Have You Ever: Paid For An Escort?

escorting, paying for sex, stigma, taboo, rentboy, gay, hooker, prostitute, money, thrill, companionship, question, Gio NYC, model, uncut cock, Venezuelan, bubble butt, versatile

There’s obviously a stigma around paying for sex. People assume that all men who shell out cash for ass are old, insecure, closeted or just plain ugly. But if you ever chat with someone who’s worked as an escort, you’ll quickly realize that it’s really not that simple. 

The reasons for renting another human being for a few hours are impossible to count. Some people get off on the thrill of money exchanging hands. Others are merely looking for the companionship, without dealing with the complications. Sometimes it’s just about fulfilling a fantasy.

So without any judgment from us, we have to ask–have you ever paid for sex? What motivated you to do so? And while we’re touching upon this topic, have any of you ever been paid for sex? How did it make you feel?

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Joseph Smileuske

To see more pics of the man above, follow the JUMP:





Kudos to Unzipped for pointing us in the direction of Gio, the man featured in this post. You can learn more about him and his 9×6″ uncut Venezuelan cock at his website. And in case you’re wondering, he’s versatile…

26 thoughts on “Have You Ever: Paid For An Escort?

  1. Never paid for it, unless you count the one time I was rolled by a one-night stand many years ago. Thought about hiring someone as a treat for hubby on his birthday, or some other special occasion.

  2. The guy who always says hubby bothers me.
    Talk about yourself make your boyfriend talk about himself.
    I may sound like a douche, but that bothers me tons =]

  3. Sorry, Aiden. Hubby doesn’t read this blog, and I’m not about to reveal his real name in a forum like this. He’s a respected lawyer in the area, and there are still those who would hold his gayness against him.
    Personally, I wouldn’t hire a professional, and, nor be one, I should have made that clear in my first post. Nothing against them. I think prostitution should be made legal, regulated, and taxed like any other business. Just like the legalization of marijuanna.
    I’m sorry you feel somehow offended by my post, but get over it. We all have reasons for how we respond here.

  4. Hubby doesn’t bother me as much as the word “boi”. You are a boy or a man. Boi sounds sooo feminine and annoying.
    And yes, I have been paid for sex. Over 10 years ago. One guy in particular was a gorgeous model for a large local department store. I once asked him why he needed to pay for it and he said that cruising the bars took too much effort. God he was handsome. Would have done him for free. He must have liked me.
    I would say that easily 85 to 90% of the guys were decent and fun.

  5. I luv it when Michael W talks about his hubby, it breaks the stereotype that gays are these sex hungry guys and its nice to see someone that has a meaningful relationship with someone he loves. don’t be jealous aiden because you don’t have anybody that wants to be your hubby, thats why you can’t talk about a hubby.
    that aside no i have never paid for sex, but wouldn’t mind breaking this rule for Malachi Marx

  6. well this whole comment post has gone off track. anywho.
    Ive had offers before, but i never took them up. I kept weighing the money and the slutty factor. besides it was men 3 times my age. not so muc of a turn on in my book. anywho i never went thru with it. altho i could sooo use the money right now. 😛

  7. Never paid or been paid for sex. I think if the guy’s disinterested enough in you that you have to pay, it probably wouldn’t be worth it.
    Of course, I’m not gonna say that I would definitely never pay for sex, if the guy was hot enough.

  8. Yup. I’ve paid for it. Did I need to? Nope. I’m fit, muscular, handsome based on most gay men’s definitions and financially successful. I paid for it because I got the “look” I was hoping for, the sex I wanted and didn’t have to worry about the guy calling me back for a second date – unless I wanted it. And best of all: the sex was truly amazing.

  9. I’m young(ish), so this may change, but I’ve haven’t paid for it, but I was once paid. It was during my second year of college, I was a bit down on cash and this older guy offered me a hundred to top him. Overall was about an hour, with the first half of it consisting of him talking to me about his problems, family, work the whole thing. Honestly, the sex seemed secondary

  10. Hmmm, I haven’t ever paid for sex, but I see nothing wrong with it for either the rent boy or the john. I do, however, find the hairy stud in the pics to be hot as all hell! Beautiful, muscular with amazing eyes and lips, a butt that is made for licking and eating as well as a dick that makes me drool!

  11. I don’t see anything wrong with paying or being paid. I’ve paid a couple of times, not because I had too per say, but because like Chad said – I got the look I wanted, the sex was amazing, and I didn’t have to worry about the calls for a second date. I’ve also been paid a few times. It was kind of thrilling. I was able to make some extra money doing something I enjoy and usually do for free, and again – I didn’t have to worry about it turning into a second date. The only time I was uncomfortable being paid was when an older guy, who was extremely unattractive, paid me a large sum of money to fulfill a fantasy of someone breaking into his house and ‘raping him’. It was the longest two hours of my life, but I was in college and needed the extra cash.

  12. I’ve never paid for it – I love sex as much as the other guy, but if I can’t get with someone, I let my fingers do the rubbing, LOL. But I have to say at least three times when I’ve been on chatrooms (moreso back in the days of AOL then in the last few years) escorts have asked me if I’d be interested. A couple hours after I’d say no, they’d come back and ask if I’d be interested in having sex, no charge. I always turned them down though. Didn’t want to pale in comparison to some of their paying customers, LOL.

  13. I agree the model is definately hot…never paid for it but I’ve had several dancers ask me if I wanted a private party…and a couple of them have been hot…still looking for a really good reason to part with the cash for sex.

  14. I was an escort for about two years in order to pay for college, and I loved it. Most guys just wanted to talk, spend time together, body contact stuff. I can count on both hands the number of guys that actually wanted to have full blown sex.
    As for how it made me feel, there are few things as empowering as having a guy pay 120 dollars to suck your cock for an hour.

  15. I have never paid for sex! But I have been given gas money to go to guys house to suck him off. It was his Idea not mine. Does that count.I can’t charge a guy for doing something I luv to do for free.

  16. I have paid for sex numerous times. I only pay for topnotch (mostly bi/straight) guys I wouldn’t be able to get otherwise. Sometimes, it’s also the most convenient thing to do when you want it at a specific time that you’re horny and/or need a massage (some of them give really good pro massages). You won’t have to spend hours and hours cruising online, doing endless, frustrating back and forth emails with (mostly average) guys who’ll only end up flaking at the last minute anyway — next thing you know, you just wasted 2-3 hours of your time that could have been spent in pleasure with a superhot guy.
    On the other hand, I have been paid for sex a few times already. Sometimes it’s plain cash, sometimes a nice dinner and show/movie or a combination of those. Many times, they don’t even end up in sex. There are just nice guys with money who like my companionship and intelligent conversation that I provide I guess.

  17. Oh, forgot to add that there have also been some escorts/masseurs who have offered their services to me for free. I’ve also seen my ass pic on my profile used by escorts on Craigslist as well as being propositioned here. LOL! I wonder if it’s my ass pics but they seem to exude a whore vibe or something. LOL.

  18. i started paying for sex at around the age of 40.at first it was very fun…like a kid in a candy store..now in my 50’s it is was what it is ..just sex.. a lot of disappointing escorts and a few gems who i keep as regulars..never was into relationships so fortunately i have the money to pay when im horny.

  19. Yes and with no regrets. Tired of the online bullshit from liars and game players and not the bar type.
    As others have said, it is the chance to get exactly what you want, have a conversation up front about expectations, be professional/show up on time, tip at least 10% if decent and you’ll have an awesome time.
    Also = do your research. No prices posted = AVOID. No reviews = AVOID.
    I have 3 guys across the country that will always find time to fit me in…one guy in NYC even will have dinner with me to just hang..sometimes splitting the tab, sometimes my treat. And yes – he is the ultimate escort threat – hung 10×6, a licensed masseur so you get relaxed first (or afterwards!) and he is just scorchingly hot…the most respect you show him, the more it plays back in a scorchingly hot time and not a clock watcher. Some clients he’s told me about are total assholes!
    To each his own!

  20. i escorted for a while and would consider doing it again, it was fun to be honest and the variety was interesting….mostly business trippers, people who can’t be asked for the drama of trawling and then the calls after….mostly it was people I’d have slept with if i was drunk and partying anyway…..just paid the bills instead!

  21. I never paid 4 it have been offer money 4 sex ( decline every time ) Although I have never paid 4 sex I will admit there is a certain fantasy that comes with the because I can attitude like all the high society Ladies paying Richard Gere ( N American Gigolo ) 4 his service’s

  22. one of my favorite escorts over the years is now a major porn star..i must say its a lot better live than watching it on a video

  23. I hired an escort once. It was after I ended a long-term relationship. I wanted to get “back into action” and I was wary of the whole dating/hookup thing. I knew from past experience that it can be quite a challenge to connect with a nice guy and result in good sex… I wanted my first post-relationship sex to be good. Besides, hiring an escort had been a fantasy of mine. I definitely didn’t needed to pay for sex. I was young, in shape and cute (still am). But as someone already said, you get to pick someone of your “type” without worrying whether they will be willing to have sex with you! I always had a weak spot for tall guys, so I found a very tall guy. He is still the tallest guy I’ve ever had sex with. It turned out very well and I had a great time. However, I also concluded that in order for me to have really amazing sex, I need to connect with the guy over multiple meetings. That would be too expensive with escorts.
    I also have the reverse fantasy of being paid for sex. So yeah, I’d be up for it 🙂 The biggest worry is that if I do offer myself as an escort, I may end up with a customer that I really don’t want to have sex with… Hmmm.

  24. After my partner of 25 years died after a 5 1/2 battle with colon cancer I found the perfect way to have my needs met.
    I was monogamous with my partner but the sex went out of our relationship early, especially after he was diagnosed with cancer.
    I am 56 years old and I am not going to play any games and go through the bullshit of the bars. Been there, done that when I was in my 20’s. I know what I want and NEED and willing to pay for it. I am not in great shape but I am not in bad shape. It is a controlled situation where the limits are discussed before hand. I don’t want a relationship, one was enough.
    My perfect combination is to have a therapeutic massage (I have back problems) that include some sex. It depends on the massage therapist exactly what that is. Many escorts do this combination also.
    My therapists are great at massage, have excellent bodies, friendly, spiritual, and are very professional. They understand both needs and are willing to accommodate me. Many have become my friends.
    I live in SLC and there many that will accommodate me. When I travel I have a massage as a treat. There are many websites that are available to find what you want.

  25. First, for those who declare that they’d NEVER pay for it, remember never to say never.
    Second, yes, I was paid on a few occasions when I was younger (in my early 20’s). It was never a huge amount of money but the extra cash was nice for gas, cigarettes and booze.
    Once I hit 40 it became increasingly more difficult to connect with men my age or younger. Too many men my age were in relationships and those a bit younger didn’t want a relationship. So, on a trip out of town (Phoenix, specifically) I took the plunge and hired an escort. And it was money well spent, let me tell you. There was nothing illicit or dirty about it; I had needs and he was willing to fulfill them in exchange for a financial contribution. The good guys are on time, attentive to your needs, and respectful and I’ve only had one occasion where the man I hired didn’t live up to my expectations. I’m an older (45 now) heavier guy but the men I hire make me feel desired, wanted, safe and loved — even if it’s just for a few hours. And that’s enough for me. If I need to “get off” without much of a “emotional” connection, if you will, I am happy to hire out for erotic massage and I have a few men I see from time to time who provide that. In closing, there is nothing wrong with paying for quality companionship. And that’s just my two cents.

  26. I wouldn’t pay for it, however found myself involved in a relationship with an escort for a number of years. I had no issues with his profession; ultimately he couldn’t deal with the guilt he felt and ended the relationship. It is just a job (as a bartender back in college days I was paid to take my shirt off and wear tight, sleezy shorts – there wasn’t a whole lot of difference).

  27. I’m in my mid-20s… I don’t consider myself very attractive, but I only find myself sexually attracted to guys who are WAY out of my league. So, I got rejected every single time.
    Since I’m now willing to pay a guy for sex, I’ve been able to have sex with guys who I had NO shot with before, and I enjoy myself. Sure, I’m broke, but at least I enjoy the sex.

  28. I started charging for sex when I was 17, not for the money – my dad is filthy rich – but for the thrill. I’m not particularly handsome, and I charged really expensive. This combo led me to a large list of clients. Did it for about 5 years.

  29. I did escorting for years and I loved every minute of it. I love money and I love sex so when you involve the 2, I find it to be a win-win situation. I mostly did it in NYC while I was in the military stationed in NJ. I also met a lot of nice guys who I still talk with to this day. There is absolutely nothing wrong with paying for sex. I have also done that as well. I’m really shy and most men don’t find men with no confidence a turn-on so I would just cruise Rentboy.com and pay for exactly the type of man I like. To each his own.

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