Sure, this may seem like a cheap attempt to plug Dominic Ford‘s 3D porn, but it’s more likely an excuse to post these really hot pictures of Spencer Reed and Cameron Marshall. Also, we’re legitimately curious about whether you’ve tried watching 3D porn.
In particular, do you think it added anything to your masturbation experience? Or was it just a novelty that you could have done without? I’ve been wondering how people felt about this concept ever since watching Whorrey Potter & The Sorcerer’s Balls.
Not to mention that I also needed an excuse to mention Dominic Ford‘s new contest “So You Think You Can Fuck“. Basically, it’s a game show where you get to have sex on camera, and anyone is encouraged to apply. I’d love to see one of you emerge as the winner, so be sure to head over to the site and submit your application!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Dominic Ford
To check out Spencer Reed and Cameron Marshall in action, follow the JUMP:
I saw Whorrey Potter & The Sorcerer’s Balls w/ Matthew rush, it was not good the action was lame and the 3-D made it worst.
I saw Whorrey Potter and absolutely loved it! It was hysterical, until it was got really hot.
I watched it both in 2D and in 3D. The coloring was better in 2D (because I only have a regular TV and couldn’t use their 3D TV format). But I LOVED it in 3D. It made the sex hotter (I felt like I could reach out and touch them), and it made the funny parts funnier (like the floating cock that comes out of the screen and almost slaps you).
and why do we not get to see the blonde guy’s junk?!
well I don’t tend to watch porn alone, I tend to watch porn with someone and then we forget about the porn.
seems like 3d porn would be a solo sport, otherwise, fumbling with the 3d glasses on, off, on , off …
Tried to look at the 3D stills with my Avatar glasses – didn’t work. Guess I’ll have to find one of the old-school red/green lens goggles.
I think 3-D porn is cool, and it’s new. I am all for the porn industry experiment with new techniques. Are there any other studios doing anything new? I believe you should always be the first. If a path is not there then create one. Then down the road when everyone has moved on to 3-D will have moved on 2 something new and exciting Always push the envelope.
I’m a huge fan of Ford’s 3D work. It makes the sex much hotter, it really makes you feel like you are sitting next to the guys. I have much better feel for the guy’s bodies now because you can really sense all the dimensions of their bodies. 2D porn bores me now because it’s not as interesting. I really feel like a voyeur in 3D – it’s like I’m peering into their bedroom from a window (but a lot closer up).
cuz he’s the bottom – mouth and ass are all that matters
Bummer! My “Avatar” leftovers don’t work!
LOL…I wish someone would of been around to film this old man pounding a hot 19 year old this morning…
I do have the old fashioned mirrored closet doors, so I got to watch. I’m 6’2″ about 200lbs, he is 5’7″ and about 130lbs., (love living in socal, where the twinks, love the dads!), it sure made me hold my gut in when looking in that damn mirror, but I doubt that anyone else would of been interested in watching…
GTM I am glad nobody was around this morning …
Blackjack…I’ll bet you are very unattractive. Just seems like you DON’T have it goin’ on.
That entire story made me gag!
Get a life Black Jack.
BlackJack. You sound like a loser..
Like all fads that come and go, I thought this one had died back in the 50s. Here’s hoping it dies again soon.
I don’t get all the hating on 3D. If you don’t like 3D, then watch it in 2D and quit complaining. It’s not like you lose anything by having the option of watching something in 3D…