Here’s some shots of Henry Cavill on the set of The Man of Steel. The edgiest thing you could do for Superman right now is just let him fly around like that. No shirt, beard, muscular body, and looking rough and tough. We’d be committing crimes just so he’d round us up. Hell, I’d be hijacking buses full of nuns and cursing out puppies to earn a shirtless Superman fly-by.
– J. Harvey
For more pics of Henry, Follow the JUMP:
this man is absolutely gorgeous and i have no doubt he’ll be quite good as the new superman….but i’m still partial to the christopher reeve/brandon routh muscular/lanky image of superman.
Good lord, yes please.
ohhhh HENRY!!! What a man! The “total package!” Did you see him in “The Tudors?” Oh, I feel faint!
about time a REAL man with some FURR on him!
like him in Tudors, will LOVE him as the Man of Steel, he can come use his ‘steel’ on me ANYTIME….rocking body, looks good dressed in period costumes, as superman and how he is here.
Henry Cavill really IS the Man of Tomorrow! And the next day…and the next day….
Hot, Furry, Beefcake Double YUMMMMMMMM
SUUUUUPER man!!!! woof!
J. Harvey’s review was so perfect attuned to what I was thinking I’m just going to repeat it.
“The edgiest thing you could do for Superman
right now is just let him fly around like that. No shirt, beard,
muscular body, and looking rough and tough. We’d be committing crimes
just so he’d round us up. Hell, I’d be hijacking buses full of nuns and
cursing out puppies to earn a shirtless Superman fly-by.”
Nice to see a Superman with chest hair. Although Brandon Routh from the last Superman was smooth I was not complaining
I can wait to see Henry Carvill in the new movie, ‘Immortals’. Dam I would love to see him full frontal naked and his naked ass. LOL
Correction: I can’t wait to see Henry Carvill in the new movie, ‘Immortals’.
How would superman shave?
Quick! Let’s bust out the Pink Kryponite and make our way back to the Fortress Of Solitude ;D
Cavill has been one of my primo celeb crushes for about 4 years now, so glad to see him getting some success. As long as he remembers that clothing is optional.
I know they won’t but I so hope they keep the beard & fuzzy chest!!
As for shaving, in an episode of Lois & Clark he shaved by using the bathroom mirror to reflect his heat vision “beams” to burn/cut off his stubble. Makes sense I guess.
Ehhhh… great muscles, yes. But I’ve never really been crazy about the guy.
He is all beefy and sexy but isn’t Superman supposed to be clean cut and “All American”? He looks more like he’s trying out for Wolverine. Hot and all but still…
Wow, Superman needs to have his shirt off more often! Henry is freakin’ hot!
You think that Clark Kent would shave more, just cuz all that body hair would rub again his latex suit so much!