Hot Flash: Sergio Contreras by Valero Rioja

Hairy, bearded and lightly inked model Sergio Contreras has been blowing up my Tumblr feed. Considering most people don’t sit around on the internet reblogging pictures of people they’re not attracted to, I’m going to take this as an indication that I’m not the only one who wants to sit on his face and/or unload my balls all over his fuzzy torso.

Part of the appeal, of course, might be Valero Rioja‘s outstanding photos for Rocket magazine. They project a warmth onto Contreras’ rugged exterior, thanks to natural lighting and shots that barely look staged even when he’s looking directly at the camera. I mean, really, aren’t these images quite beautiful?

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Valero Rioja

Check out Rioja’s full spread of Sergio Contreras below:

Sergio Contreras by Valero Rioja for Rocket Magazine

Sergio Contreras by Valero Rioja for Rocket Magazine

Sergio Contreras by Valero Rioja for Rocket Magazine

Sergio Contreras by Valero Rioja for Rocket Magazine

Sergio Contreras by Valero Rioja for Rocket Magazine

Sergio Contreras by Valero Rioja for Rocket Magazine



31 thoughts on “Hot Flash: Sergio Contreras by Valero Rioja

  1. Veal like body, ugly ink, smoker. Yay! Where do I sign up! (sarcasm) Beautiful eyes and face will only go so far.

  2. Ever hear, “if you don’t have something nice to say about someone, don’t be an insulting cunt.”?

  3. Hmmm, interesting. So you can express negative opinions to someone’s comment, even throwing in some profanity for good measure, but he shouldn’t?

  4. When someone makes insulting and sarcastic (his own admission) comments based on someone’s appearance, you’re darn right I’m going to respond. There was nothing negative about my comment. How is expecting politeness over insults vaguely negative? Yes, I used profanity to punctuate my point. So what? insults and those who use them go shouldn’t go unchecked.

  5. This post has a negative side effect…I am actually saddened by the FACT that he is not, and NEVER WILL BE my man!!! Truth is a bitter pill to fucking swallow!!!

  6. Look up vapors & I believe you’ll find a new phrase to utilize.
    Commonly misused & terribly funny when you actually know
    what “vapors” eludes to….. it isn’t weak in the knees, as most
    people believe (ie: swooning). Google it.

  7. The primary insult as I see it wasn’t to any aspect of the model not under the model’s control. He opted to coat his body with grafitti and he chooses to smoke.

    If he’d belittled the guy for something out of his control – nose too large for his taste, eyes crooked, etc. – that would have been out of bounds, IMO.

    Again, what people don’t seem to grasp here is that MH is a company, pushing products – in this case, promoting a model. As consumers, we’re not only free to accept or reject that product, but to tell the company our opinions of it.

    And it’s clearly something MH is sensitive about: most of the online dating sites I know of have a field where member can indicate whether they’re smokers or not. Manhunt categorically refuses to do so, even when it allows members to specify both the length, thickness AND circumcision status of their penises, as well as their weights AND their “builds”. I know far more people who will refuse to date/sleep with a smoker than who will reject a man because he’s uncut, but in Manhunt World, it’s taboo to make it easy to find non-smokers. Probably because the folks who built this site both smoke like chimneys and have been rejected for it.

  8. As I remember it, it was about the same time women were thought to be possessed and a case of the vapors was actually the female orgasm… either the physicians didn’t want to see it, or admit it, or really didn’t believe it was possible.

  9. His entire post was insulting. Veal body (whatever that means), ugly ink, smoker. Taboo to make it easy to find nonsmokers? What, you can’t just ask someone if they smoke? Unless you work there, you don’t know, so hush.

  10. “The vapors” was a catch-all name for many different “female conditions” during the Victorian Era. These included hysteria, mania, clinical depression, fainting, mood swings, and what we refer to now as PMS and bipolar disorder. The vapors were attributed to the practice of wearing corsets, the poor diet of wealthy Victorian socialites (anemia was common), and the belief that a sickly woman trying to recuperate was viewed as desirable.

    Of course, when the fairer sex were overcome with the vapors, they would have their fainting couch nearby to regain their composure.

    In my psychology classes, the books noted the probability that way back when, women were thought to be non-sexual beings. They were in society to procreate and make their men happy. They got no enjoyment out of sex. Contrarily, it was believed that women would see something they thought was hot and it would “suddenly get warm in here”. They would swoon, and have to sit down. “They got a case of the vapors.”

    The only place I found your reference was on I like mine better. 🙂

  11. FWIW: Veal is young beef – should be self-explanatory, but I guess to some people…

    Ink and smoking, I repeat, are choices. Unless you think anyone’s choices are so sacred that no one may criticize them, then his post expressed nothing more than his opinion and he’s free to express it. Some people, though, are not just satisfied with disagreeing with someone else’s opinion; they have to insult the person for even HAVING that opinion.

    And your point about “you can’t just ask” applies to every single other attribute on which Manhunt makes it easy to search. You can even search, if you want, for men who claim to have uncut cocks at least 9.5″ x 5.5″ – down to HALF INCHES – so clearly Manhunt considers that something worthy of lavishing attention on. And yet – despite multiple requests from many, many people, smoking choices are not a searchable option. That tells you what the company thinks is relevant.

  12. How about, “If you don’t like something, just move on”? Yes we know, :Whine:”I don’t like tattoos” :End whine:, but yet the op came here & looked ANYWAY when it said he had them in the header!!!! If you don’t like something, why go look? So I will add stupid to Dak’s insulting…

  13. Translation: Because *I* don’t want to hear criticism about someone *I* find attractive, anyone who disagrees with *me* shouldn’t post anything.

    Newsflash: “Comments” is not the same thing as “Only gushing appreciation allowed”.

    And Dewitt: OK, let’s skip conspiracy theories. You work at Manhunt. Presumably you do something all day besides write two or three blog posts and watch porn – surely you have some contact with the folks who run the profiles side of the business. Why don’t YOU get an answer for us why they refuse to undertake the simple task of adding an (OPTIONAL) field to indicate whether a member smokes?

    Oh, and Dewitt: While things like “lightly inked” are always to some degree subjective, I think it says a great deal about lack of objectivity to refer to someone who’s got large patches of ink on both forearms, both upper arms, and random words stuck in as well. If that’s “lightly” inked, I’m Grandma Moses.

  14. No, it’s NOT because I find him attractive. I don’t give a damn one way or another. It’s fucking stupid if someone hates tattoos, sees them in the main page pic & the header says he has them but they come here anyway just to bitch! Why else would it happen?

    There’s such a thing as constructive criticism & just going out of your way to bitch. It’s always the same thing, “too many tats”, “ruined his body”, “when he’s older…”, “can’t stand tats”, every single time! If I don’t like the looks of someone or something about someone I don’t look, let alone post. It’s rude to the people who do like them. But with tat haters, no, they have to come say it every single time!!!

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