Thanks to Larry Craig, the whole public restroom sex fantasy has become severely tainted. Then again, was it ever really hot? I've never had such an experience, so I couldn't tell you. But I have to admit that I've gotten a little curious every time I see a gloryhole or some scribbling on the stall wall.
The thing that's turned me off about this sort of encounter is that it's often completely anonymous. There's no small talk, no opportunity to even ask what the other person is into. While a lot of guys may not like back-and-forth e-mails, I enjoy getting to know the man who's cock I'll be sucking. At the very least, I'd like to know that he's not a total freak.
Now would I ever have spontaneous sex with a fuck buddy or boyfriend in a public restroom? Absolutely! If the chemistry was there, I wouldn't even care that we were surrounded by the smell of piss and urinal cakes. Some day, my prince will come. And I'll do him while he bends over a toilet.
– Dewitt
And if you do…. let’s hope the police are handy.
Really… I’m as gay as they come, as out as they come, and as into fantasy and kink as they come, but public restrooms are for the public to use as a bathroom. Anyone and everyone could walk in, and even if you’re in a closed stall, nobody should have to be exposed to sex happening in public just because you need to urinate.
And in many restrooms I’ve been in, there’s only one stall, so what’s the next person supposed to do? Stand in there and wait, listening to you fuck while crossing his legs?
Sorry… but defending bathroom sex is just beyond the pale. Go fuck in your own bathroom if you want, but leave the public stalls alone.
i used to criticize ppl who had sex in club bathrooms…until I acutally did it once. A few months ago I hooked up with a bartender a a club and we had great sex in the bathroom after the club closed.
The lowest of lows…
my bf at the time blew me in the bathroom of the cemetery — where we had just visited dear ol’ dad.
yeah…i guess he is truly rolling over in his grave.
but hey — it was desolate — no one came in. unless u count me cumming IN bf’s mouth.
When I was an undergrad living with my parents and without a car, this was one of my few options. There were a couple well-known glory hole restrooms on campus, and I spent my share of time in there.
I did hook up with a couple major hotties (at least from the neck to the knees), and there was a certain excitement/danger factor that I enjoyed. I definitely prefer Manhunt, though.
Been approached a few times, but never done it in a restroom. That atmosphere is for a quickie. I prefer a “longie”.
when i was ten and my dad took me to the race track with him, i used the mens room where there were about 50 urinals and no divders…needless to say i never peed so much in one day…as long as your considerate it’s all good..but have actually seen guys on the floor in a department store where other people just walked in and got with anything…balance!
nope – a little too skeevy for me. I draw the line at that.
Oh yes!!! Even got caught at a roadside park by an undercover sheriff’s deputy. Never done it again, after name in paper and community service served. Told a guy I knew not to go there and the very next week he got caught in the same location.
Agree with furfiend, and as usual, annoyed by the other judgemental comments. When I was in College, the library bathrooms were the quick hook-up spot. As long as someone looked good, it was safe and discreet, it was exciting. Never got caught. I didn’t (and still don’t) always want to know someone’s life story or really anything about them, other than how they like to get off.
I Had no problem Yelling “Both of You Get the Fuck Out so I can take a SHIT”
Got fucked BB anon under stall today after reading this… do you think I’m gonna be ok?
Jeff: chances are you might be okay…
but nonetheless… be prepared.
Its fing amazing the rush of excitment thinking u might be caught. Kevin M in the first post zzzzzzzzzzz wake up and get a life. It a place to get cock thats it ,, u know who wants it when your there .Try it guys you will love it , i started at an early age as no internet then and no gay clubs anywhere near my town. It was the only way to meet guys.
ive hooked up in a toilet on more than one occasion. the last time was in a busy public toilet in the transit centre. needless to say i was caught by the cops and slapped with a public nuisance charge. my parents dont know about it and i had to declare it to gain citizenship and now have a criminal record. awesome. just wht i always wanted. never again tho. never ever again.
okay…I guess I’m wrong…I always blamed a lot of the bad rap that we get as gays, for being perverted and having tearoom trade…on the married guys…sounds like everyone does it…did it a few times when I was young and dumb…but too scary and too sleazy for me now…I have a house and money for a motel if I need it…don’t need to expose myself like that now…
don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind some peaking and groping and making plans for somewhere else…but there are clubs, bathhouses and resorts where you can have public sex and not offend anyone…come one guys…
HELL NO !!! Never FUCK where u SHIT !!! especially when it’s total stranger’s doing the shitting …….
Look – I’m not being judgmental; if you want to be trashy, be trashy. Suck all the anonymous dick you want. Bend over and get fucked by anyone and everyone, without ever knowing names. If that turns you on, more power to you. I really don’t care about that.
Just don’t do it where other people, who don’t want to be part of your trashy scene can be exposed to it when they’re doing something (A) they have a perfect right to – use a public bathroom and (B) that’s the PURPOSE of the space in question.
All you whiners talking about “Well, there’s a glory hole there, that’s what it’s FOR” need to get a fucking clue and a life. I’m sorry if you are living in a small town with no gay bars, or you’re so closeted you don’t want to be seen at one, or whatever. You know what? Life’s tough sometimes. That doesn’t give you license to take over a public bathroom so you can get your rocks off.
I’m so over this feeling of entitlement people have about “Well, I WANT this, therefore I can HAVE this no matter who it affects”. Your sex life isn’t more important than my (or my 10-year old nephew’s) right to use a public bathroom for what it was meant for.
After hours at a bar, with the staff? Sure. Abandoned industrial building? Fine. Back of your SUV parked in a dark lot somewhere? Go for it. But in a public bathroom where anyone, including a kid could walk in? Call the police.
All that used to happen before the advent of the internet and social networking sites. It was one way that guys could get off. It was certainly a “thrill” but it has died down now that you can meet people more safely from the privacy of your laptop. It still happens but certainly not like it did before. For the good or the bad, who knows. But play safe wherever you are – and don’t just assume that because you can see someone’s face and you think they are good looking that they are negative. Doesn’t matter whether it’s in a club, online, or in the bathroom.
Someone asked Dillinger why he robbed banks, and he said ” because that is where the money is/” Why have sex in restrooms? Because that is where the guys have their dongs out !