Ranker (via Queerty) has a post depicting sexy celebrity guys and their oh-so-precious pets. Let me tell you something about adorable canine companions. Not only are they the best friends you’ll ever have, but they can get you laid. True story – this is my dog Cooper:
Cooper is a two-year-old teacup poodle. Don’t mistake him for a softie, he’s a fierce lion warrior. He’s also a total ass magnet. He’s so tiny and adorable that even the most remote gymbunny jock type narcissist kneels down to coo over him. That’s when I strike! It works with babies, too, but where can you put a baby while you’re humping a stranger?
So these jerks not only get all the tail (male or female) they want anyways, but they have to rub it in with cute pets! Greedy show-offs. Greedy HOT show-offs.
– J. Harvey
p.s. There’s also a cat, and a goat, and a…stuffed dolphin(?) in there, as well. I just focused on dogs cuz’ dogs are the best creatures ever.
To see more celebs with their awesome dogs, Follow the JUMP:
So who’s the guy with the stuffed shark? He’s cute as can be, but I can’t place his name. And I must admit I’m a little disappointed Ian Sommerhalder is a cat person.
his name is Matthew Gray Gubler, he plays on the show Criminal Minds.
Thanks, Alan! I’ve seen him on that show a few times. Quite a cutie.
Who are all of these actors? Of course, I recognized Clooney, Pitt, and Gyllenhaal, but I have no clue who the others are…
rob lowe with the big cat….i knew i liked him for a reason
Cooper is cute!
From the bottom (above Gyllenhaal): Jared Padelicki (Supernatural, Gilmore Girls, Friday the 13th), John Cena (wrestler, some bad action flicks), Ian Somerhalder (Vampire Diaries, Rules of Attraction), Adam Brody (One Tree Hill?, bad rom-coms), Zach Braff (Scrubs, various decent independent flicks), Matthew Gray Gublar (thanks, Alan!) (Criminal Minds).
aw shit, i thought that was rob lowe and not ian somerhalder…oops
like an old pic of him or something
Thanks, I was lazy this morning.
Ian Somerhalder is totally a cat person… and I love it.
Okay, never thought I’d say this, but bring on the pussy! I mean seriously guys, what’s wrong with celebs and not having a cat?!?!?!
Thank you for filling us in. It sure helps haveing the name with the face.
I can’t believe not ONE of you bitches commented on how awesome my dog is. If it was friggin’ DEWITT’S dog, you’d be ooo-ing and ah-ing! *grumble*
That’s because your dog is TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!
Max Adler’s dog is also pretty cute…
What the hell is Cena holding? A goat? So much for his gangsta image.