt but simply because it doesn’t feel as good and they prefer true intimacy. Also one other thing to say it’s difficult for hetero men to get laid is a stereotype and IMO overreaching I have plenty of straight friends (including women) who are just as freaky as some of us gays.
And the reason I say nocturnal emmision rather than making up weird terms that Boone would be able to comprehend is because just because something isn’t all the way inclusive doesn’t mean the term is innacurate. There are always exceptions to rules. Nocturnal emmision is a medical clinical term that for over fourty years has been used to describe the concept why eliminate that because some people skews during the day? it’s moot.
@Trip: just because it’s “commonly used” doesn’t make it anymore correct, or relevant.
I actually hadn’t paid it any mind until I went to put my 2¢ in, a short while ago.
So, I’m “sorry” that I’m not mindless, or oblivious..
..Tough Noogies for you or anyone else who don’t quite understand (or appreciate) the true power of Language.
are you saying that you don’t like Somnal Emissions?
You’re not alone, I have never had awet dream either! I’ve often wondered too if it was because I masturbate pretty much everyday, and more than once if time permits. I have had a few sex dreams too, but only in the past couple years (I’m 33). And still there was no “wet surprise” to be found when I woke up!
poor Andy23..
..so many flaws in your “argument,” probably made as an emotional response…..
(a “weird” term that “[n]oone” would understand.
how many full-fledged Scientists had faced that same reaction, from the masses, when they were trying to educate them…)
…..also, i actually was kidding around, precisely to see who’d take the bait.
Somnal Emissions just seems like such a teenager-era kinda thing to me..
..if more than 10,000 healthy adults (over the age of 25) have it, i would be very surprised.
i’m not continuing this spate, if nothing worthwhile will come of it.
(remember how “Homosexuality” was once classified as an actual mental illness, by some other scientists who were close-minded?)
I’ve only ever had two in my life… and they were both interesting. I can’t remember the second one but the first one was really REALLY bizzarre for several reasons! firstly, it involved a really ugly girl… secondly, i was fucking her ass but my dick was going all the way through to the other side. what that means, i do not know! but i still woke up to happy pants! the second one was about a (male) friend of mine and was amazing! it almost felt real! i woke up panting and all.
Okay Flaws in my argument!?! You’re joking right as your entire rant is basically one large assumption.
I would be surprised if more than 10,000 healthy adults…(laughable)
straight guys and bisexuals are repressed…
some people don’t masturbate out of guilt (repressed)…
And let’s not even mention the fact that you already stated you know very little about the subject and made your “term” up off the cuff.
“Somnal” your joking right!?! Because clearly the word has is nothing more than your gibberish. And to compare yourself to a scientist encountering violent opposition is the biggest crock I’ve ever heard:
Here’s the difference, you’ve done no research on the subject, you’ve conducted no studies or experiments, your basing your opinion entirely off of your own experiences which means your biased, you’ve made up crap, and clearly you have very minimal education as your grammar and syntax are abysmal at your finest points.
And again you brought up “homosexuality” which is completely irrelevant to the subject of nocturnal yes nocturnal emissions. Rather than trolling blogs I have a better idea for you, go to your local library and check out as many books as humanly possible so that you can at some point in the distant future be able to carry on a decent EDUCATED conversation based on actual facts instead of spewing your inane hyperbole.
I’ve only had one in my entire life–in my early 20s, when I had roommates and had significantly cut back on the amount of jacking off I did.
I remember it involved my straight best friend. We were very close platonically, but I knew nothing physical would ever happen, so I didn’t let myself think of him in that way, even though I totally had the hots for him.
Anyway, in this dream, we were having porno-quality sex. I’m talking moaning, screaming, sweaty, rolling around on the bed, fucking in positions I had never seen before, sex.
Suddenly, I woke up, totally out of breath, and my shorts and sheets were COVERED in cum. I don’t know what freaked me out more: that I had finally had this “wet dream” I had only read about, or how real the dream felt. Glad to hear this was part of other people’s experiences too.
Nope never had one before. Though I was brave and asked my doctors nurse. She asked when I started masturbating, and due to the young age of 7 and the number of times my body didn’t have a need to expel on its on.
I had them alot as a kid, then I started to masturbate and haven’t since.
I remember, I was a horny little kid, too…
…so thank god I accidentally discovered self-pleasuring when I did.
Honestly, it seems so obvious to me that I was destined to happen upon the “forbidden palm technique” at *some* point in my youth.
I might have indeed passed several somnal emissions, if I didn’t ever — not knowing what to do with all that pent up sexual energy would have frustrated me so much, without a doubt.
OMG does this bring back memories. Yeah, first one was about age 11 and I woke up in a complete panic thinking I was sick or something…sticky stuff EVERYWHERE…embarrassed about what Mom would say about stained sheets, etc.
Then I figured it out what was happening and figured screw it if the sheets get stained – it felt great, “woody” was getting bigger and my shaking legs felt awesome! If only then I knew my nips were hot wired!!
..and yeah, I tasted it the 2nd time just to make sure it wasn’t an infection or something (only kidding, that was for the cum pigs online)
I think it’s hilarious that people can be sitting in front of the internet, one of the most extraordinary sources of information about just about anything, and argue about things rather than just look them up! If you do, you’ll learn that the available research indicates that “wet dreams” are very common, and the vast majority of men will experience them at some point in their lives.
I used to have them about once a week or so, despite regular masturbation. I have them much less frequently now. When they’re associated with a sex dream, they can be great! But I’ve also had them associated with urination dreams, where the approaching need to cum is translated in my dream as a need to urinate, and so I reflexively try to hold it back. That can kinda suck, lol.
Well I too have never had a wet dream. It is most likely related to the fact that not every body is the same. I doubt that a long period of time between ejaculations would be relevant to my younger days as I would wank as many times a day as possible though had periods of a week (14 missed jo @ least) and still no nocturnal emission. A bit of a waste of the tasty stuff anyway.
I’d have a wet dream all over that first guy in a heart beat. Who the fuck is that? Mega Hot! And I think maybe the older you get, and the less sex you have, the more wet dreams you experience, at least if you still have any libido. I speak from experience, unfortunately.
Sorry…just saw the guy’s name is Nick Ayler. Checked out the pix of him. WOW!
I’ve had at least 100 wet dreams. Starting at age 12
I had several wet dreams while I was a teenager. I am 33 now. Two weeks ago, I had a wet dream, ha! I thought I was too old for that. I guess not
I don’t remember ever having a wet dream but, I’ve had a sexual nightmare, lol.
I guess my subconscious is satisfied with how much sex I get when I’m awake !
Wet dreams rock. I have no desire to read all of that above (so maybe this has been covered) but if you want to have one, masturbate a bit before you go to sleep. Don’t cum but get close. Do some edging and then just go to sleep. It’s not a guaranteed thing but it does put you closer to the liklihood of it happening. It’s quite a wonderful surprise to awaken mid-orgasm.
I had a few over time the one that still bring me great joy ( LOL ) involved Jason Adonis and his fabulous ASS !! Oh one more thing my sheets where so wet I woke up thinking I was drowning ……… LOL Michael Putman U must really have a hard on 4 burritos That was the FUNNIEST wet dream that I have ever heard
Yea, I’ve never had one before but I’ve always wanted to experience it at least once. If it’s more amplified as the way guys on here have said, than definitely more than one. I would hold out from jacking off for a month but that would involve the whole “Blue Balls” factor and that is something I’d personally like to avoid. Hear it hurts like hell. Plus I saw 40 days and 40 nights. Josh Hartnett looked like he was dying in that movie.
I never had a wet dream until the summer before freshman year of college. I always heard about them, but I started masturbating when I was 11 so I never got to experience one. And then one night I had a pretty hot dream and the resulting orgasm was so powerful it literally woke me up. It was pretty good!
And for the record, I think that first photo of Nick Ayler may, literally, be THE hottest photo I have ever seen of a man on the Internet. Full frontal shots included.
The shaggy hair, facial scruff, even that little black string bracelet. Plus he’s laying in bed already. I’m pretty vanilla, but I would have dirty, filthy, nasty sex with him until we both couldn’t walk anymore.
Six of the 43 comments so far have been from Saint Impatience. Anyone else as bored as I am? Has anyone else read his long self indulgent blather?
I’ve always had them, from a young age. I don’t think it has to do with whether you jack off or “get any”. I’ve never lacked in that department, but still have wet dreams on a consistent basis.
Andy23, I want to thank you for your well thought out posts! Sheesh. It’s one thing to be ignorant, but a total other thing to blatantly push it on everyone else as fact! Thank you, Andy!
I’ve had 1 and almost had another. Don’t remember the first, other then being terrified of what I discovered in the morning when I woke up. Was like 13 at the time. Second time, like AAA stated above, in the dream I was at a place that I had been deployed to, yet was with a guy here I was falling for after I got back. The urge to cum transfer to the urge to piss in my dream so me and the guy were at the urinals in the building lol…it was such a relieving piss, yet, no cum when I woke up abruptly after that. Too bad really…
i had ONE… maybe 12-13 years ago (mid twenties now) still remember though lol…. i think it actually was my first time ejaculating also…. some weird sht with like two people going at it in full body latex lol…. must have seen a trojan commercial prior to idk…
YES, YES, YES !!! had a few… i started to masturbate when i was pretty young (taught myself @ 9 yrs when i got boners…no help from my 4 older bros or my 2 younger bros) anyways, i learned by myself to please myself, and then i taught it to a few good friends of mine (boy, they were thrilled to learn how to grasp and stroke their hard young cock and make it feel great) had many “dry” cums and great orgasms….every day and nite usually jerked a few doz times until i was totally exhausted….so i slept very well….so perhaps these 2 things combined made me not have hardly any wet dreams; still jack off several times each day as adult, sometimes wake with MORNING WOOD, but not had WET DREAM since youth.
Never ever… Yet. I’m only young, so yeh, plenty of time for that.
By the way, those first two photos are pure sex, especially the first one.
the guy in the first pic……..mmmmmmmmmmmm
you’re just making friends all over the place aren’t you, “tam is an ass”?
(it’s cute, how you apparently believe you’re speaking for The Majority.
even if you are, none of you can make me leave, without resorting to illegal methods.
{here’s a Pro’s Tip: remember that Saints are, indeed, backed by a Higher Power.})
so if you feel strongly enough about it, then try to shut me up.
Lucky Comment No. 7!)
..to address you, personally, tam: do you know what “if,” “probably,” “likely,” “perhaps,” “seems,” “believe,” and other such terms are? because i remember my using them a lot, previously.
even though most of my thoughts about the somnal emissions were strongly- or confidently-asserted, never•the•less almost all of them were still just conjectures.
if you have empirical evidence that can disprove my theories, feel free to provide it, todd.
otherwise, you can fuck off for calling me “ignorant,” when no actual ignorance (or asserting opinion as real Fact) was displayed.
some of the other things i said were deadpan quips, not meant to be taken in complete seriousness.
(how many more times do i have to admonish you-all for making Emotional Responses?)
I had one when I was on vacation with my family. Hadn’t been able to JO in a few days since I didnt have any privacy. woke up from an intense sex dream with a much larger than normal load plastering my boxers to my thigh. it was like all the jizz i hadn’t been able to unload the 5 days prior had added up and all came(literally) gushing out at once. was a huge relief, but then had to deal with my mom finding my cum soaked boxers…
saint impatience = complete tool
try to stay on topic guys…
Just because you call yourself a saint doesn’t make you one. You’ve proven you aren’t. A saint wouldn’t tell someone what you just told me.
Delusional is another word that comes to mind for you. You aren’t making friends either.
Good one ToddM. Apparently you got my point. Guess being a saint doesn’t necessarily make you smart.
Wait a minute! Wait!
I just read a bit of Saints last blathering post…
He says…
“(how many more times do i have to admonish you-all for making Emotional Responses?)”
This guy is a fucking loon!
Ever since i was 12…first wet dream folloqwed by many more…thick milky white cum…threw away tons of briefs too…lol…discovered jacking off..no more wet dreams…then fucked and sucked men n women…still jacking in betwen ..no more wet dreams…but will always remember the first night time shooting forever…
yeah yeah yeah.
cry me a river, little boys.
go organize yourselves Whining & Moaning party.
and don’t forget to bring plenty of T.A.M.pons, ladies.
since i’m not allowed to “blather,” then make sure you always keep the rest of your posts in Manhunt Daily, from hereön, to less than 30 words/2 lines.
(treylos: for your information, my *first* comment on this post was precisely “on topic.”
and relatively brief, too.
but then someone whose name doesn’t merit mention, anymore, just had to give an asinine reply to me on it.
you won’t tell me that you won’t ever launch a rebuttal against someone who’s trying to discredit you.
furtherly, if i’m guilty of not “staying on topic,” then you should cast more of your stones onto that person who originally instigated this shit, too..
..and onto those other individuals who “backed him,” with their mindless words that both lacked substance and were mean-spirited without justification.
´kinda like yours, as a matter of fact…)
“…with people like these running around, no wonder we can’t make any progress.”
just in case anyone missed it the first time around:
“somnal emissions” *falls on floor dying of laughter*…
And thanks again for bringing me up without mentioning my name, my initial response to yours was only meant for FYI not a personal assault as you happened to misconstrue it.
Contrary to what you might think I have no problem with you personally, I do however, have a problem with you peddling misinformation even if it was only meant to be flippant. And I must admit it did feel good shooting you down after you had the audacity to compare yourself to a scientist despite readily admitting you hadn’t even given the topic much thought. If it really doesn’t bother you than by all means take you and your “somnal” emissions to another manhunt post and start fresh. Clearly you’ve lost this battle.
And with that you sir have been slain!
It is so ordered.
i wasn’t aware that we were in 2nd grade, where shouting and juvenile taunts is to be expected.
my apologies..
(..it really does serve me, i guess, for not knowing what kind of “adults” hang around these parts, before i set foot here.
my bad.)
tell me: did that strike you as being the words of a person not sound of mind?
LOL. Do you think you are talking to children? You are so condescending and arrogant.
And no, you do not sound like a person of sound mind. Actually, you strike me as an overweight, chain smoking silly fool who sits around in a caftan and wearing fuzzy slippers wearing cheap jewelry and reeking of feminine perfume who fancies himself the grand dame on any message board he deems worthy of his silly blather. Kind of a Dame Edna type. LOL
This is sooooo much fun.
And Dame Edna, remember life is a banquette and apparently you are starving to death! LOL
Heading out for the evening. Try not to starve to death you lonely pitiful soul.
aww, you guys..
..thanks for continuing to help me like this.
you’re really fleshing out my research quite nicely!
LOL @ TAM dying in my chair!!!
who hasn’t had a wet dream … great pics … nice variety … just posting a comment so more guys will check out my manhunt profile
Ah, Dame Edna? We can’t give you the kind of help you need.
I’ve also never had a wet dream, even when forgoing masturbation for extended periods of time when with family etc.
Nope. Never. Once, maybe, but I think I may have been half-awake and jerking off.
In fact, when I was little the idea of wet dreams (and the subsequent clean-up issues) terrified me to the point where I’d jerk off with the express purpose of preventing them.
I feel bad for you guys who never experienced a wet dream. I probably had one a week for a couple of years starting at 12. I used to keep a clean pair of briefs under my pillow. Mine were always so very vivid and hot and they would always wake me with the convulsions. And everyone knows how “hands-free” are the best orgasm of all!
I feel bad for you guys who never experienced a wet dream. I probably had one a week for a couple of years starting at 12. I used to keep a clean pair of briefs under my pillow. Mine were always so very vivid and hot and they would always wake me with the convulsions. And everyone knows how “hands-free” are the best orgasm of all! PS this was also in spite of jacking everytime i had the opportunity
Given the questions these dolts at Manhunt throw at us, it’s not too difficult to see how questions, comments and visuals can easily stir controversy…then again, it is still a porn site…lol. I’d say your research is moot, Impatience. Not sure what you were going for that we don’t already know. Aside from the content itself, these responses are not atypical regarding human behavior. If someone baits the subject enough, the responses may vary, but remain primarily rote reactions.
Perhaps to the jaded gay men out there who still believe there is no schism within the gay ranks and that we somehow all share in the illusion that gay life is a like-minded, handholding, kumbayah lovefest, this might be an eye-opening revelation. But many Manhunt.net profiles already confirms this as being on the contrary…and yes, as does manhunt daily….another fine educational porn blog with naked men.
I remember learning about nocturnal emissions in health class my 5th grade year….didn’t happen to me until the following year…and for a moment thought i wet the bed…lol. I had a few wet dreams before the hand eventually took over…and soon after, my mom’s then-boyfriend. Yes, I was a repressed kid at age 11….
haha Heed MY WARNING! don’t feed the wild life. Trolls should not be encouraged to leave the comforting solitude of their mothers basements.
uh actually, somewhere in those comments there’s an intelligent wet dreamin’ homo who isn’t wasting oxygen.
but he’s obscured by school ground name calling!
Anyways, maybes, ifs, buts, and conjectures aside. I have never had a wet dream either. I jerk it too much.
I’ve had two that I can remember. One I don’t even remember the dream that caused it, and the second one must have been over-rampant hormones, cause I had no attraction to the guy I was boning in said dream in real life. xD
que lindos cuerpo
I’ve never had a wet dream, either. I have had a few sexual dreams so intense & real that I orgasmed in my dream, but not in reality. On numerous occasions, I’ve awakened while in subconscious sexual ecstasy & found myself sporting a rock-hard boner that absolutely would not go away until I masturbated. I think my lack of nocturnal emissions probably has to do with jacking off regularly. I went thru puberty earlier a few years earlier than most other guys, so……
Ok. Question. If this site is written in English, and the guys posting can read English, why can’t they post in English so everyone can understand? I TOTALLY am not being racist! I would just like to be able to understand what they are saying! That’s all!
Furtherly?!? That is NOT a word! Are you saying you are trying to improve the English language?!? IT DOESN’T NEED YOUR HELP! Sheesh! Tam is an ass has you pegged dead on!
I missed all of these later posts! Thanks, etxmuscle for posting and bringing this topic back up!
Never had a wet dream either…had some sex dreams though
Never had a wet dream until my senior year of college at age 22 (still 22 btw). In my dream i was approached by some guy to be in a porno and i agreed to be in it. My “costar”, for lack of a better word, had a perfect body and a pretty face; as he started giving me head i was ready to shoot my load. As a let him know that i was about to cum, he jerked me off to cum on his face. When i came in my dream, i came in real life. I was completely asleep for the actual dream but for when i ejaculated i was half awake. When i realized that it was a dream, i checked downstairs and sure enough there it was, a huge wet stain on my underwear and the side of my leg; i still had a hard on too. Both my roommates were in the room when this happened and the next morning i felt a little embarrassed because i didn’t know if i had made any noises or if they had noticed. I told them my experience and both said they were sound asleep. So that’s good! That was my first and only wet dream that i’ve had…
I have never had a wet dream… Guys who pre cum are more easily are prone to have wet dreams, but guys who dont pre cum have a lesser chance of it happening, not saying it does or doesnt happen, if u pre cum or dont..
Yep used to have them all the time. Over the years it’s not happened as much probably cause I masturbate and have sex often. But I do recall them with great fondness. Nothing beats a good wet dream
I am 30 and never had one. I started jacking off before I could cum. The first time I came was while jacking off I was falling asleep after orgasm and still holding my dick. Then I felt something hot opened my eyes to see cum