Hot Flash: Michal Boothe

Every now and then, I’m going to surprise you with another Hot Flash post. It’s going to come out of nowhere, and you’ll be like, “Whoa! This is so crazy! I thought Manhunt Daily had extinguished this series altogether, but they’ve brought it back, and my mind is blown!” Or you’ll just say something obnoxious like “meh”.

These are a bunch of pics by photographer Michal Boothe. They’re simple, minimal and other words that are synonyms for “simple” and “minimal”. While you may not love all of the models, I’m pretty certain at least one of them will appeal to your tastes… Right? Right?

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Michal Boothe

Click through for more pics by this photographer:

119 thoughts on “Hot Flash: Michal Boothe

  1. For a moment there, I thought I was looking through a high school locker room peep hole! 

  2. WOW!!!  THANKS FOR THIS.  Wish this was a regular future…the models are about the best you have had on here.

  3. most of these guys are less than average, and the quality of the photography is not high… poor lighting, dull setting, bad poses, framing average at best… no contrast, no point of focus, and none of them tell us anything beyond meh looking campish insufficiently worked out guy with dodge hair posing sloppily with a vacant look with no background to give any interest to an otherwise dreary shot…

    amateur snap quality with amateur guys. no more like this please

  4. I will take the guys ( in pixs  3,4,5,6,11 & 13 after the jump ) they are all very BOOTY-LIC-IOUS & FUCKABLE !!!

  5. yeah if that high school was a TV drama where the characters are played by actors who are several years older than the average high school age.

  6. The opening guy is totally hot (great eyes).  Also like the guys in 5, 6, 7 and 9.  (7 and 9 especially.)

  7.  As in, the photo at the top that is displayed in the truncated form of the post when you are browsing through the list of posts. Post-jump is everything after the truncated form.

  8. Yeah, I wanted to see more of the first guy. A couple others were ok…

    The photos are ok. Not great, not horrible.

  9. Agreed.  I wasn’t into this post so much until I got to him and my dick was like, “Hello!” 🙂

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