I don’t know a single guy who’s never thought about having a bigger penis. Even guys with thick, mouth-watering eight-inch cocks will look over enviously at the guy next to him with a thicker, nine-inch cock. With all the products out there that claim to provide “miraculous” results, it’s tempting to spend a couple of bucks for those extra inches, but do they work? More importantly, have you ever tried one of them?
This question came to mind when I saw that the Magnum Penis Stretcher was one of last week’s most-sold items in the MANHUNT Shop. I didn’t even know such a product existed! As I sat at my computer terrified, my co-worker slammed a sample device onto my desk. I became even more terrified when he told me that you’re supposed to wear it for 8-12 hours per day. People actually use these things? Wow!
– Dewitt
For some pictures of penis enlargement products in action, follow the JUMP:
Some of those look extremely painful.
I think I’ll stick with my 7-3/4 X 2-1/2. Haven’t had any complaints yet.
These cocks look deformed. I would rather have a small proportionate penis than a long stretched mutilated one. (Not that I have a small penis or anything. HA HA HA)
oh hell no!
I was slipped Extenze from a friend(i take an Acai Berry Suppliment & It got switched out. lol well, let me tell you… Extenze works.
Plus the incresed Libido hehe
I would never spend money on something but the two pills i took , i woke up with an extra maybe 1/2 inch to 1 1/3 inch. i noticed it was bigger. i don’t quite know how it works, but it sure as Hell doesn’t look as painful as some of those devices. i mean christ, why would someone want to pump ? that looks to be the most painful device ever built. But i will stick with extenze if i want a little more blood flow
I’ve used a pump…and hell yes it can be painful, if you don’t know what you’re doing…but did find out later…if you properly measure and use one correctly…it will extent you penis…however…it “HAS” to be a proper fit…the ones that will fit your cock and balls can make you very sore…
I got a massage from a guy and he told me he was into pumping and I let him put one on me…it was only about a 1/2″ thicker than my cock…he only used it for about 5 min…my cock was almost an inch longer and my erections were firmer for two to three days…
I know a couple who “swear” by those stretching things…they both have nice cock…but have never really told me how much length they’ve gained, but both have nice long and thick cocks…
I”ve never heard anyone say that something like extenze works…but after hearing what B has to say…maybe give it a whirl…and yes I’m one of those lucky guys with almost 9 x 6…but as I mature (okay dammit, get older)…having an erection like a 16 year old is pretty damn desireable…
oh yeah…back in the midwest…there was this really hot guy…he was one of the youngest in the group that used to get together for swim parties dinners and such…he would drop his pants at the drop of a hat to show off his big cock…and it was big, but it was all purple and deformed from so much pumping…his face and body were gorgeous, but his cock was outright ugly…
I nicknamed him Barney…because of the big purple monster in his pants…LOL!
I’ve never really had a desire to enlarge my penis. I’m happy with my six inches.
Now keeping it up, that’s one place I could use a little help.
standard hands, only jelqing is fine… just some guys are pretty stupid with how they go about doing it, otherwise they’re just gonna lose too much sensation… which i only reccomend skipping breaks if you’re a a helpless 2 minute max.